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Station Post #1 - Making It Right

Posted on Tue Oct 3rd, 2023 @ 11:11pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 5:37pm

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41-Sick Bay}

Doctor Williams was sitting at his desk going over the Staff Roster, which he looked over yearly, to see who was excelling at their jobs and who maybe needed a few words of encouragement. As he was looking things over he realized that Ensign Stone had been at the Star Base for little over a year and was doing an outstanding job. Remembering their conversation when she first arrived, he had always felt she had been the brunt of a pissed off Captain trying to save his own hide. Thinking for a few more minutes Ramvek decided it was time to make things right. Tapping his Comm "Commander Callaghan, this is Doctor Williams. I'd like to speak to you about a possible promotion for one of my Staff; at your convenience of course.


Shauna was grateful for the moment’s breakaway from what was going on with Deke. She tapped her comm badge. “Understood Doctor, I’m on my way.”

~ Sickbay ~

Arriving a few minutes later Shauna offered a smile. “Now what’s this about a promotion?”

Seeing Shauna walking into Sick Bay proper he smiled "Thank you for coming down here, please step into my office and I'll explain everything" he suggested as the two Officers moved to a more private location. Doctor Williams started to explain "As you may, or not know, when Ensign Stone was transferred to this Base she had received a disciplinary demotion prior from Lieutenant Junior Grade to Ensign due to something that happened on her personal time and not when on duty; I feel it was a matter of her former Captain trying to save his own skin, but that's just my opinion. That being said Ensign Stone has done a remarkable job as Head Nurse and her subordinates admire and respect her. I would like to promote her back to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade for the fine work she's done over this past year. I would of course need Command's approval and that's why I wanted to discuss this with you" Ramvek concluded wanting to stay within Star Fleet protocols.

Shauna wasn’t one for standing on ceremony, if Ramvek Thought a member of staff deserved a promotion that was good enough for her. “She’s obviously made quite the impression on you Doctor” She smiled warmly. “I will need a written recommendation from you, which I can then sign off on to approve a promotion.”

"Like I mentioned Ensign Stone is very proficient at her job, so yes logically she has made a rather favorable impression on me" then he paused for a moment "Without Doctor Hiri and Ensign Stone, this Sick Bay wouldn't be what it presently is" as he brought up something on his Terminal and printed it off; handing it to Shauna with a grin "Here's the required written recommendation you requested" knowing Star Fleet protocols.

“Already miles ahead of me I see” Shauna smiled warmly. “I will see to it this is added to Lieutenant Stone’s file, and I will leave you to give her the good news while I update Sureth.”

"Thank you Commander and it will be my honor to inform Ms.Stone" Ramvek replied knowing it's a well deserved promotion "And thank you again Commander for coming to Sick Bay; I know you're busy with the Base."

“A good Commander is always available” Shauna smiled warmly. “It’s my pleasure to help Doctor.”

Ramvek gave Shauna a smile along with a nod of appreciation as she turned and left to back to Ops.The Doctor was excited about giving Heidi the good news and there was no time like the present.

Ensign Stone had just finished with a Patient when Ramvek called her to his Office. Walking in Heidi gave him a smile "What's up Boss" she said jokingly.

"Please Ensign have a seat there is something that I would like to discuss with you" he replied not showing any emotion what so ever.

Heidi sat wondering what was going on, as far as she knew she hadn't done anything wrong or stepped on anyone's toes, sort of speak.

"I have gone over all of the Staff Roster for the past year, as I am in the habit of doing, and noticed you have been here for a year already. Congratulations for making it through your first year. To be quite frank, I have been very impressed with your work and how well you work with your fellow Nurses. Also, after reviewing your transfer file, I have felt your demotion was totally unjustified coming from a Captain without any backbone. So" as Ramvek finally broke into a smile "It is my pleasure and honor to hereby promote you back to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the rights and privileges that entails" he concluded as he reached into his pocket for the black and gold Pip.

Ensign Stone, now Lieutenant JG Stone, sat totally in shock over what was happening. After several moments of shock Heidi finally smiled "Doctor thank you so much, this really means a lot to me to be recognized for the work I have been doing" she stated still somewhat in shock.

"You are welcome but the person you should be thanking is yourself. Lieutenant Stone you are doing a very good job and are very compassionate with your Patients" he replied as he stood "If you would allow me to place this black and gold Pip on your collar to make it official."

"Yes, thank you" as Heidi stood still, allowing Ramvek to place the new Pip; of course she would really have liked to give him a kiss of appreciation but that would have to wait for another time.

The Doctor shook her hand "Congratulation Lieutenant Stone, you have earned this promotion." he replied with a smile "You can return to work." Heidi left the Office very happy and pleased with herself.


Commander Shauna Callaghan
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base M-69


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