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Progress report

Posted on Thu May 4th, 2023 @ 8:51pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Thomson
Timeline: (TBD)


David took a seat at the desk in his quarters. He'd been summoned to follow up with the Commodore after their run in with the Essary, he was sure there was another matter or five that would need to be followed up on. David moved a pad out of site as the comms signal came in, "Reporting in Commodore Sureth."

Via secured channel Sureth answered.

[ Lieutenant Wallace have you compiled a report?]Sureth asked.

"I've compiled an after action report of our run in with the Essary, I've also tried to follow up on this special order seven only to be told we would get the file when we were back up and running." David said "we're still on course and on schedule."

[ As we approach the nebula I will check back in with you concerning special order seven.] Sureth replied.

"That's fine, The file number is very old so collecting the info will take time." David said "Commodore Wallace forwarded a deployment change for an additional ship, three of the new Ontario Class patrol craft and some other changes that are as he put it pending."

[ The deployments are expected. I will be making some additional changes to the stations over all security measures as well. The last thing we need is an Essary sneak attack before we even get in place.] Sureth replied

"The three Ontario class ships should arrive not too far behind us arriving at the new location, the two Meteora scout ships should be along about a day later, so we should be able to hold the line in the interim, one final thing, we're getting one of the new Gettysburg AWACS ships according to a contact I know socially at Utopia Planitia." David said not able to hide his excitement about the new ship.

[ Well done Lieutenant.] Sureth replied.

The next item was going to cause some controversy, "I want to organize a reconnaissance mission along the boarder, we need to be ready for whatever comes next."

[ As a Commandant of a starbase I am not comfortable with that. But as a Starfleet Commodore your idea has merrit. Make it happen Lieutenant." Sureth replied.

"I"ll start the planning after we get the station reopened." David said.

[ I have no doubt of that Lieutenant Wallace. If you need marine or security assistance they are available.] Sureth replied.

"The final pieces of business, the Kos'iri have reported unusual subspace signals from a system called Mysen, all data is restricted on the system, sealed under executive order thirty-eight A, which all I have been able to find out is that the system is restricted, and that entry is prohibited under punishment of imprisonment for life." David said "The Kos'iri reported the signal is 'regular' in nature but 'unintelligible'."

[ We should launch a monitor probe to investigate that signal.] Sureth replied.

"I'll add it the the itinerary." David said "Is there anything else sir?"

[ Not at this time. The next few days are going to be very busy.] Sureth replied.

"I don't have anything else then sir." David said.

[ Very well. Sureth out.]



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