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Post # 015 Connections

Posted on Fri Sep 24th, 2021 @ 5:54pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Captives
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Concurrent


In Sickbay Isabelle was clinging to what little of her life was left, her body was fighting a battle for two against the effects of the creatures bites.

Hiri had expired her last dose of Vulcan antibiotics and even Brol was hard at work looking for a derivitive to fight the spread of the vampire virus.

Sureth quickly arrived on the station and raced through the corridors to help save his beloved daughter.

Hiri nodded and allowed Sureth a moment as she prepared a bed beside Isabella.

" Isabella it is Father." he whispered near her ear.

Isabelle opened her eyes giving her father the best smile she could given the circumstances, “Father? when did you get back? I were off station?”

" I am back to help you. Are you in mental contact with this being?" Sureth asked.

The influence of the creature was strong, at first she didn’t respond to the question but Isabelle eventually nodded. “I can hear it...he talks to us.”

Hiri connected their bloods and Sureth listened to Isabella speak.

He had used a mind meld a few times in his life and felt now was a good time as well.

" Focus on my words..." Sureth said laying hand to her temple on her left side.

((( Where is the voice calling from? ))) Sureth asked Isabella.

Isabelle focussed her mind on the link with her father, as his blood started to intermingle with her own via the transfusion. ((( It...calls from the darkness, I don’t know where. It’s strong. )))

The bond between Sureth and Isabella also was strong as he needled further into her mind.

A blanket laid out on the ground out side her mothers home as a back drop appeared as Isabella called to Cal, her beau, to come No voices just the dark shadow of Cal approaching both made Isabella smile and then tear up as he passed right by her turning to real fangs and dripping blood.

Sureth fell unconscious as his own blood emptied into Isabella.

Isabelle felt her father’s loss of consciousness as he left her mind. Her strength returning a little faster than it should have she propped herself up looking wide eyed at her father. “Father! Father wake up!!” She looked towards Hiri. “Help him!!”

Hiri ran over and adjusted both his blood and hydration ivs.

" He is dehydrated. But the blood is helping fight off the infection." Hiri replied. " Sureth no more mind melds."

" I...was almost there." Sureth replied.

Isabelle relaxed back onto her biobed knowing her father was alright. “You brought me back father” She gently reached out to hold her father’s hand. “I don’t feel him in my mind right now.”

" Goood..." Sureth whispered.

" The two of you rest now." Hiri said just as a commotion in the next room drew her attention.

Isabelle nodded and closed her eyes content for now knowing her father was close by.


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