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Station Post #9 There and Back Again

Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 5:15pm by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Edited on on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 10:00am

Location: CO's office
Timeline: current


Captain Taavis arrived aboard starbase M-69 via the gangway docking arm now attached to the USS Nazgul. The moment her boots were on that familiar installation she felt much better. The past few months had been long and arduous, with Taavis taking part in negotiations with the Romulan Republic and the Star Empire, trying to bring a balance between them. As her own family on her Romulan side had served the Empire loyally for many years, and Taavis herself now allowed access to the Empire for that reason, Starfleet had tasked her with diplomacy between the two. She had spent those past months with a group of Federation diplomats, advising them on how the Romulan mind worked, and what they should expect. When it came to loyal members of the Star Empire, those that were zealots, duplicity would always play a factor. But, there were those who served the Empire out of a loyalty to the populace, not the corrupt, power-hungry government. And, most especially, not the Tal Shiar.

The diplomacy had garnered a cease fire, and a cease and desist pact from the Star Empire in regards to the Romulan Republic. They would pull back on their hostility as long as it was never discovered that the Republic had anything to do with any attacks on the Empire. Should that type of evidence ever be found then the Star Empire promised to annihilate every last one of them, with no remorse. It was a fragile peace, but it was peace nonetheless. Taavis, glad to see a positive outlook, no matter how flimsy, had then been contacted by Starfleet Command. They had informed her that Commodore Sureth needed to speak with her at her earliest convenience. So, she had requested a Republic vessel be allowed to deliver her back to Federation space, which they agreed upon. And, now, here she was. The Nazgul had been on patrol and Taavis felt that arriving by Starfleet vessel was better than putting the whole base on alert over a Romulan warbird.

Arriving in Operations, and giving nods to those she knew, Taavis passed through the 'Bridge' of the base and entered the foyer/lobby for the Commodore's office. She casually approached the desk of the assistant. "Good day. Captain Taavis, here to see Commodore Sureth." The assistant checked her data log, nodding to herself before looking up at Taavis and asking her to have a seat in the waiting area until the Commodore was free to speak to her. Nodding graciously, Taavis turned from the desk and went over to the window, looking out into space with hands clasped behind her back until the Commodore could see her. She did not wait long before hearing Sureth's voice. She spun around casually to face a man she saw as her CO, but also a respected friend.

" A penny for your thoughts. I think the humans once said. Captain Taavis welcome back to the 69. It is agreeable to see you again. We have much to discuss." Commodore Sureth greeted.

Taavis almost grinned, but got herself under control, her hands falling to her sides. "Commodore Sureth, it is always agreeable to see you too, Sir. Thank you for the welcome. Logic suggests that if I were to have a penny for each thought it would take a bulk freighter to move them all." She stepped towards him as he stood in the doorway to his inner sanctum. "I am, as always, at your service."

" Let us return to the ready room. We have much to discuss," Sureth replied.


Sureth had prepared a traditional Vulcan tea ceremony and immediately prepared it for both of them.
" As you are aware this station was initially assigned to be a science station. We then became a port of Harbor to impede the interlopers in the Triome system. Now we are moved and assigned as a Starfleet base in the highly contested Lagoon Nebula. Despite my many years of service to Starfleet it would seem they desire a tactical Commander to command this sector from possible Essary and other would be enemies of the Federation. As we have two starships assigned to us it does make logical sense to have a Fleet Commander, such as we have. Captain Taavis you have been promoted to fill M-69's first Fleet Captain position. CONGRATULATIONS!" Sureth replied.

After Sureth finished Taavis took a moment to absorb it all. She met his gaze evenly. "I am honored, Commodore. It has been too long since I was here last. Your faith in me is most appreciated. I welcome the opportunity to work with you and Commander Callaghan once again, and safeguard all we have out here. "Again, thank you for the trust, Sureth."

" I could think of no one I trust more. You are a loyal officer and friend. Our paths have crossed numerous times Captain and I have come to know you with intrigued interest. Others have harboured ill thoughts of your Romulan connections. I see that as a strength. However, we have a Klingon community. I hope that will not be a problem?" Sureth replied.

At the mention of Klingons Taavis did allow the slightest hint of a grin in one corner of her mouth. "Not from my side, Commodore. I have known Commander Kehlani for a few years, and we get along well. As for the others, I am always amicable to their culture. I will always honor and respect all cultures until they prove that that respect is unfounded. It will not be a problem, Sureth."

" I am glad. Do you have any questions?" Sureth replied.

"Not at this time, Commodore. With the aid of the computer I am sure I can find my offices and get things in order." Answered Taavis. "Do you have any queries for me, Sir?"

" Yes I want a weekly update please. You are Fleet Captain now but I am still this stations Commander and those ships are assigned to this station. The 69th Fleet is now yours Captain Taavis." Sureth replied.

Bowing her head at the neck, Taavis got to her feet. "Thank you for your time, and the tea. All will be done as you command, Commodore. With your permission I shall depart and get my affairs in order, Sir."

" Of course Captain Taavis, " Sureth raised his hand to a V .

Taavis returned the gesture before spinning on her heel and leaving the CO's Ready Room.



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