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Post # 0012, When are dreams not dreams?

Posted on Sun Sep 19th, 2021 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Edited on on Wed Sep 22nd, 2021 @ 9:07pm

Mission: Captives
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Current


Isabelle was laying in bed, she’d been tossing and turning for a while, the beginnings of her connection to the vampiric invader to the station starting to settle in. She suddenly awoke as a strong sense of not being alone disturbed her dreams, which were more like nightmares. Opening her eyes she blinked frowning as she thought she saw someone, or something...

A shadow sat in the corner where no light was visible. But then it slowly poised itself . A hint of telepathy urged her mind as she could hear breathing but not to see. Then it moved closer rubbing its cloaked fingers through her hair like the feeling of walking through a cobweb. A hypnotic vapor filled the room to lure Isabella into a state of rest.

Isabelle rested back onto the bed as the feel of though something was touching her hair, and the effect of the vapour relaxed her. Luring her into a false sense of security.

Such a special surprise to find not only a prize but two in one quest.

Isabelle reacted as any woman would when touched. At this moment her mind and body were his and he knew it.

The shadowed being made ready for its plans but the greater goal was the incubus and possibly the fetus of this being fulfilling the great destiny.

Isabelle was lost in her relaxed state, she didn’t even clearly realise the creature was hovering over her body. In her mind she was dreaming, her neck tilted to one side leaving him the access if he chose to feed on her again.

Precious time remained and the being again left its mark, this time not wiping away its saliva. With Isabella now his token the extraction of the fetus would be only a few minutes away.

Isabelle stirred the pain of the bite awaking her from the subdued state she was in, she reached her hand for the comm badge on her bedside table. “Security to... Veran’s Quarters! Intruder... alert!”

The being continued its preparation either unaware or not caring.

Dallas was alerted and rushed frantically back inside over riding the protocols.

Isabelle was trying to fight off her assailant but when the bedroom door opened and Dallas rushed through the door, there was no sign of an intruder. Instead he saw Isabelle writhing like she was fighting something off when there was nothing there, there was however fresh blood on her neck.

" Computer seal this room." yelled Dallas. He thennran over and check Isabella's pulse. It was faint as the blood loss had lowered it and her skin almost a blue ivory.

Activating his visor Dallas scanned all the spectral wave units in the room discovering an ultraviolet setting the being was detected. As he aimed to fire he realized he could damage the room and then pulled out his bayonette.

" You want blood come take mine you son of a bitch." Dallas yelled.

In her mind’s eye Isabelle was seeing through the creature’s eyes as it stalked Dallas, she was weak but not too weak to utter two words to Dallas. “Behind... you!”

The shadow lunged toward Dallas he jabbed it as it exited the door and vanished.

Dallas look for but but saw nothing and then rushed back to Isabella's side.

" Sickbay medical emergency to Lt Veran STAT."

" Don't worry Isabella is coming." Dallas comforted.

Isabelle had just enough strength to place her hand on Dallas’ before she fell asleep. The whole experience taking its toll.



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