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#34 Shuffling

Posted on Wed May 24th, 2023 @ 2:17am by Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: SB-69
Timeline: current


Once he was dressed and all his hygiene seen to, Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso made his way down to the main bay for Flight Control personnel. As he entered the large chamber, the echoes of work being done throughout, Lasso saw his people stop what they were doing to say congrats, or to give a nod of well done. Right now, as it stood for Billi's way of seeing things, the team leads were still the same. They just did not know that he would be evaluating them this month and possible position switches were a probability. Of course, he would never tell them that. After gathering the team leads in the pilot's briefing room Gavin laid down what he expected as their chief, what standards needed to be met, and a technical aptitude testing phase because any pilot worth their combadge needed to at least be able to repair the basics on a small craft if they were going to fly it.

Once that was done Lasso stepped out with the team leads, and going to one of the Delta Flyers, he accessed the aft section, letting the ramp lower down before he walked up inside. Opening a small chest, with a cloud of mist rising from within the refrigerated container, he pulled out bottles of beer and handed them out. After they all had a bottle of suds in hand he closed the chest up and vacated his craft, closing her up.

"So, Billi's really giving up the ghost, eh?" Asked one of the newer Ensigns. Some guy who had been here since just before the relocation. Billi sat her fine green ass on Nazgul while Lasso and the base personnel played it by ear. Not that Lasso was caught off-guard, being the number-two man, but he had heard very little from Billi and had had to wing it.

"Yeah, Nichols, she is transferring full-time to Nazgul," Gavin answered, sipping from his beer and looking off across the bay.

"Nazgul is a badass cruiser. Can't blame her for wanting that."



"Shut up." Stated Lasso, drinking down the rest of his beer and forcefully throwing the empty into a refuse chute as he walked away shaking his head.

"Pardon me," Nichols said under his breath, going the other way.

Leaving the bay by one of the internal exits, his mind on other things, Lasso almost ran straight into someone as he went, stopping mid-stride and coming up short before collision. The fair amount of cleavage gave away who it was before his eyes moved upwards to her face, seeing Billi's Klingon friend, Kehlani. Lieutenant Commander Kehlani, if memory served, and also Lady Kehlani.

"Pardon me, Commander Kehlani. Or, is it Lady, now?"

Kehlani looked this man up and down. For a Human he was built well and carried himself well. "That depends on who you ask first, Lieutenant. For Klingons, I am Lady first, HoD second. For Starfleet, it depends on situation as I am both a commander and an envoy for the Empire. So, to answer your query; it is Commander Kehlani."

"Wow, all that when you could have just said 'commander' to begin with," he gave a chuckle.

Kehlani, being one who was used to the company of Humans, gave a grin, her Klingon hardened shoulders relaxing somewhat. "Fair enough. Your name is Lasso, right?"

"That's the rumor," answered Lasso, giving a sideglance and grin. "Gavin Lasso, Commander." He turned to face her straight on and gave the warrior's handshake. "I'm taking over where Billi is leaving off."

"I see," said Kehlani. "So, the green tart has chosen to remain aboard the cruiser then?"

"Apparently so," replied Gavin. "Apologies for almost rolling over you."

Kehlani gave a crooked smile. "There are worse fates, Lieutenant. So, where were you headed in such a hurry."

Lasso raised his left arm up, the hand at waist height as he pointed down the corridor. "That way."

"That's it?" Asked Kehlani, her own giggle coming forth. "You almost plow over someone just to go that way? I figured you were headed to a pub."

Lasso gave a knowing smile. "It's along the way. Hadn't decided if I'd stop or not. But, now that you bring attention to it, I think I will."

"Would you like some company? Drinking alone is bad for the digestion, not to mention one's mood." Kehlani waitied patiently for his answer.

"Sure. Come along if'n ya want. Don't blame me if it's boring." Gavin got them moving and in no time they had ended up going into Club Bliss.



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