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Post # 016 " Immortality"

Posted on Fri Sep 24th, 2021 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Captives
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Following 0012


[ The zombies will rise ]

Lily was still in Ops, having been left there when Commander Callaghan had been called away. Strange thoughts whirled in her mind, disrupting her concentration. An injured being, a need for help. She was three steps away from her station before she realized she had moved at all. She stopped, confused.

Shauna was just on the way out of her office when she noticed Lily’s confused look. “Is everything alright Lieutenant?”

"I'm not sure Commander." Lily replied. "I'm feeling a bit strange. Permission to go to sickbay?" She wasn't sure if the doctor would find anything; this seemed more a job for the counselor. Unfortunately, the only counselor on the station was unavailable. Still, she was sure she would be unable to work, given her present state of distraction.

Shauna was concerned, “Of course Lieutenant, please have Sickbay keep me up-to-date.”

"Yes sir." Lily could feel a pull now, drawing her away from Ops. She barely glanced at the XO as she left the bridge. Her mind felt foggy, she couldn't think straight. It was as if someone had taken her brain and stopped some of the neurons from firing.

She walked, almost aimlessly, not quite noticing where she was going. She was surprised when she found herself near sickbay, and realized she had set out to go there. She felt like she should be somewhere else... wasn't there someone who needed help? She frowned, then walked in.

Hiri quickly guided Lily to a biobed and immediately activated the stations Emergency Medical Hologram.
" Please state the nature of the medical emergency," the EMH greeted. This one was much different as it had the appearance of a well known former Star Fleet Doctor. It was a rendering visual of Dr Leonard Bones McCoy.

"Doctor, I'm having trouble thinking... focusing. That's not like me at all." Lily said, wishing she could express herself better. "And I'm hearing thoughts in my head. That aren't mine." she sounded completely creeped out. "I think."

" Let's get a blood count and get you some hydration. I push citrus too. Eat some oranges. Now for the voices , how long has this been occuring?" Hiri asked.

"Hardly any time. An hour maybe? Time has been a bit funny. I was on the bridge when they started, after the latest attack on Isabella." Lily replied.

Hiri left her room and ran to quickly analyze the blood sample.

< Morgue >

In the morgue moans and groans from the two dead corpses stirred as their eerie forms once again animated to life. The shadowed voice commanding even the very elements to once again animate the dead.

Their frosty feet leaving foot prints as they traveled out if their cold compartment towards sickbay.

Both then entered Lily's room and surrounded her.

Lily gasped. "What the... Go away and leave me alone!" She glanced from side to side, but there was no way out of her room. She was trapped. "Help! Someone help!" She felt her heart begin to beat erratically and put her hand to her chest, trying to figure out what was going on. She slid out of bed, but as she did, she felt lightheaded, and slid to the ground.

The zombied officers looked through the bedding but could not find Lily as she was in the other side. Then the door slid open again and all sorts of commotion and phaser fire ensued.

" Lieutenant are you injured?" Master Sergeant Dallas voice called out. His bots had noticed the comings and goings and he had quickly arrived to deal with the zombies.

"N-no." Lily faltered. She pulled herself up, using the bed. "I felt light-headed for a moment. There were these things." she paused. "Walking dead people. Like zombies." then she spotted them. "Ah, you shot them. Of course." she was breathing hard and shivering involuntarily. "How bizarre."

Dallas awaited for his fellow security to arrive and then Hiri arrived.

" Holy ...I pronounced those two dead." yowled Hiri opening up her tricorder.

" Dead or not they were trying to grab Lt Crawford." Dallas added.

Hiri purred and then made a interesting comment.
" They were dead but they were resurrected by use of nanites...borg like nanites ." Pulling up a screen on the tricorder she showed both Lily and Dallas.

" They have been infected with nanites to reanimate their tissues. Sophisticated nanites that can repair tissue."

Lily frowned. Her head was beginning to clear now, although she still felt vaguely unwell. "Borg-like, or Borg?" she asked. "Could we be facing an invasion? This far out..." There had never been solid proof to her liking that all the Borg had been eliminated.

" I will have to reanalyze them but these mini readings are consistent with borg like nano robots. A cluster of them repaired the brains of Horne and availed it to navigate to this room from a sealed morgue." Hiri replied.

" They are not Borg Doctor.. That was Horne a pal I made the first day here." Dallas added.

Hiri scanned Lily this time looking for nanites.

" No nanites present in you Lieutenant." Hiri replied.

"That's good to hear." Lily said. "I am definitely not feeling myself though."

" Your blood work does have an enzyme that does is not recognizable by Star Fleet Medical." Hiri replied.

"Great." Lily said sarcastically. "Any idea what it could be?"

" Salavic in nature. Protein enzymes were also detected." Hiri added.

"Saliva and protein enzymes?" Lily asked. "That doesn't make any sense."

Isabelle had heard the familiar voice of Lily she slid down off her biobed leaving her father to rest, and walked through to where the commotion was. She paused behind Dallas “It’s the creature, I felt it when I was connected. It wants you...” She looked towards Lily. “You’re the one he came for, now it wants us both.”

"Creature?" Lily asked, disgust and terror in her voice. "Is this to do with that whole 'Incubus' thing?" She didn't know why she asked the question, she felt she already knew the answer. "Don't answer that. Please. There's got to be a way we can get rid of it before it kills more people." she didn't want to die, but she was a Starfleet officer. "I can fly a shuttle. Sort of. Maybe I can get it off the station." she said quickly.

Isabelle shook her head. “It has a ship Lily, it’ll just follow you.” She was tired so she rested against a nearby biobed. “We both need to stay where we’re safe, that’s right here.” She offered a smile before returning to her biobed to lie down and rest.

Lily sighed and leaned back against her own bed. "I guess staying here is best." she said. "I have no idea if I'm fit for duty." She glanced around for the doctor, and spotted her nearby. "Do you want me to stay in sickbay, Doctor?" she asked.

" Yes until I deem it otherwise." Hiri replied.

"Yes doctor." Lily replied, her eyes drifting closed. She might as well rest since she was going to be here.



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