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Post#51 Night Light

Posted on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 7:30pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Concurrent


Odac Yova left his dinner date and returned the cylinder back to engineering for study. Eerily the colour returned to the Neon orange glow but when exposed to his pregnant wife Ellie it had changed colours.

Using a female peer again the colour changed to a greenish hue.

" Lt Yova to Chief O' Neal can you meet me in engineering?"

O'Neal was not there but a new female officer filled the slot for now.

" She is not here Lieutenant . How can I help?" asked the Lieutenant.

" These cylinders we brought aboard are showing some strange effects." Yova told her.

" Strange is a big word Lieutenant. Explain more and use some adjectives if you want."

Shauna was checking in with engineering when she’d caught what Yova had said. “Lieutenant this is Commander Callaghan, please can you elaborate further on your findings?”

The Acting Chief moved back and allowed Shauna room, her Caitian tale slightly up.

" It seems the hydrogen in this cylinder changes colours when it comes in contact with females. " Yova explained.

Shauna was intrigued. “That’s very unusual. Does it happen with all females or just specific ones?”

" 100 percent of all I asked have been accurate except for one. I tried it on Midshipman Carnolla but it apparently saw the Midshipman as a male. Carnolla was offended and says she or he is filing charges against me for harassment. Commander I promise I didn't mean that to happen." Yova answered.

Shauna smiled. “Not to worry Lieutenant, I’ll speak with Carnolla and sort it out. Any ideas why this happens when encountering females?”

" The Lagoon Nebula has a reputation . A Bolian freighter Captain loved that female beings boarded his ship and lured all the male crew away. " Yova replied.

Myar lowly purred as Yova ranted on. Swishing his tail he pretended to lose interest.

" I would like to take a shuttle out there to investigate the nebula Commander? I know it is not an engineers perogitive but with a minimal science staff I would love to expand my duties. May I ?" Yova asked.

Shauna paused to think about it. “I don’t see why not Lieutenant, this is a matter of scientific interest. I’ve no doubt you’d like to take Ellie along as well? She is a member of our science department so I’ll approve.”

" Lt Sayvek is from Science and can pilot us. I was at the academy with her." Yova added.

" Well get this stuff out of my engineering. The staff spend more time with it than they do making repairs." yowled Lt Myar.

Shauna could hear the commotion. “Take the sample with you Lieutenant, if there’s any chance it could be sentient in any way I want it returned to the nebula.”

" We have several tubes aboard. I will go now and round them up. " Yova said as he rushed out.

Lt Myar then returned.
" That stuff makes my hair stand up. Commander Callaghan I have not seen Commander O'Neal since boarding? Do you have any idea where she might be?" the acting chief asked.

Shauna shook her head. “I’m afraid not Lieutenant, perhaps she has a personal matter to attend to.”

" Well I have a department to run Commander. If you will excuse me I will finish my duties." Myar replied.

“Of course Lieutenant” Shauna nodded to Myar.

Myar sniffed and then turned and walked away. Her sent had caught his nose and he would remember it forever.



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