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Post # 29 Reunion

Posted on Sat May 6th, 2023 @ 2:27pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


== USS Peel ==

Jamie was at his desk clearing a few reports when Comms called “Captain you have an incoming call.” “Send it my ready Room” he responded then moments later a familiar face appeared on his Screen “Jamie how are you” Katlyn queried with a smile.

A very surprised Jamie answered “I'm doing well.....where are you.....your message is so clear.”

Kat grinned “I'm parked near the Base and was wondering if you might be free for dinner.....thought we may be able to catch up” she asked hoping for the best.

“Since the Peel is parked outside the base for a few days I have some down time” Jamie explained “I do have a few things to attend too while on the Base but after that I'm free.....maybe seventeen hundred.”

“That works for me” Kat commented “Where do you want to meet.”

After a few moments of thought “Why don't you meet me on the Promenade, deck one ninety eight; I hear there are some nice Eateries there and I'll be in uniform....may make it easier to find me” he stated with a grin.

“Looking forward to it Jamie and I will see you at seventeen hundred, Kat out” she replied feeling very happy to see an old friend again and catch up.

== M-69 ==

When seventeen hundred rolled around Jamie was standing in the middle of the Promenade Deck, in uniform, waiting for Kat to show up as he thought “Hope she hasn't changed too much” since it had been a few years since he had seen her. He no more than had that thought when Jamie heard a familiar voice “Captain Jamie O'Connell.” Turning he saw Katlyn walking over towards him with a smile on her face then gave him a big hug before commenting “It's so nice to see you again.”

“Kat it's good to see you as well” then he looked at her “You changed your hair” Jamie commented “It suits you.”

“Thank you.....I'm impressed you noticed” Kat replied with a grin “I became tired of the short hair so I grew it out to medium length; now it's long enough to do something with but still short enough to not be in way while working.”

Jamie grinned back “Like I said it suits you. There's a little Pub down that way” as he pointed in the general direction “Would you like to try there for dinner and maybe drinks afterwards.”

“You read my mind” Kat replied as the two walked towards the Pub starting to catch up on old times.

== Pub ==

Walking into the Pub a Waiter greeted them “Welcome to O'Malley's....table for two” the Waiter asked. Jamie nodded as the gentleman led the way then handed them a menu after they were seated “Anything from the Bar” he queried with a smile.

“Yes I'll have a brandy” Kat stated returning the smile. “And I'll have an Irish Whiskey on the rocks” Jamie added. The Waiter replied “I'll get your drinks while you decide on what you would like to eat” then he turned and headed for the bar.

Looking over the menu Jamie looked at Kat “So what would you like.....I think I'll have the steak and potato skins myself” Jamie commented with a smile looking up at Kat noticing how nice she was looking.

“That sounds good.....I think I'll have the same” Kat replied. When the Waiter returned with their drinks Jamie gave him their orders and he headed off to the Kitchen.

After their meals arrived, and they started eating, Jamie asked “So what made you decide to leave Star Fleet and strike out on your own; if you don't mind my asking.”

“As you know a Computer Specialist has the same security clearance as the Captain. Apparently there were more than a few Computer Geeks in Star Fleet that abused that power so the Brass decided to lower every Specialist's clearance to their respective long story short mine went from a ten to a seven.” Kat explained.

“I had heard the rumors about that but didn't realize Star Fleet actually went through with it” Jamie replied “That had to be a real pain.”

Swallowing her food “A pain is an understatement. I became tired rather quickly of having to jump through hoops every time I needed more clearance to perform an operation; and since I couldn't see it getting any better anytime soon....I decided to resign and strike out on my own” Kat explained “There's not a lot of people I told this to but I wanted you to know.”

“Thanks for sharing.....I knew you weren't one of the problem people and must have had a damn good reason for leaving Star Fleet. If it were me I probably would have done the same thing” Jamie replied with a grin “So tell me about this Ship of yours.”

“After I left Star Fleet I talked to Chief Zeb and told him about my decision as well as my plans. He was nice enough to hook me up with a guy who sold used larger Shuttles. I was able to pick up a Type Eleven Shuttle that only had a few hundred flying hours logged in, since having a major refit, for not too bad a price. The Chief also told me about another guy who I was able to buy all my equipment from at wholesale cost; not that I needed a lot” Kat explained with a smile.

“Sounds like you made out well on that deal.....good for you....I don't know anyone who deserves a break more than you do” Jamie commented finishing the last of his dinner.

“Thank you for saying so; that means a lot coming from you Jamie” Kat replied then went on “She's a real beauty too.....I have sleeping quarters, a living area with a replicator for food and water along with a reclaimer, a small bathroom with a shower, and more than enough space to stow all my gear along with a manageable Command Area. Actually, if you have a chance, I'd like to have the old Engineer in you to have a look at her.”

Jamie stated “I think I could do that.....I mean it's been a few years but I still have some of that old engineering blood left in me” as he chuckled with a smile.

“Enough about what's your new Ship like” Kat asked being quite interested.

“Well it's a newly refitted Saber Class Ship with a Crew Compliment of about sixty total which is a nice size Crew for my first command. It's small but fast with a new type Warp'll cruise at warp seven all day long and warp nine point five for hours, although I haven't tested that out yet. Oh yes and she's fully armed to boot” Jamie explained.

“Wow sounds like a nice Ship. What's the Computer system like” Kat queried with a grin.

“LCARS six point one and we have a Holographic Doctor that can go anywhere on the Ship and not just confined to Sick Bay” Jamie stated being quite proud of his Ship.

“Sounds impressive.....I wouldn't mind taking a tour sometime; that is if you wouldn't mind showing an ex Fleeter around” Kat replied with a grin.

“It would be my pleasure to take you on a tour sometime” Jamie replied, since he was the Captain after all.

The two friends sat for a few more hours talking about their time serving together on the Crusader while having a couple more drinks.

Finally Jamie realized the time “Kat it really has been great seeing you again and catching up on old times but I probably should be returning to the Ship before Number One sends Security looking for me” he commented with a chuckle.

“Yes you probably should.....but I would still like to show you my Shuttle at your convenience” Kat replied realizing just how quickly the time had passed.

“Tell you what let me check to see what's going on with the Ship tomorrow and I'll contact you....I should have some more free time and I very much would like to see your Shuttle” Jamie answered with a smile.

“Sounds good to me....I'll wait to hear from you” Kat replied with a smile “Here let me walk out with you.” The two friends walked back out into the Promenade talking when they came to an open area “I will see you tomorrow” Jamie stated then tapped his Comm “Peel, this is O'Connell, I'm ready to return to the Ship.” Moments later Jamie disappeared in a beam of pale blue light.

Katlyn stood for a few minutes thinking how nice it was to see Jamie again.....and how handsome he was looking after all these years and also remembering serving together....although now Star Fleet seemed like a lifetime ago. Tapping her wrist Comm “Genesis lock on to my signal and bring me home.”


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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