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Station Post 5 " Doctor Doctor "

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 4:33pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Suban Silesh

Location: Vulcan/Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


The sub planet of T'Kut loomed above Vulcans desert as Suban Silesh completed her trek to the ministries camp. One of the priests grew ill and Suban was called to help easy the priests katra to the next level.

" Thank you for coming so quickly Doctor. He grows weak." a scribe told her.
" Understandable given his age. Is he resting?" Suban asked.
" No he is in the temple meditating. He is non responsive."
" I must hurry before we lose him completely."

Suban slid into the silent temple and saw the old soul nearing with his fingers touching one another. His skin was almost gray but he did have vitals as she scanned him with her medical tricorder.

In the ancient Vulcan tongue Saban began speaking and then touched both sides of the man's temples with her hands. The scribe entered and observed and until he was needed.

" Come to my right side and lie down." Suban instructed.
The scribe complied and assisted with becoming the vessel to hold the old priests katra.


Suban was exhausted but pepped up when she saw the call from Starbase M-69.

" Hello Father. " Suban greeted.

The voice on the other side was automated and the message was clear. Suban's father was very ill and he might be close to death.

Exhausted herself from the Katra exchange, Suban rode with the host back to the Vulcan monetary and then dropped him off.

A quick shower for herself and then to the space port to charter any ship heading close enough to the Sagitarrius system.


Lots of ships and pilots filled the plaza. Despite the Starfleet presence in the area unscrupulous persons eyed the female Vulcan as she passed in her hooded Vulcan black attire.

At the first table sat an Andorian male.and green skinned Orion playing cards Suban passed by quickly despite being sized up.

At the second table sat three female humans chugging down a local alcoholic beverage made by the monks.

But at a bar one lone being looking directly at her as Suban scanned the area for a potential pilot. He was surprised when she stepped up to the bar.

" Before you ask I am a married man. Married to my job.
" I didn't ask."
" Let me buy you a drink. How about water, don't all Vulcan's drink water?"
" Yes. If you are buying I will have a large glass of Milk." Suban surprised.
" Milk in this heat?"
" It is good for ones bones. You piloted a vessel here. Are you heading anywhere close to Sagittarius A?" Suban asked.
" Actually our ship is heading that way. I am just the pilot of a cargo ship. Humanitarian mission. Want to come?"

" I have to leave now. I am a healer and my Vulcan patient is ill." Suban replied.
" Vulcan? Where is this patient?"
" Starbase M-69. Near the Lagoon Nebula."


Dr Hiri rushed into the ready room only to find Commodore Sureth looking at the nebula.
" Sir you asked to see me?" Hiri asked.
" Yes I am having palpitations and require an exam." Sureth casually replied
" Sir your BP is 101. Tachycardia. Sit down."
" I find walking lowers it. I need a medication to chill me out until this mission is over." Sureth replied.
" You need sickbay. Where's Shauna?"
" Away mission, my orders. Meds please." Sureth insisted.
" Sickbay where myself and Dr Williams can runs some scans." Hiri demanded.
" Counter offer. My personal physician is on her way. I will go down just for scans only." Sureth also demanded.

" William's has the final word. My first analysis is you have hypertension. " Hiri yowled.



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