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#33 Passing the Torch

Posted on Tue May 23rd, 2023 @ 9:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: various
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Sitting over in a far corner of the main lounge on board the Nazgul, opposite from the doorway, Billi set up her PADD with the stand so she could talk at the screen. Dialing the comm codes she had she then waited for the chime to be answered, which came in short order. As the screen image became just that, an image, all she could see was a well-developed torso covered in a yummy amount of body hair, a towel being scrubbed over the head of the recipient for the communication.

"Hello? Lieutenant Lasso?"

"Oh shit," came from beneath the towel, slightly muffled. He pulled the towel from his head and sat down at what she assumed was a desk in his quarters or a table. "Sorry, Billi." He finger combed his hair as he tossed the towel over his shoulder and onto his bed, searching for something else now as he went on. "What's up?"

"Should I call back?" Asked the Orion, grinning at his discomfort, as minor as it seemed.

"No, no..." He then leaned back in his chair with a triumphant grin. "Got it!" He held up a comb and began to address his disheveled locks.

Billi gave it a few more moments and then began. "As you have been my Assistant Chief in Flight Control for some time now, I am informing you that you are now the acting chief for starbase 69. I have to make it official, and with all of the move finally settling down I can get that done."

Lasso stopped combing his hair. "Wait, what? You're giving me the reins? Like, the whole kit and kaboodle?"

"That is correct, Mister Lasso. It is your primary assignment aboard 69, with your Security position listed as tertiary. So, with me over on Nazgul now, I figured you could have your shot. I don't want 69 left in the lurch." Billi gave a pleasant smile. "Plus, they might have other ideas for you that I can't do anything about since I am assigned to the Nazgul. But, what I can do something about, I just did. Congrats, Lieutenant!"

"Thanks," Lasso responded, meaning it. "Did you send word to the rest of the class? If so I better get dressed in a hurry and get down there and redo the shifts, as per their requests since you've been gone."

Billi gave a laugh. "Welcome to leadership. It has its merits, but at a cost."

"Yeah, my bloody free time." Gavin gave a chuckle. "But, seriously, thanks for the vote of confidence, Billi. Means a lot."

"I know it does," said Billi, agreeing humbly. "Good to know I have someone I can trust to take over completely when that comes about. But, I do have some things to get to aboard ship. We're doing an end-around the Lagoon nebula, mapping the behemoth and noting its more volatile areas."

Lasso gave a grin. "Sounds pleasant." His sarcasm was not hidden. "You enjoy that while I go and see what the eateries have out for the au fresco promenade breakfast. I can practically smell the bangers and mash, now." He made a dramatic inhaling of the nostrils, as if sucking in the odors of a fine cooked meal.

Billi gave him a knowing look back, tongue in cheek style. "We have a damn fine breakfast here every few days, ourselves. One of the officers is an excellent chef."

Gavin giggled. "Don't tell me, your Captain scooped him right up and named him hers?"

"Something like that, yeah." They both laughed as Billi reached out towards the PADD. "I'll talk at you another time. Duty calls."

As she turned off her PADD on her end Lasso gave her a nod, wink and grin. Getting up with purpose in his steps, Gavin Lasso began to find himself clean uniform items.



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