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Post 013 Aftermath

Posted on Mon Sep 20th, 2021 @ 7:05pm by Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Wed Sep 22nd, 2021 @ 7:09pm

Mission: Captives
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After ‘when is a dream not a dream’


The doors to Sickbay swished silently open as Shauna entered through them, she’d received the news that the station’s Counsellor, Captain Sureth’s daughter had been attacked by the creature that was loose onboard.

Lying on one of the biobeds Isabelle was looking decidedly pale, and feverish. The fresh bite was covered with blood and the monster’s saliva where it hadn’t bothered to cover it’s tracks. Isabelle was still somewhat euphoric, her mind connected to her new master.

“Report!” Shauna looked at both Dallas and Hiri, “What in the hell happened?”

" Someone or thing bit her. It tried to stab me but I deflected it. It's wearing some sort of cloaking outfit. I did wound it." Dallas replied.

" Isabella has been bitten multiple times and we have some dna to examine. For now she is in stasis with a plasma refuser on her."

Shauna nodded. “What are the Counsellor, and her baby’s chances Doctor? I’d rather not have to recall Captain Sureth with bad news.”

" Too soon to tell. Her Vulcan blood helped fight off some of the infection. I am using an aggressive antibiotics treatment and now it is wait see. Hiri replied.

Shauna nodded and looked to Dallas. “Do we have any idea where this... creature might be now?”

" I stabbed it but no trace of blood. So no not yet." he replied.

Shauna sighed. “Alright, I want a guard detail with Lieutenant Veran at all times. This creature seems to be
drawn to her, for whatever reason.”

" I will post live sentries and a drone bot." Dallas

“You said you wounded the creature?” Shauna looked curiously at Dallas. “How did you see it? Or even know where it was?”

" My bayonette but there was a weird blood on the blade. Hiri is analyzing it." Dallas replied.

There was a cough from Isabelle’s direction as she somehow awoke from the stasis Hiri had her under “And...I...warned you” she looked towards Dallas. “I it’s...eyes.”

Dallas paused as he remembered. " Are you telepathically linked to this thing?" Dallas asked Isabella.

Isabelle shook her head. “I...don’t know...maybe.”

Hiri then added some news. " The blood on the bayonette was not protein based it was an oil. "

Isabelle looked towards Hiri. “What...does that mean?”

" Too soon to say. Just rest girl." Hiri hissed.

" This is a mess a clustering mess. Meanwhile some cloaked thing is running ramped on this station." Dallas yelled.

Isabelle closed her eyes, she was soon asleep again. Right now the creature was also at rest, it’s connection with its victims were starting to grow.

(( We are injured)) it said. (( Please protect us )) it added to its telepathic screen. Reanimate the existing husks it said to itself.

Isabelle’s telepathic voice joined the chorus of others (( We will protect you master ))

The being relaxed and rested in the catacombs of the lower reactor room.

In her sleeping mind Isabelle was slowly falling deeper and deeper under the influence of the creature, if she could she would have found him, and let her master feed again to gain the strength it needed to fully heal. As it was her body was slowly recovering her desires pointing towards Dallas, to fully become she and other victims would need to feed completing their transformation. A point from which there would be no return.

Hiri looked to Commander Callaghan. "When the Captain returns it is imperitive I get a pint if gus blood. The Vulcan blood lacks the salts the creature feeds on. It will make her stronger."

“Understood, I’ll send the Captain to see you as soon as he returns to the station. Speaking of which I have to call him and inform him of the situation.”

" Please hurry. Her blood cells are only held back by the lack of carbon proteins. If she should bite someone and take in their blood the effects would be irreversible " Hiri replied.

“Understood Doctor, I’ll let the Captain know.” With that Shauna quickly headed for her office.



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