#42 Destination Reached/Waiting
Posted on Tue Jun 6th, 2023 @ 4:34pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"
Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current
First Officer's Log:
Having come aboard the USS Nazgul, I already feel at ease. This ship and crew are one well oiled machine. The variety of species makes it that much more enjoyable. Commander Ejo has this ship humming at peak efficiency, as do the rest of the department heads. Currently, the Nazgul is heading for a meeting with Admiral Stone and a transport, to beam over a group of 20 cadets for their cadet cruise final grade. I wish them all luck, but this is an important moment in their burgeoning careers. Doing well on the cadet cruise could be the difference between starting as an ensign, or a lieutenant junior grade. Improvise, overcome, adapt. These will be the qualities sought in these young officers to be. I have looked at the star charts, and where the coordinates will take us for the rendezvous. It is a big, empty nothingness out there, fairly close to the Federation border into the unknown regions and the Unre Expanse. The Expanse is right on the border, half in and half out of Federation space, and by all sensor measurements the Expanse covers a sphere of 20 light years. A massive sphere of swirling gas clouds and ionic distortion. All probes sent into the Expanse have lost contact and never returned. The Expanse itself was so named due to there being a star system on the edge of it, just inside Federation space. The civilian scientists who discovered the system called it Unre because they said it was unremarkable. No habitable worlds within it. Perhaps this endeavor will allow us to train the cadets while surveying a star system and the Expanse. But, we shall see what is what.
END LOG: {stardate added and filed}
Tore turned from the window in the main briefing room, having been standing there with arms crossed over his chest, staring off into the swirling white of light speed as he had dictated his log. Now that that chore was over he spun on his heel and left the chamber, making his way back to the Bridge. Entering from the starboard lift, with Lieutenant Ainkara to his left as he stepped out, Bjorgo noted that Alpha shift was on duty and in their places. Captain Taavis sat in the command chair going over reports while others monitored their stations.
Tore side-stepped closer to Ainkara, his front facing the Bridge proper, with her back to the Bridge to face her console. "Anything unusual, Lieutenant Ainkara?"
"No, Sir," answered Ainkara. "Not much in the way of stellar objects in this region."
Taavis brought her eyes up from her PADD, having heard Bjorgo's query to Ainkara. Not eavesdropping, but most Vulcanoids had excellent hearing. "Billi, ETA?"
Billi's eyes looked to the countdown timer for warp. "About eight minutes, Captain."
"When we arrive, drop from warp and bring us to all stop," stated Taavis. "Don't wait for my order."
"Aye, Sir."
Bjorgo casually crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against the hull brace next to Ainkara's station. "So, you're a Voran, correct?"
Seeing as she was the only Voran on board, and her people were missing thanks to the Iconians, she could only surmise that the question had been intended for her. Ainkara leaned back in her chair and looked at Number One. "That's correct, Sir. My people were slaves to the Iconians and I was found by accident by a planetary survey team. It is all in my file, Commander."
Bjorgo gave a pleasant grin. "I prefer the personal touch. A file can only tell me so much. I want to get to know YOU, Ainkara, not some characterization of you jotted down by an administration."
Ainkara arched an eyebrow, not sure what to think of that. She was still adjusting, even after the years spent catching up with time and then going to the Academy. Her social skills were still a work in progress. "Indeed. You have my gratitude. Does this exchange work both ways, Sir?" There was the barest hint of a grin on her face, almost imperceptible. Those brown eyes of hers showing a bit of mirth.
"I surely hope so, Lieutenant," said Bjorgo. "But, we're about to drop from warp. I reserve the right to revisit this conversation at a later date."
"Very well, Sir. Let me check my schedule and get back to you." She played it cool, looking to her console and the sensor data as they got closer.
Tore chuckled and stood up straight. "Nicely done, Ainkara. I'll go away now." He walked over and stood next to the Captain's chair.
Billi was tapping keys and getting ready to drop from warp. "Destination reached, Captain. Dropping from warp in three, two, one." She tapped the key and the Nazgul came out of warp. Her hands were gliding over her console as she brought the ship to all stop. "We are now at all stop, Captain." She half spun her chair to look back.
Taavis put her PADD in the holder on the side of her chair. "Ainkara, any other vessels on sensors?"
"No, Captain," answered Ainkara. "No vessels to be found on sensors at this time."
Bjorgo spoke. "Lieutenant Billi, set the parking brake." He looked to his CO. "I guess we wait, Sir?"
Taavis gave a nod and stood up. "Seems that way, Number One. You have the Bridge. I'll be in my Ready Room."
"Aye, Sir." As Taavis left the Bridge, Bjorgo sat down. Billi turned back to face forward.