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Post 014 Updating Sureth

Posted on Mon Sep 20th, 2021 @ 7:42pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Captain Shauna Callaghan
Edited on on Wed Sep 22nd, 2021 @ 7:10pm

Mission: Captives
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


With Isabelle in Sickbay and the creature still loose Shauna decided it best to contact Sureth, he needed to be updated on the current situation. Walking into the Captain’s office just off of Ops she requested a secure channel to Sureth.

“Captain” Shauna offered a polite smile. “My apologies for interrupting you, There’s a... situation aboard the station that I thought you should be appraised of.”

[ Commander I apologize for the hold up down here. Our hosts are considering halting their admission to join the Federation.What is the situation?] Sureth replied.

“We brought a ship into one of the docking bays, it appears to have contained some kind of....creature. It’s attacked and killed several people.” Shauna paused. “Including....Lieutenant Veran. She’s in Sickbay undergoing treatment.”

Sureth was silent.

" These talks can be postponed I will be returning very soon. Thank you Number One." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “We will protect her Captain, I will not allow anything to happen to your daughter and grandchild. Not on my watch!”

[ I trust you Commander but the unknown is never to be trusted.]

“Understood Sir” Shauna sighed as she sat back in her seat they had a monster to find and no idea where it might be hiding.

[ I will have to come by shuttle. A new storm is approaching and the magnetic field of the poles deflects transporters.] Sureth added.

“When you get here Doctor Hiri needs you in Sickbay, she needs blood for Isabelle and Vulcan blood will make her stronger.”

That changed a lot for Sureth but he still had to go by way of shuttle. [ I will be there ASAP.]

Shauna nodded. “Yes Sir, the station is on complete lockdown so let us know when you get here and I’ll have your shuttle escorted through.”

[ Roger that. ] Sureth replied as his image faded.

Shauna tapped the comms. “Callaghan to Hiri, Captain Sureth is returning he’ll be here as soon as he can get.”

Hiri replied " He had better hurry."

“We can only hope Doctor. I’ll send Sureth down as soon as he arrives.”



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