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Peel Post # 6 - All Is Well

Posted on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 11:29pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 3}

Lieutenant T'Den and Commander Devroe materialized on the pads in Transporter Room One; stepping off the pads T'Den turned to Angel "Thank you for escorting me to the surface and for your keen insight" she commented with sincerity, which was unusual for her as she wasn't one to give out compliments.

Angel smiled "You're welcome and it was my pleasure. I have to admit I did learn a lot about diplomacy that I was unaware of before" the Commander replied.

After a brief moment of thought "Perhaps you would have the evening meal with me in my Quarters....lets say seventeen hundred, there is something I would like to discuss with you" T'Den inquired.

"Yes thank you, I would be honored and seventeen hundred would be fine. Right now, if you'd excuse me, I need to get to the Bridge and fill the Captain in on what happened at the negotiations" Angel replied knowing how important her information was.

"Yes, of course I won't keep you" T'Den stated in her usual Vulcan manner. The two Officers left Transporter Room One each going in separate directions.

{Deck 1}

The Commander walked onto the Bridge taking her seat. The Captain looked to his right "Welcome home Number One; so how did things go" Jamie inquired being hopeful.

"Captain we have been successful in our negotiations on the surface. The Selayans have agreed to take their captives back to their home planet as part of the agreement with Lieutenant T'Den and of course Star Fleet" Angel explained then continued "They will be using people from their own Planet to work in the mines and they will be compensated for the work done."

A smile came across Jamie's face "That is great news Number One, job well done" as he turned towards Comms "Hail General Omar for me" came the order then Jamie stood and walked up behind Helm straightening his uniform on the way. "You're all set Sir" Comms replied.

The General appeared on the screen "General Omar I have some good news for you. As part of the agreement between the Selayan Government and Star Fleet they will be transporting the captives back to their home planet and use their own people to work in the mines" Jamie informed Omar with a smile.

"That is good news Captain. I'll have my forces stand down and return to our Base. As far as we're concerned then, this matter is closed" Omar informed Jamie and smiled for the first time.

"Thank you General Omar, I'm glad you're a man of reason" then Jamie paused "And just so you're aware, Star Fleet will be sending people to make sure the Perfect does as promised so you won't have to be concerned with the situation."

"Thank you Captain O'Connell, that does put my mind at ease" Omar replied "I assume you'll be leaving the area soon to return back to your travels Captain."

"I'm pleased you trust the Federation to see this through; and yes we'll be breaking orbit soon. It was a pleasure to meet you Sir" Jamie answered as Omar gave him a smile and a nod; the Screen went back to a view of space.

Taking his seat Jamie called out "Helm set a course for M-69, warp five if you please" he ordered glad this was over. "Aye Captain....plotting course.....going to warp five now" as the Peel left for home.

"Now I can relax" Jamie commented looking at Angel "Lets head home."

"Sounds good to me Sir" Angel replied with a smile.

{Deck 2}

Angel walked to T'Den's V.I.P. Quarters and palmed the door chime waiting for an answer. T'Den opened the door "Commander, right on time I like that in an Officer. Please come in" as T'Den stepped aside allowing Angel to walk in.

Number one smiled "Please call me Angel since I am off duty" she replied once inside.

"Alright, Angel it is then and you can call me simply T'Den. Please make yourself comfortable; dinner will be ready momentarily" she replied then stepped to the replicator to order their dinner. Moments later she returned handing Angel her meal "I hope you do not mind but I took the liberty of ordering a dinner salad for each of us. Would you like a beverage to go with dinner."

Taking the salad "Thank you and yes I would like a glass of red wine; any kind will do" she replied.

T'Den returned with her wine and sat beside Angel as they both enjoyed their meals and discussing diplomacy mainly. After dinner was finished T'Den cleaned up and grabbed each of them another beverage and sat "There is something I would like to ask you if I may."

After sipping her glass of wine "Yes of course, what's on your mind" Angel queried with a smile.

"Let me preface my query with how impressed I was with your ability to read not only people but a situation. I also understand from your Captain that you are very skilled in hand to hand combat as well" she stated.

"Thank you for your confidence in me, it means a lot coming from you, and yes I am very good in combat situations" Angel replied wondering where this was going.

"These are the reasons why I would like to ask you to join Star Fleet's Diplomatic Corp; we could use a person with your apparent talents" T'Den concluded.

A very shocked Angel just looked at T'Den for a moment before answering "I am very flattered by your offer" she stated then paused for a moment "Could I think it over and give you my answer tomorrow" she inquired already knowing what her answer was going to be but didn't want to appear ungrateful or too rash in her decision.

"Yes by all means; tomorrow will be fine" T'Den replied wondering if Angel would accept her offer or not.

The two Officers sat and chatted for a couple hours longer when Angel commented "It's getting rather late and I should be going" as she stood "Thank you for a lovely evening of conversation."

T'Den stood as well "It was my pleasure. It was nice to have meaningful conversation with someone like yourself. I will expect your answer tomorrow then" T'Den replied.

"Yes you will have my answer tomorrow. Sleep well T'Den" Angel said with a smile."

"You as well Commander" she answered as Angel turned and left for her Quarters.

[Next Morning]

About mid morning Number One walked to T'Den's quarters to give her her answer to the question from the night before "I have an answer for you T'Den" she stated "As flattered as I am at your proposal I'm afraid I have to decline your gracious offer."

A surprised T'Den asked "May I know why you have declined my offer; it is illogical that you would do so given your qualifications" she stated.

"My reason is twofold. Firstly I'm the happiest when I'm out in Space among the stars and secondly I 'm working for an exceptional Captain, probably the best I have ever worked for and I don't want that to change; at least not on my end" she explained "I hope you understand my reasoning."

"Yes I do see your line of reasoning but it doesn't have any logic behind it only emotions" she commented knowing this was one negation she was not going to win.

"Thank you for understanding Lieutenant, but I can't change the way I feel" Angel assured her "We should arrive back to M-69 in a few hours in case you want to gather your belongings before then."

"Thank you Commander I will take this opportunity to get ready for departure" she replied then paused for a moment "Angel if you should change your mind my offer still stands. You can contact me through the Diplomatic Corp at Star Fleet Headquarters."

"I will keep that in mind, thank you. I should get back to the Bridge anyway. Good day Lieutenant" as she turned and left T'Den's Quarters.

{Deck 1}

Commander Devroe walked onto the Bridge feeling at peace with her decision not to leave the Ship to work as a Diplomat as she sat in her chair "I'm back from my errand, thank you for letting me attend to it" Angel commented with a grin.

"You're welcome Number One, I hope it wasn't anything too bad" Jamie replied knowing it must have been important for Angel to ask to be dismissed for a few minutes.

"No" as a smirk came across her face just dying to tell Jamie as she leaned in closer to him "Lieutenant T'Den offered me a job with the Diplomatic Corp so I had to give her my answer this morning" she replied.

Jamie's eyes widened as panic set in at the thought of loosing his Number One "If I may be so bold....what did you tell her."

Angel could sense his trepidation, but decided to put his mind at ease "I told her no, I wanted to be out in space among the stars" she replied as a big grin came across her face "I also told her I was working with a great Captain and I wasn't willing to give that up."

The Captain let out a long sigh then a smile came across his face "Thank you for that.....I would be lost without your help and council" he replied "Besides I wouldn't want to have to train a new First Officer" as he grinned.

"No I suppose not" she replied with a grin "And thank you Captain for your faith and trust in means a lot."

Jamie just nodded figuring it may be time to change the subject before he did something embarrassing in front of the Bridge Crew.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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