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#17 Unexpected arrival

Posted on Fri Oct 1st, 2021 @ 8:32am by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Mission: Captives
Location: SS Falcon (prvt. vessel)
Timeline: current


A light bleeping brought Taavis out of her meditation. Her eyes opened without issues and her mind resurfaced to the conscious level having been deep within her center. Her hands were laced together before her chin, elbows resting on the arms of the pilot's seat. This was her private Tercel-class Romulan runabout, complete with a cloaking device. Taavis had taken a leisurely trip from Romulus all the way out here at warp four, her ship's transponder telling all Starfleet vessels that she was registered and allowed to travel through Federation space. On each Bridge, when they saw ownership, that caused even more relaxation since she was a Starfleet officer and had attained the rank of Lt. Commander.

Separating her hands and adjusting her form to sit up straighter in her chair Taavis checked the readouts, seeing she was approximately half a light year from Starbase Mercury. Casually, and with timed actions, she shut her vessel down to half impulse, approaching the outer markers for Mecury. Coming to full stop she tapped the comm key. "Starbase Mercury this is the private vessel SS Falcon. Lieutenant Commander Taavis, active duty Starfleet." Once that was said she then sent her identity codes. "Awaiting instructions." Her Vulcan side waited patiently, her Romulan side wanted to be perturbed. The Vulcan side one out this time and she remained stoic. As a follower of Jarok there were times when letting one's emotions out was a good thing. The slightest of grins appeared on her face as she thought on that.

"SS Falcon, welcome to Mercury. We have a situation aboard, Commander Taavis. We have a creature running loose and have been unable to contain it." That's when the poor ensign, already nervous due to the current predicament noticed that this Taavis person was being assigned as the new Executive Officer. ~Oh great~ he thought ~I get all the luck~

Taavis perked up, making herself even straighter than she was, if that was possible. "Do we know the species?"

"Not yet, Sir. I don't think they even know where it came from."

~And, yet, it was free~ Taavis relied on her Vulcan discipline and remained calm. "Fine. Grant me a bay to park in and I'll take my chances. I am a veteran combatant, Ensign." She had glanced to the corner where it identified who she was speaking to. "Oh and, Ensign?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"That's an order," She reminded him.

"Aye, Sir." A few moments passed. "Your bay is marked, Sir. Welcome to Mercury, Ops out."

Taavis left the ship at station keeping while she changed from her standard catsuit to her all leather catsuit, complete with equipment belt, gadgets and weapons. Once changed and zipping up to her cleavage Taavis sat back down, adjusting her hips so both phase pistols were unhindered by the armrests. The telescoping handle for her teral'n was sideways along her lumbar region, attached to her belt. Tapping keys and taking control Taavis began to move towards Starbase Mercury.


Having been given a private docking bay off to the side from the primary bays Taavis landed and went through post-flight, shutting down and locking down systems. As she moved about the Bridge her shoulder haphazardly rubbed and bumped some bronze Orion six-sided dice hanging from the ceiling control panel between the seat for pilot and co-pilot. The Falcon was her mobile home and Taavis had made it as comfortable as any home should be. Badge on and rank pips on her uniform (leather catsuit, see special dispensation in bio appearance), Taavis opened the hatch, stepped out, then reclosed it and locked it. On alert she began to make her way through Mercury, trying to get to OPS or the Promenade.



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