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#24 Discussion/Captain's Table Pt.1

Posted on Thu May 4th, 2023 @ 12:27pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Taavis came out of her bedroom, dressed for the day in her uniform. Her olfactory senses were immediately set upon by the wonderful odors of freshly cooking foods of various kinds. She could definitely smell the Earth bacon, mixed with the smells of fried sausages from various places around the galaxy, as well as, the various vegetables that had obviously been either cooked or steamed to add to the plethora of dishes. Her main room, which was massive, had the open pot belly stove crackling with its holographic open flame, the long, L-shaped buddy bar with place settings for no less than a dozen people at a time. The kitchen area was full of crockery that had been used to create the expansive breakfast buffet, all the items having been bowled and plated in crockery meant to keep them hot and fresh through stasis technology.

The man at the sink, doing dishes and scrubbing pans by hand, was Ensign Resch, an apron over his front, with his gold shirt on and sleeves rolled up, the tunic hung over the back of one of the bar stools. She merely stood and watched him from behind, each dish carefully hand cleaned before being set into a strainer instead of the drying field. Griffon would finish a set of dishes and then dry them, taking them up and putting them in the proper shelf spaces.

"You gonna stand back there the whole time, or help me dry these," asked Resch, looking back over his shoulder with a grin.

"I was enjoying watching a man out of time do things old school," Taavis responded, a warm smile on her face as she stepped up to the counter to his left. She took up a kitchen towel and began to dry the dishes he had used to make the meal. "I didn't expect you to show up this early."

Resch gave her another grin as his hands continued to clean crockery. "You wanted a Captain's table for breakfast, so I arrived early to get it all finished. We don't need stomachs growling as they watch me cook the stuff. Better to arrive and dig right in. Thanks for giving me permission to enter your quarters, Captain. I was a bit nervous at first, but after seeing this awesome kitchen area of yours, that left me rather quickly."

Taavis finished the strainer full of dishes, going to a cupboard and taking down a pint glass. Going to the bar she took up a pitcher of orange juice and poured herself some. "You realize you may end up cooking more, right? It goes for two hours, and anyone who wishes to attend can do so."

"I'm good with that," stated Resch, turning to face her and leaning back against the counter as he dried his hands. "The omelette squares are easy to make, and I have more mix in the cooler. Not too hard to pour some into another hotel pan and steam it for any late-comers."

As he spoke Taavis sipped some of her juice, then reached out and plucked a strawberry from a bowl set out on the bar. Setting her juice down she took up a cloth napkin and held it over the front of her uniform and under the fruit to be bitten, biting into it once the precautions were met. It dripped as it should, but not too much, the napkin catching it all. After she chewed and swallowed the first bite she looked at Griffon, now standing with his hands on the edge of the counter as he continued to lean back against it. "Hard to believe these were replicated. Delicious."

Griffon nodded several times with a smile. "I do have some technical skills, so I tweaked the programming on your replicator, Captain. A bit of finesse I was taught by a chef who found a way to fine tune the replicators to get them to produce better food items."

As she listened Taavis finished her strawberry and then walked over to the sink to wash her hands, putting the cloth napkin through the refresher. She dried her own hands as she responded. "I was going to speak to you about those skills, but the various assignments for Nazgul kept it from coming up. Now, with you bringing it up, I can speak on it." She gave a momentary pause and then went on. "Would you be opposed to being assigned as an engineer aboard ship, as your tertiary assignment?"

Resch had known that at some point this may come up. He had tested out for the basic engineering courses at the Academy, his knowledge base being sufficient enough to pass. That was a gift from his father who had been a CEO in his career, and then passed those skills onto both Griffon and his brother Marcus. The two siblings could easily go into Operations or Engineering without much issue, and both knew that furthering their knowledge was a never-ending process as technology advanced. "What about my commitment to M-69, as an Intel officer? I know I'm assigned to Nazgul, now, but I don't want to lose my Security clearance. I'm sure Mister Wallace would appreciate Intel data from Nazgul, as we're out there, to keep him apprised of things he would never know while sitting on a starbase."

Taavis's face showed her thinking on what he was saying even as she took up her juice glass again, sipping quietly as he went on and then finished. "It is true that your mechanical skills are on file, and what you are saying does have merit. Lieutenant Wallace deserves accurate Intel data for this entire sector. You are the Chief of Security and Tactical on Nazgul, so your clearance is steadfast." She had spoken to Starfleet Command several times this past week, securing things for her own command, as any commanding officer would. "I do hope you will keep in mind that Nazgul is your primary assignment, with Intel secondary. You will not be allowed to run back and forth at a whim."

"Not asking to, Captain." Said Resch. "I just like my spot as an Intelligence officer. The engineering skills are there for field excursions and to aid with damage control when the ship needs it. If 69's Intel folks can't handle the day-to-day, that's not on me. David never came off as a slouch to me, so I don't think that will ever be an issue. As I said. I just like being an Intel officer."

The chime sounded and they both looked at the clock. "Breakfast time," said Taavis. She did return to the topic at hand as she began to head for the door. "Very well, Griffon. We'll maintain as is for now." That conversation ended as she walked to the sensor and the door opened, revealing Billi, Covenant, and an Andorian woman in Science blue. "Come in, folks. Food and beverages are set on the bar, so find your seat and help yourself."

They all thanked Taavis as they came in, the first group to arrive, and made their way to the bar to find their place for breakfast. Resch went and claimed the high-backed stool his tunic hung over the back of, not serving himself anything until after the guests got first dibs.



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