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#3 Arrival

Posted on Sun Oct 29th, 2023 @ 5:12pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current


Sitting in his chair, Captain Bjorgo was in thought about various things even as his eyes looked at the whitewash of lightspeed whipping by without really noticing it. Number One walked the Bridge, stopping to converse with personnel here and there as she went. Ensign Jazmin was at Helm.

"Thirty seconds to drop point for Starbase M-69, Captain." Jazmin Al-Sahir announced, her hands placed so that she could shut down warp when they arrived.

Bjorgo came back to the immediate. "Very well, Miss Jazmin. Secure from light speed when ready."

Billi stepped up on Tore's left. "It'll be good to see 69 again."

"It will, I agree." Said Bjorgo. "But, not for me, but for the crew. A break from seeing the same old corridors and spaces will be a welcome diversion."

"Securing from warp," stated Jazmin. "In three, two, one." Her hands danced across her console, and the whitewash of light speed ceased, bringing the stars back to their pinpoint brilliance as the Nazgul settled into half impulse. "Half impulse and steady as she goes, Captain."

"Thank you, Helm." Tore's face turned towards Griffon at Tactical. "Mister Resch, contact 69 and request permission to dock. Let's use a gangway instead of the transporter this go-round."

Resch glanced his way with a grin. "You got it, Skipper." He began to relay the request to 69, and within moments his face looked back at Bjorgo. "Permission granted, Captain. Docking arm number seventeen."

Tore gave a grin as he heard that information, his mischievous eyes looked to the back of Al-Sahir's head. "Miss Jazmin, you can parallel park, right?"

Jazmin spun her chair halfway around to look back, giving an amused look at her CO. "That and much more, Captain. Should we weave between superstructure first, or remain humble?"

"Let's show some humility, shall we?" He gave her a teasing wink and a smile.

"Aye, Captain," answered Jazmin as she faced front again, steering the Nazgul with the same level of skill he had seen from Billi.

Bjorgo leaned toward Billi slightly, speaking in a low tone. "Your prodigy is quite confident, Number One."

"As all good pilots should be, Captain," answered Billi. "I'm glad she came with me from over on 69. When I can't take the helm then I have no worries when she does. She'll be a lieutenant in no time, Sir."

Resch and Jazmin went back and forth with M-69, getting their approach vector and listening for any traffic issues. As directed by the base, Nazgul slid into her slot, the gangway extending and locking onto the starboard side of the Primary hull. Jazmin placed the ship in station keeping mode. "Docking secure and external gravity umbilical established, Captain," announced Jazmin.

"Excellent, Miss Jazmin. Well done." Bjorgo got to his feet. "Standard duty rosters, Number One. Crew may come and go as they please for base leave. Prepare the ship for the base maintenance engineers to come aboard and see to our needs."

Billi gave a nod. "Will do, Captain."

"Mister Resch, inform Captain Taavis that we have arrived at M-69. Send a message to Commodore Sureth that we have delivered the Captain and she will be boarding his base shortly." Resch acknowledged the orders and did his duty. "Everyone else, once we're secure for docking internally, enjoy a couple days of R&R, compliments of M-69. Carry on," he said, walking to the lift and disappearing inside, leaving Number One to finish getting the ship placed.



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