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#1 Heading for Home Port

Posted on Fri Oct 27th, 2023 @ 5:51pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Griffon Resch

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current


Captain Tore Bjorgo entered the Bridge from the port lift, a pep in his step as always.

"Captain on the Bridge," announced Number One.

"As you were," responded Bjorgo before anyone could stand or try and acknowledge his presence. He did note that as he made his way down the steps to the center Bridge, then ascended the step-up for the Captain's chair dais, his peripheral caught the fact that he was being watched. At first by a few, then as he took up his PADD from its slot along the side of his chair and began to read, not yet seated, is when he noted that all were taking glances and keeping their voices low as they conferred with those close by. All except for Number One. Billi was Orion, so it seemed as though she was taking what was seen in stride.

Finally, Bjorgo brought his eyes up to his Bridge, the PADD held down at his side as he glanced around. "Is there a problem, people?"

Billi cleared her throat politely before speaking. "Your officers are just wondering why you are dressed in...that, Captain."

Bjorgo glanced down at himself, then once more glanced around the Bridge with a grin on his face. "This, ladies and gentleman, is my Captain's variant. Some wear vests, others wear light jackets instead of a tunic. I choose to wear this." By 'this', he meant the uniform for Starfleet back in Pike and Kirk's era: 2257-2270's (Strange New Worlds uniform). "I'm not a fan of useless layers."

Giving a smile, Billi also nodded once. "Good choice. If I had permission, I'd go with the same."

"Permission granted," stated Tore. He chuckled when Billi gave him a dumbfounded look. "What? I mean it. Captain's dispensation. We can all wear the same thing, or we can all vary our mode of dress. Some officers prefer a vest to a tunic, some prefer to blouse their pant legs into the short boots. Me, I like how this all comes together, with calf high boots and a pullover shirt covering a sleeveless beneath. But," he said, glancing around. "If the crew wishes to wear this then all of us have to. Continuity, people. And, yes, before anyone asks, I already cleared this with the Admiralty." Tore put his PADD in his chair and stepped over next to Billi who was standing near to Operations/Navigator. "So, Number One, put out a message to the crew and put it to a vote. If the majority agrees on this uniform for ease and comfort then make it so." He spun about casually. "That means all of you may go change if it is well received."

"I'll see to it, Captain." Billi said, pulling out her palm PADD and beginning to create a message. Once finished she then took several pictures of their leader. "For reference, Captain."

"Uh huh," he said, giving a grin. Turning away from his XO, Tore took up his PADD and sat down in his chair. Bridge operations continued for the next hour, with nothing untoward popping up.

Billi walked up on Tore's left, clasping her hands behind her back. "So, Captain, how do we proceed?"

Bjorgo, busy reading and signing off on duty reports, looked up at his green-skinned First Officer. "Proceed? Proceed with what, Number One?"

"The uniform change, Sir," said Billi. "The vote came in rather quickly. No one was opposed. There were numerous comments as to why, but I won't bore you with all that. Suffice it to say that too many on board are tired of wearing the same thing Starfleet has been wearing for the past forty years. Change is good."

"That it is," said Bjorgo with a grin. "Have the stations call in a relief until they can go and replicate the new uniform choice for Nazgul. Like the days of old, when each Conni-class had their own symbol, Nazgul will now have OUR uniform choice to mark us as who we are. I leave that to you, Commander."

Billi gave a nod and returned the grin. "Of course, Captain. I'm tired of this tunic shit, anyway. Alright, folks, you heard the Captain. Call a relief and then go see to your uniform. Return promptly, please."

After the directions were given by Number One, the stations departed two at a time as they called in reliefs, getting themselves changed and into the 'Nazgul' uniform as hastily as possible. Another hour passed by as this went on, but after that hour all the Bridge personnel were now dressed as he was. Gold and red shirts, pants tucked into their calf-high boots, looking sharp with the form fitting way the old uniforms fit. Continuity, as he had wanted. They looked damn good too, even if he did think so himself.

Resch spoke up as he half spun to look back at the CO. "Captain, receiving a call from the RRV Neskis, a Romulan Republic merchant vessel. They're requesting visual communication."

Bjorgo got to his feet to stand in front of his chair. "Is the Neskis on sensors?" He asked.

Ainkara looked to her scopes. "No, Captain. However, the signal is coming from an empty spot in space. I would say they are cloaked, Sir."

"Ensign Resch, inform them that I would be glad to speak to them once they have dropped their cloak and showed themselves." Tore ordered.

After a few moments the main viewer overlapped the forward viewport and a ship shimmered into existence. It was definitely a Romulan ship, but calling it a merchant ship was far from accurate. Unless, of course, the Romulan Republic used warships for mail call now. "Packing some muscle for a merchant vessel."

Number One had taken over Helm, speaking to her CO while eyes were still forward. "How so, Captain?"

"That, Number One, is a Hathos class warbird. Either we are being told a lie, or the Republic is using top-of-the-line warbirds for merchant work. Mister Resch, open the channel."

Griffon tapped keys and the image of the ship was replaced by a visual communication showing the Bridge of a warbird, but the face that met them was unexpected.

Bjorgo could not help but smile. "Captain Taavis," he said, seeing she was in Starfleet uniform. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Taavis kept her stoic stance, but Billi could see the mirth in her eyes. She knew all too well that the Vulcan/Romulan looking at them loved to surprise people. "Good day, Captain Bjorgo. Apologies for the ruse but one can never be too careful this far out. Having returned from Romulan space with a Federation delegation, I needed a fast and secure ride back this way. Would you be adverse to giving a girl a lift to M-69?"

Tore gave a chuckle. "You would be most welcome, Captain. Prepare for transport. Any luggage?"

"No, Tore. I tend to travel light. Beam me over when ready." Said Taavis.

Bjorgo looked over to Griffon. "Mr. Resch, transport Captain Taavis directly to the Bridge." Watching the man tap keys and then nod, Bjorgo said, "energize." Within moments Taavis appeared on the upper deck, standing in front of the viewport. As she solidified Tore had walked over and extended a hand, which she shook. "Welcome aboard, Captain."

"Thank you, Captain." Taavis dropped her hand.

"Number One, will you see our guest to a VIP suite? Thank you." His eyes returned to Taavis. "We will get together shortly and catch up, Captain."

"Very well," said Taavis, with Covenant transferring Helm to his console until Ensign Jazmin Al-Sahir could arrive. "I think you'll find what I have to say agreeable. Until then."

Billi and Taavis stepped off the Bridge, with Ens. Jazmin showing up in the other lift and taking her place at Helm. "Jazmin, plot a course for M-69, warp four."

"Aye, Sir." Ensign Jazmin took control of helm and plotted the course and set the light speed. "Course laid in, Sir. Warp four, standing by."

"Hit it."

the USS Nazgul gathered herself and jumped into light speed, settling in at a casual warp four as she headed for home port. "Miss Ainkara, I need to confer with Captain Taavis. You have the Bridge."

Ainkara acknowledged the orders and got up from her post. As Bjorgo left the Bridge she sat down in the center seat.



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