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Post # 30 A Break

Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 11:06pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 11:08pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent to Post #29


{Deck 1 - Bridge}

After conferring with his Command Team, Captain O'Connell thought it would be prudent to give the Crew a break from routine. "Comms open a Ship wide channel" came the order. "Channel open Sir" comms replied.

"Attention Crew this is the Captain. I know most of you went from your previous assignments directly to the Peel and since we will be at M-69 for a few days awaiting new orders I would like to give each of you the opportunity to explore the Promenade Decks on the Base. There are Eateries if you would like some real food and all sorts of Shoppes for you to browse through. There will be standard rotations to give each one of you some time off the Ship. Also I know I don't need to remind you that you are all Star Fleet so please keep that in mind while off Ship and please enjoy yourselves. Captain out."

Angel looked over at Jamie "I think the Crew will really appreciate the time away and that should boost morale even more than it already is" she commented with a grin.

"That was my feelings as well" he replied "I know I've been on a Ship of one type or another for over a year now and could use the break."

" I know the feeling; it's been nine months for me" she replied "So I want you to go first and I'll 'man, or women, the fort'" as a chuckle came from within.

"If you're sure, I can always go after you" Jamie answered being thoughtful more than anything else.

"No I insist Captain, I'll be fine waiting another day or so" she retorted with a grin.

"There is something I would like to do. An old friend from Star Fleet contacted me and we have planned to see each other; plus I think she wants to show me her new Ship....well Shuttle really" Jamie explained with a grin.

Hearing that Angel couldn't help herself as she leaned closer to Jamie and whispered "Oh....a lady that's the best kind of friend to have" she commented teasingly.

Jamie could feel his face start getting red "Alright Number One.....have your fun" he replied with a chuckle "I guess I'll get going and you have the Con." Jamie stood and made his way to his Ready Room to contact his friend.

{Deck 3 - Transporter Room 1}

The Captain walked in and gave the Operator the coordinates "Lieutenant please beam me over to those coordinates, if you would please."

"As you wish Sir.....energizing" and moments later Jamie had vanished.


Jamie materialized on the Transporter Pad only to be greeted by Katlyn "Welcome to Shuttle Genesis" she greeted with a smile.

Looking around "This is a nice looking shuttle you've bought for yourself" he replied with a smile.

"Thanks glad you like it. Here let me give you the grand tour " Kat stated "Obviously this is the Transporter area and on that side is a Medical area complete with basic supplies. Now if you step up here" as she walked forward with Jamie following "On the right is my quarters complete with two single beds and a large clothes cabinet with drawers. Across the hall is the bathroom with two showers and two sinks along with one commode. So what do you think so far."

"So far it looks like a well thought out layout" then he paused looking down at a large black metal square on the floor in the hallway "What is under here" he queried.

"That is the access to the Engine Room which is in the belly of the Shuttle" she replied "Here follow me" as the two walked forward "This is the living area and on the other side of this room is a replicator, reclaimer, a sink, and a table with two chairs."

"Like I said a well thought out layout for sure" Jamie replied be quite impressed.

"The last area is the cockpit" as they entered "There is a wrap around console with controls for Helm, Navigation, and Tactical" Kat stated pointing to the area "And on the left is the Engineering Console and the right has the Computer Core along with gelpacks and isolinear chips. And there you have it, the entire Shuttle in a nutshell."

"Very impressive I must say" Jamie replied with a smile "But are you going to able to handle this by yourself.....I mean it looks like you could use a couple of people for a Crew."

"I could and this type of Shuttle usually has a two to four person Crew, but I have reconfigured Command so everything is close at hand and can be operated by one person. Of course being the brilliant Computer Specialist that I am, the Computer is operating at peak performance and has been reconfigured to actually be my "Virtual Crew" Kat explained feeling quite proud of her achievements.

Jamie chuckled a moment "Well I've always said you were the best and I guess this proves it" he answered.

"Thank lets go back into the living area...we can sit and catch up some more....if you'd like" Kat suggested with a smile.

"Yes I'd like that" as the two went back to the living area and sat on the couch. After a few minutes of talking Kat stood and went to the Kitchen area "I have something I think you might enjoy" as she grabbed a bottle and two glasses "I procured a nice bottle of Irish Whiskey if you'd care for some."

"Maybe just one" he replied with a grin. Kat poured each of them a drink and sat beside Jamie each taking a sip "Oh man that's smooth" he commented then took another sip. The two sat and chatted about old times serving together when Kat mentioned "Remember that old broken down Star Base that he had to bring back to life for Star Fleet?"

"How could I forget that broken down dump.....they should have blown it to space dust and towed in a new one" he replied as he laughed.

"That probably would have been easier for everyone.....and do you remember what happened when I was able to get that old Computer back up and running" Katlyn queried with a smile.

Jamie had to think for a minute then a smile came across his face "Yes you kissed me; although at the time you said it was an accident" he replied with fond memories.

Kat chuckled "The only reason I said that was because you were involved with that women at the time. Truth be told I rather enjoyed that kiss and have thought about it from time to time" she explained.

"Since we're being honest......I have too" Jamie replied "But I filed it away as a fond memory because I never thought I'd ever see you again....but here we are."

Katlyn moved closer to Jamie "Let's see if the old spark is still there" as he nodded in agreement. Kat gave Jamie a rather lovely kiss for a few minutes then looked at him and smiled "Yup it's definitely still there" as she grinned. Without saying a word Jamie gave Kat a passionate kiss for a few moments then looked at her and smiled "Yes it most certainly is.....I had forgotten just how sweet a kiss could be with you."

The friends sat and talked for awhile longer until Jamie realized what time it was then stood "I should be going.....thank you for the tour and the Whiskey" he stated as the two walked to the Transporter Area. Once in the area Kat gave Jamie another kiss "And thank you for bringing back fond memories."

Jamie grinned "That was my pleasure Kat" he replied knowing what she was referring to, then paused for a moment "So will I ever see you again?"

Katlyn smiled "Trust me Mr. O'Connell I will be around from time to time and maybe next time we could explore some other options and make some new memories" she commented hoping he was catching her meaning.

Jamie smiled then tapping his Comm "Peel Transporter Room this is the Captain, I'm ready to return" then he disappeared.

Kat returned to her living area, poured herself another drink and sat on the couch thinking "I'm really going to enjoy seeing where this is going with Jamie.....and after all these years...who would have thought."


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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