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Post # 26 Teachable Moment

Posted on Fri May 5th, 2023 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


== Deck 5 ==

Lieutenant SanChez strolled into the gym early, at about zero five hundred, to get in a good workout. With everything going on being on a new Ship, and working with the Marines getting Security up and running, Maria hadn't had time for her usual workouts that she was accustomed to doing; so this morning would hopefully help her get back into a routine.

SanChez started with a warm up to get her muscles in order before attempting anything too strenuous to avoid any injuries. After she was sufficiently warmed up she headed for the weights. Loading up the bar with weights Maria stood in front of it, feet apart and back straight then proceeded to squat and grab each end of the bar securely. Standing she got the weights waist high, while breathing in and out of her mouth, she let out a yell and went up over her head with the weights. Maria held it for a few moments then brought it back down as it slammed onto the mat on the floor in one smooth motion. After a few repetitions she achieved the desired results; her breathing had increased greatly as well as her heart rate.

Walking across the gym Maria walked up to a 'heavy bag' which was mounted to a pole with a large weighted base to hold it secure. Maria wanted to practice her kicks, even though she was by no means any kind of Martial Arts expert, to practice her combat moves. Getting herself into position she took a deep breath "Yaaah" came out of her mouth as she made contact with the bag.
She continued to practice her moves on the bag for some time wanting to make the pedestal rock just a little; which didn't happen.

Number One walked into the gym for a nice workout which would help melt away any stress from her duties as First Officer. Angel noticed San Chez working on her kicks on the 'heavy bag' as she started to warm up watching her for a few minutes. After her warm up Angel walked over to Maria "Excuse me Lieutenant, I don't mean to interrupt your workout but there is a much more efficient way to attack that bag. I could show you if you'd like."

Maria looked at Angel with a smile "Please by all means Ma'am, I can use all the help I can get" she replied as she stepped back to give the XO some room.

Angel stood for a moment taking in some deep breaths then letting them out while focusing on the bag "Yaaah" she yelled as she made contact with the bag using her foot. Maria watched as the bag wobbled on it's stand before coming back to rest.

SanChez was stunned as she watch Angel achieve those kind of results "How were you able to make that thing move like that. I have never been able to do that" she stated with surprise in her voice.

Angel just grinned "It's not that difficult when you know the proper way to attack the bag. Here let me show you" she explained then went retaking her position. "When you hit the bag you are using your toes, which quite frankly I'm surprised you haven't broken any. What you want to do is strike the bag with the flat top of your'll get more surface contact and more power."

Maria stood a little confused "The flat top part of my foot" she asked thinking that seemed a bit awkward.

"Yes that's right" Angel replied as she walked over bent down and ran her hand over the part of Maria's foot that she was referring to.

Maria grinned "Commander are you getting fresh with me" she commented with a light chuckle.

Angel looked up with a grin "You wish!" she replied with a giggle "Ok you try it now."

Maria took her position "Ok here goes nothing" as she focused for a moment on the bag "Yaaah!' as she hit the bag with the top of her foot which caused the bag to wobble slightly. Looking at Angel with surprise "Shit....thats's the first time that's ever happened."

"See what happens when you do that in a more efficient manner" Angel stated "After you practice and get used to the move, then try to twist your left hip into the kick just before you make contact.....that will make the kick even more powerful."

"Thank you for your instruction Commander" Maria said with sincerity "If I may ask how do you know so much about this stuff."

Angel smiled as she walked closer to Maria "That's because I have been studying Martial Arts since I was a young girl" she explained in a low voice so as not be to overheard "And I am a fifth degree black belt in five different forms of the Arts; but please keep that to yourself if you would."

SanChez was amazed as what she was told "Damn remind me never to piss you off" she commented with a grin "Your secret is safe with me."

"Good I figured you knew how to keep a secret and you are welcome on the instruction; it was my pleasure" Angel replied then turned to finish her workout.

Maria smiled to herself being quite surprised that the XO of the Ship would be nice enough to take the time to show a Lieutenant something as important as being able to defend herself. SanChez went back to practicing the correct way to attack the bag....and who knows one of these times she may just knock the damn thing over.


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Lt. Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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