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(# 31)Never try to drink a Klingon under the table

Posted on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 8:59pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 6:10pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: (Morning of the first day after arrival at Nebula)


David was almost face down on his desk, he'd been a 'guest of honor' while a Klingon General and his father had stopped over following the arrival of the station at the Lagoon Nebula. The seven previous cups of coffee had only helped dull the pains of the substantial hang-over he had, he'd managed to get a shower and change of uniform before starting what was going to be a long day. David stood to get a coffee when the hiss of the door caught his attention, "Hello?" David called out from behind the partition wall.

A crewman just stood there with an archival box on an anti-grav cart, David pointed too the small conference table where the box was placed and the crewman left. The box was almost indistinct too most, except for the age. there was a hand written note pasted to the lid, 'good luck' was scrawled on it.

David felt himself snap to an almost sobber state, "Commander Callaghan and Lieutenant Veran-Dallas to Intelligence office please."

Isabelle was just entering Ops when the call came through, she exchanged curious looks with Shauna.

“We’re on our way Lieutenant” Shauna responded, as she headed over to Isabelle and they left Ops together. It wasn’t long before they were outside the Intelligence office, walking straight in Shauna nodded as she greeted David. “Is there something wrong Lieutenant?”

"Commadore Sureth wanted everyone briefed on the latest with the Essary, the locals around the nebula, plus I needed two officers present when I opened this thing up." lightly thumping his fist on the archival box.

Isabelle looked at David curiously “May I ask what that box is? And what it contains?”

"It's from the intelligence archives on earth, its the full original files on this sector up to twenty-two forty something, mission reports, after action reports involving the Essary, and an initial report about meeting the Kos'iri, I think there's a couple of files on why the solar system Mesari two seven three is off limits, let alone not on the major charts." David said unlatching the lock.

Shauna folded her arms as she looked at David. “Exactly how did you come to possess this box?”

"Short answer I requested it, I didn't think a file like this still existed" Jason reached for his coffee, "Long answer while we were moving the station I got a report of some signals from an uncharted system that had a restricted header on the official mapping for the region that triggered about a dozen red flags when I tried to follow up, and when I was reporting in with Commodore Sureth he said to pull the files and this showed up."

“I see” Shauna nodded. “From the size of that box it looks like there’s plenty there to go through.”

"These are the norm, there are whole warehouses like this all over earth they just haven't been cataloged in most cases or aren't due too how sensitive the information might be, but this one hasn't been opened since it looks like twenty-two ninety-three I think judging by the markings and the discoloration on the box." David paused to open the lid "Yup gotta love the smell of old paper and dust." followed by a short coughing fit.

Isabelle grinned. “Ahh the old dusty paper files, I doubt my clearances allow me to view those or I’d help you sort through them. That hangover you’ve got must be giving you quite the headache.” She grinned a wry grin.

David picked up the inventory sheet on the top, "The file on Mesari Two seven three is here," picking up a thin grey file folder with a 'restricted eyes only' "The rest appear to be all about Essary encounters and a preliminary contact report with the Kos'iri."

Shauna nodded. “Use whoever you need to help you with all of this, if this box contains information we can use so much the better.”

David picked a small envelope, "I found something..." opening the envelope "Two data cards and a note, 'visual record of Mesari system'"

“Interesting” Shauna looked at David, “Let’s see what it has to show us.”

The playback began;

--Ships log July 22 2242--

"We've entered the the star system designated M-273, we detected subspace signals as we closed in on the system, we are proceeding carefully as we don't know what to expect."

--Ships Log supplemental--

"We have found debris of an ancient space battle including a complete ship that was crippled and unable to jump to some form of warp speed, My chief engineer says that he found some additional subspace equipment that has no explanation, he's found one of these devices floating in the debris field and is attempting to get it working."

--Ships log July 23 2242--
"Engineering reports that the device isn't for communication, but designed to open some form of corridor through subspace, we have been unable to activate any kind of corridor, and have crated up the artifact for transfer to Daystrom institute for study."

--Ships log: Supplemental--
"Medical and biological sciences have completed a necropsy on several of the bodies we recovered, the majority either died from exposure or injuries sustained during the battle, but this was a battle between two different species."

"Anthropology was able to decipher the language and determine the name of the one species as the Wyn, they are bipedal in construction, with a large cranial structure almost similar too a triceratops from primal earth, according too the few records that have been able to view they were fleeing from an unknown or unnamed aggressor who clearly met their objectives."

--Ships Log: Supplemental two--
"We have detected a subspace anomaly on the far side of the system, we are adjusting course to investigate."

David switched cards and the video file began to play.

In the center of the video image was a grey green vortex, a voice speaks "Sir the power is immense, I'm getting very low levels of radiation and... Sir! something is coming out!"

A ship maybe about the size of a runabout appeared, flew by firing off a few well aimed shots in a strafing pattern then taking a hard turn about turned back, the mysterious vortex opened up and the small ship flew in. What was probably the captains voice called out "Damage report!"

The video ended shortly after followed by a log entry;

--Ships log July 24 2242--
"This will be the last log entry on this mission, Starfleet has officially labeled these events classified and ordered that the star system itself be erased from any official records, the injuries and ship damage have been classified as a catastrophic manufacturing error and any records have been confiscated and all artifacts have been impounded and sent to secured facility for cataloging."

David felt a chill, then turned "That was uh...interesting."

“That’s one word for it” Isabelle gave David a worried look. “They seemed to know exactly what they were doing. We’re going to have to bring all this to the attention of my father, especially if this means that the station is at risk.”

"the bigger concern is if the Essary have gotten hold of any of the technology, but we should have a full meeting soon as I've gone through everything." David said placing both data tapes back in the Mylar envelope "There is supposedly a second set a files similar too this on the way as we speak so, I've also asked if we can get a ship to follow up on a new signal originating in that system, all I got from both Commodore's was a 'wait for little sister' what ever that means."

“Wait for little sister?” Isabelle looked at Shauna.

“Don’t ask me thats not one I’ve heard before” Shauna shrugged her shoulders. “No doubt we’ll find out.”

"I was too drunk to question it and Commodore Wallace is out of communication range to ask now." David said placing the contents of the file box back.

“Well thank you for bringing all this to my attention it’s invaluable information. Unless you have any objection I’ll have Lieutenant Veran-Dallas assist you with going through the records, if needs be I should be able to arrange a temporary higher clearance level so that Isabelle can legally access the files.”

David paused for a second "I think for the purpose of Organization we should, Griffon is full time on the Nazgul and my new officer hasn't arrived yet, plus I could use some help a couple days a week around here."

Shauna nodded. “Then I’ll organise that with a Commodore Sureth, bearing in mind that Isabelle also has her Counselling duties.”

“I should be able to fit some time in around my duties Commander” Isabelle offered a warm smile. “It’s not like it’s a permanent assignment.”

"You can do it on a flexible schedule, like I said before Ensign Resch is rarely here, and Ensign Richardson is due to arrive in the next few days so it's fairly quiet for the most part, you can use the ACIO office, it has a couch, independent lighting and noise reduction like my office and I think it's closer too the kitchenette." David said then adding "You don't have to show up in intel grey, unless you decide too."

“Me in intel grey?” Isabelle smiled. “Depends on whether I’ve got any appointments before or afterwards.”

"Which is fine, I'm going to let you work around that schedule, I'll list you as a consultant so I don't have to have you scheduled." David said closing the lid on the box fully.

“Wonderful” Shauna nodded. “If there’s anything either of you need please let myself, or Commodore Sureth know.”

David was about to speak when "Lieutenant Wallace! Commander Callaghan! we have an unconfirmed report that the Essary have kidnapped Captain Rivers."

David looked at the two women, "Alert the remaining senior staff, we're on our way." then spoke again "No wonder he hasn't been seen."

Shauna was momentarily taken aback, given her feelings for Deke, she hadn’t even realised he’d headed off on his own from the station. “I believe it’s me who should be telling you that Lieutenant” She gave David a wry smile before tapping her comm badge. “Callaghan to all Senior Staff, emergency meeting in the conference room in five minutes!”



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