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Post # 28 Stopping By

Posted on Sat May 6th, 2023 @ 1:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Kalva Ren

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 2 - Main Engineering}

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe had the time to tour some of the various Department just to see how everyone was getting along as she had told the Captain she would.

One of the stops was Main Engineering and Angel thought she would have a friendly chat with the Chief. Walking in she squelched the need for everyone to come to attention since she thought that was way too formal for such a small Crew plus she wanted to keep things more informal.

Looking around Angel saw Kalva at one of the control screens as she walked over to him "Hello Mr. Ren, so how are you getting along in Engineering" she queried noticing everyone else was going about their duties. Glancing at the control panel, Angel notices that it is processing data at a fairly high speed, too fast for her to keep track, even though the Chief Engineer was not speaking to the computer or hitting any of the controls manually, just resting his cybernetic hand on the console.

She also notices that he still looks like a psychotic stray with his fur in complete disarray and caked with lubricants, grease and dust from the ships jeffries tubes.

After a brief pause that seems to Angel to take forever, Kalva turns his head towards her and she sees his one biological eye blink, as if he is just now recognizing that there is something there.

"Second of Many, greetings" his eye glazes over again for a moment and Angel notices that the processing on the console pauses "Your presence here is a blessing, how may I be of service." Removing his cybernetic hand from the console he turns towards her fully "my role here on the USS Peel is becoming more clear the longer I am here, I am still orienting myself to your custom of using so many biologicals to run a ship, especially one of this size." Turning a little to sweep his real arm around the engineering deck. "I have been successful learning your names, I still have difficulty registering your true language and your pheromones are odd. I have to admit that you all look basically the same to me..."

At hearing Kalva's response Angel had to grin "I am pleased you are getting along so well and you are becoming comfortable with your Crew" she commented "I am amazed at the speed you are able to use the control panels; something that seems to be inherent to your species. And yes I suppose to you we do look all the same, but in time I think you will be able to tell the difference between us."

"Yes, well I have recently connected to the Federation personnel database to flag crew with their designations as I encounter them to aid me in identifying my workers" holding up his cybernetic hand he shows the pad of the hand to Angel "as for my speed of control, that is simply a direct neural connection to the ships computer, as I am still developing compatibility with the Federations less sophisticated systems it is more efficient for me to be in direct contact with a terminal to control it."

After a few moments Angel said in a low voice so as now to be overheard "Mr. Ren you are now a Star Fleet Officer so I would appreciate after your shift is over, you take the opportunity to shower and dress in a clean uniform" she commented wanting Kalva to get cleaned up and look a little more professional.

Cocking his head a bit at that comment, Angel can't tell if he is contemplating her comment, insulted by it, or just plain confused by it. "you speak of grooming standards" to Angels surprise he licks the back of his hand a few times and runs it through the fur on his head a couple of times which seems to straighten some of the chaos "I will endeavor to do as you suggest, though I must say that the uniform that we have been asked to wear is very restricting and uncomfortable compared to Mek-Purr standards."

Angel stood for a moment looking at Kalva hoping she had not just insulted the Chief "Anything you can initiate to meet Star Fleet standards concerning your appearance is all I ask" she replied with sincerity in her voice "As far as the uniform is concerned let me speak to the Captain and see if there is another option for you; your comfort is essential if you are to carry out your duties successfully."

Kalva stands as well, and based on prior encounters with those who are the masters, takes this as a sign that the interview is completed. Remembering that humans have a honorarium they like to use at the end of conversations he says "thank you Sec... Commander for your words of encouragement." He then excuses himself.

Angel sits after the ships Engineer leaves and pulls up what is known about the Mek-Purr in the Federation database. As they are a new race and guard their data and histories closely, she has to rely on the observations of the First Contact teams and Ambassadorial missions for information.

She soon finds that the Mek-Purr are a, shall we say, shameless society, many of their citizens wear minimal coverings and quite often nothing at all other than equipment and utility belts when equipment is needed. Considering they are covered in fur, like domestic Earth cats, that doesn't seem unreasonable. Especially as their homeworld seems to be quite humid with a good percentage of the land masses covered in canopied jungle. Depending on social events they appear to wear either something akin to a Kilt or a garment that reminds Angel of ancient Greek or Roman togas.

Angel gathered what information she required, for a better understanding of the Mek-Purr, then left Engineering satisfied with their conversation and decided to swing by Sciences on her way back to the Bridge.


Lieutenant Kalva Ren
Chief Engineering Officer
Lt. Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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