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Station Post #2. " A Tight Situation "

Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 5:04pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)
Edited on on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 5:37pm

Location: Lagoon Nebula


Safely aboard the shuttle the three officers found themselves meters from the Essary vessel. With minimal propulsion available the choices were dangerously clear.

" Cruiser JIM DAVIS this is the Federation shuttle Rutledge please respond." Sayvek commanded.

[ Shuttle we are off course and was pulled into this nebula by .. Please direct us out and we will leave this system.] replied the voice.

" Acknowledged taking a port turn now." Sayvek replied only to find the helm unresponsive.

" I am giving you maximum power Sayvek." Odac added.

" It would seem we also are unable to manuver. Something is preventing our impulse manuvers except forward." Sayvek replied.

Odak turned to look at his wife to reassure her but he was only half hearted himself.

Ellie gave Yova a worried look. “Is there a way to disrupt whatever is holding us here?”

" Do you remember on the station how the plasma became dormant when a female touched the cylinder? We need a pheromone repellent of female dna. Our present concern is this Essary ship. They also are stuck," Sayvek replied.

“Female pheromone?” Ellie looked at Yova, then at Sayvek. “Take what you need from me, we can use my pheromones.”

Odac smiled. " I can actually do that and make it into a myst." he said rushing to the back if the shuttle.

" That is illogical Lieutenant. What ever is out there does not seem to discern gender." Sayvek replied.

" You didn't observe on the station. Ellie blow into this tube." her hubby instructed.

Moving across to Yova, Ellie took a deep breath and blew a nice long even breath into the tube. “Let’s hope this works.”

Odac did too as he vented it through the vacuum of the ventral ports.

Stunningly the orange hue turned gray allowing Sayvek to manuver the craft freely.

" Fascinating. We will be able to clear the nebula if the vent holds out." Sayvek replied.

" We have vented all the excess plasma for now. "

" We are 2000 kilometres away from our egress." Sayvek reported.

" Can we warp from here?"

" Unsure."

" Manual"

Ellie was amazed the plan actually worked, though she had no reason to doubt her husband. “To be honest I wasn’t sure that would work.”

" The Prophets were with us. " Odac smiled.

" The Essary vessel tried also but the trough closed round them before they could clear the nebula " Sayvek commanded.

“Can we relay instructions to them, tell them what to do?” Emily looked at Yova and Sayvek.

" If they have females it might work but that shuttle is old and probably lacks the vent capacity we had. It will have to be tractored out." Odac replied

" We can inform the Commodore when we return." Sayvek replied.

" Works for me." Odac agreed.

“So what are we going to do? Tractor them now or wait for assistance?” Ellie looked between Yova and Sayvek.

Yova knew she would not stop at them leaving.
" Ellie our tractor is not powerful enough to tow that barge. We have to go back to the station."

Ellie sighed but nodded. “I know you’re right, but I don’t have to like it.”

The shuttle continued on like a fox on the run but Odac couldn't help but consider his wife's emotions.

" We went in there to find out why that section of the nebula prevents travel. We learned that it reacts to female pheromones. So what are we missing here?:" Odac asked both peers.

“More women” Ellie gave a wry smile. “We need a greater concentration of female pheromones.”

Sayvek sighed and immediately reversed the shuttles course back to the tip of the nebula.
" Reading a high concentration of testosterone particles. Fascinating and gross. If one could smell this quadrant it would have the odor of BO." Sayvek eluded.

Odac again adjusted the vent ports collecting more breaths from Ellie.

Entering wasn't a problem but leaving would require performing a purge once again.

" I noticed the first time that ship uses a tow winch. If they attach it to us we might be able to pull them out." Odac added.

“Then lets suggest it to them” Ellie smiled warmly. “This was proving to be an interesting rescue, something she normally missed on.

" Essary ship if you are able to power your aft winch we are prepared to pull you to safety. " Odac said into the comms.

No reply but the winch did shoot out allowing Sayvek to connect it to the shuttles hull.

" Venting tanks now. Pull Sayvek.
The shuttle slowly inched backwards and pulled the Essary ship along with.

" We can not go past 1/8 kilometers or it will pull us apart, winch and all." warned Sayvek.

" The Essary ship is also reversing thrusters. We are almost out." Yova added.

Ellie was smiling from ear to ear that she’d been such a help, there was a lot to be said for being female in this situation.

And then they were free as they could see the gray turn back to a peachy orange in the nebula.

" We have a problem. The winch will not release. If that freighter goes to warp with us attached we are as good as dead.

" Essary ship release that winch." Odac yelled into the comms.

Ellie looked at her readouts, not that there was much she could do. She just had to hope that the problem resolved before they were torn apart.

The Essary vessel then made a dangerous action that concerned even Sayvek.

" They have opened their docking bay doors." Sayvek warned.

" They're taking us hostage. Like Hell. Arming forward defensive weapons. Targeting the grappler....Firing." Odac replied.

The light phasers on the shuttle were just effective enough to unpry their hold.

" Warp drive on line...." Sayvek added.

" Kick it." Odac replied.

Ellie held onto her seat just incase of any sudden surprises, she couldn’t afford to be injured.

The shuttle got away as the Essary craft left the system the other direction.

" No vessels in pursuit. Lt Kees concerning the pheromone enigma I have considered why it worked. While inside the nebula I sensed a consciousness. A group collective with one emotion, depression." Sayvek replied.

“A depressive consciousness?” Ellie looked intrigued. “Fascinating. We should try and find out more.”

" All in good time. Let's get back to the station and recover from this one. " Odac replied.

" If we are voting I agree." Sayvek added .

“Me too” Ellie smiled. “Let’s go home.”



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