Arrival at the Lagoon Nebula
Posted on Fri May 5th, 2023 @ 7:10pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: MD8?
The trip had gone so far so good as the station finally approached the Lagoon Nebula, now the station was moving the fun part was going to be stopping it again in just the right place. Shauna was in Ops watching over the final stages of the move.
“Ops to all ship’s, we’re ready to get settled at our new home. Let’s get ready to park this station.” She grinned a wry grin hoping it would go smoothly.
==USS Thomson==
Maria and the Thomson crew had begun their work as part of the arrival at the new base location, David was in the back mission specialist station looking over the sensor feeds, the displays showed the slowing progression of the tugs.
"Signal the tugs to begin phase three of their slow down, helm bring us into position to spot the tugs into the final maneuvering for the base." Captain Blumenberg called out
David looked at the positioning display "five hundred meters to go."
Maria called out "All tugs begin breaking procedures, slow to one eighth impulse now."
The main viewer now showed the composite sensor display along with the relative position of all the ships, the station was now one thousand meters from it's new position on the display a voiced called out "Both tugs are beginning breaking procedures."
"Starbase fire your positioning thrusters in five...four...three...two...NOW!" David called into the coms.
The two tugs as if on cue disengaged their respective tractor beams and made a sharp upward climb to get above the stations positioning thrusters, the Thomson slowed then made a gentle upward climb of their own passing over top of the station, "Starbase this is Trinity group, welcome home."
"Mister Wallace, thank you for your efforts." Maria said as she walked over to David
"Captain Blumenberg, it's been an experience." David said hiding what he really wanted too say.
==USS Peel==
Hearing the Communications Captain O'Connell wanted to get his Ship out of harms way "Helm forty five degrees to Port, get us well away from those Tugs before they need to clear the Base" came the order. "Aye Captain....initiating now" moments later the Peel banked away to a safe distance. "Helm bring us about...full stop and hold our position" Jamie ordered. " "As you wish Sir." Quickly the Ship was parked facing the Base.
Number one spoke up "Looks like we made it safely. I wonder what comes next" Angel commented with a grin.
"No idea but I suppose we'll find out soon enough" Jamie replied "Although a couple of days at the Base would be a nice change of pace for the Crew." Turning to Sarissa "What do you think Counsellor?" Jamie queried.
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea Sir” Sarissa nodded in agreement.
Opening a Ship wide channel "Attention Crew, we've made it to the Lagoon Nebula.....well done everyone. We're currently parked a safe distance from the Base and will hold our position for now. Captain out."
Turning to his Command Staff "Since we're parked for the time being would you Ladies like to join me for a meal in the Mess Hall" Jamie queried as her received nods of approval from Number one and the Counselor. "Lieutenant SanChez you have the Conn" Jamie stated. "Aye Captain" as Maria made her way to the Big Chair and a relief Officer replaced her at Tactical. The trio of Officers stepped onto the Lift "Deck 3" Jamie called out as they were on their way for a meal together.
== SB69 ==
In Ops Shauna smiled as there was a small round of applause from the remaining crew. “Let’s send out a message, let everyone know that Starbase 69 has arrived safely and everyone is free to return.”
Isabelle smiled warmly. “I’ll get ready to meet and greet any new arrivals, I’m sure there’ll be a few new faces arriving.”
Doctor Williams was very relieved the Base made the move and was still in one piece; space walking was definitely not on his todo list. Ramvek and Heidi were busy getting things unpacked and put away in Sick Bay in case someone was in need of Medical attention. When most of it was finished he tapped his Comm "Dr. Gram we have reached the Lagoon Nebula so feel free to have things returned to their proper places" Ramvek stated. "Already completed Doctor Williams and ready for Patients" Dr. Gram replied.
Sureth stood beside tactical and watched the stars slowing down and the amenuos colors of the nebula ahead.
" This is Commodore Sureth. We have reached the end of this trek to our new home . Thank you all for the hard work so far but there is still much more to do."
Shauna offered a warm smile. “I’ll start by sending the recall for our crew and civilians return.”
David entered ops from a turbolift, "I like the view." then he looked at a display too his left "Four Federation warp signatures inbound two hundred mark seven, nine minutes out."
==USS Peel==
The Captain still had the Comm channel open to M-69 when he heard the remark by David "Lieutenant Wallace, this is O'Connell, do you want us to check it out and confirm" Jamie queried wanting to be safe than sorry.
==M-69 ops==
David was frantically keying in commands, "Negative, Stand down." David pulled up the tactical info "USS Asia in formation with three Ontario Class patrol craft, there's a fifth ship in the group now visible IKS Su'vich." David stood upright looking at Sureth "General Tek'lah in command."
Shauna nodded. “Thank you Lieutenant, please extend a warm welcome to Starbase M-69, the more the merrier in getting this station up and fully running again.”
"All approaching ships this is Starbase m sixty-nine, we're open for business." David said "Let's go roll out the red carpet."
==USS Peel==
Lieutenant SanChez was monitoring Tactical when she called out "Captain the area seems to be getting a bit crowded."
Jamie turned to Angel "I think it's time I contacted the Base and see where they want us" he stated. "I agree....the last thing we want is to get boxed in by other Ships" she replied.
Jamie gave Angel a nod as he tapped his chair comm " Traffic Control this is Captain O'Connell of the USS Peel. It's getting a little crowded out here....where do you want us" he queried wanting to get out of the crowd as soon as possible.
"Captain O'Connell welcome. Yes we've been working on a spot for your Ship to park....just a moment and let me check" the TC Lieutenant stated then came back "Docking Bay Two has been reserved for the Peel.....any time you're ready you can begin the process."
"Thank you Traffic Control we'll start immediately, O'Connell out" Jamie replied "Helm take us to Docking Bay quarter impulse and ease us in."
"Aye quarter impulse....initiating now " Helm replied as the Ship began to move towards the Base. Taking his time Helm eased the Ship into Docking Bay Two "Almost on target Sir."
"Excellent Helm....once we're docked full stop and attach umbilicals" Jamie ordered.
A few minutes later "Full stop, attaching umbilicals now Captain" Helm replied being glad the maneuver was finished.
Tapping his Comm "Engineering this is the Captain.....we're docked.....please place the Warp Engines on standby" Jamie ordered.
"As you wish Sir" Engineering replied as she set to work.
Moments later Jamie herd the Commodore's request come over the Comms "Commodore Sureth this is Captain Jamie O'Connell of the USS Peel. We have docked at Bay Number Two hoping to give the Crew a couple of days to explore the Promenade Areas" Jamie stated wanting to give his new people a small break from routine.
Sureth paused and watched as the teams of officers filled their slots to once again make the station operational.
" This is Sureth I want all ships to check in and give a status report. Number One corellate with main engineering. Security I need a perimeter status update..
-USS Nazgul-
Captain Taavis sat in her command chair observing her crew as they saw to their duties around her. "Miss Billi, maintain a safe distance from 69. Let's not bunch up, Lieutenant."
"Aye, Sir." Billi adjusted the ship's distance and trajectory. "Maintaining standard orbital distance for cargo transfer."
"Very well and thank you," said Taavis.
Resch added. "Captain, Commodore Sureth is requesting check-ins with surrounding vessels."
"Open a channel," ordered Taavis. When Resch signaled the channel was open Taavis addressed the comm. "Starbase M-69, Commodore Sureth, Captain Taavis here. We are maintaining a standard orbit around 69 in order to allow auxiliary vessels to operate without hindrance. IKS Rokeg is alongside Nazgul, adding to the security perimeter."
[ Maintain Position Captain Taavis. Well done.] Sureth replied.