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Station Post # 20 " Witch Hunt "

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 9:33am by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Following


== Starbase M-69 ==

Commodore Sureth concluded the meeting with Lt Commander Wallace by informing Captains Taavis and Callaghan of a further meeting. This one would take place in a neutral setting aboard the Klingon Cruiser IKV Chus'ugh.

" Welcome back Commander Callaghan, and others." Waroq greeted unaware of her rank change.

Sureth replied for Shauna.
" Commander It was necessary to borrow your vessel for this meeting. "

" It must be littered with bugs, no doubt by the Romulans." Waroq replied.

" Something like that. " Sureth replied.

" I will be on your station enjoying dabo and free drinks Commodore. Lock up when you get finished. Oh and Commander, Kahvek has been looking for you." Waroq teased.

Shauna nodded. “I will find him Commander, thank you.”

When Waroq was gone Sureth proceeded with his meeting.
" I asked you here because I do not feel safe to talk on the station. Recent things have occurred that makes me question the security of our station. I believe we have been compromised by the Essary." Sureth warned.

“By the Essary?” Shauna nodded. “Though why would they risk a confrontation with the Federation?”

Taavis Had listened to what was said and then raised her chin to address the others. "A station this size, with our amount of traffic, is an easy target for espionage. Having said that, it stands to reason it may be someone within our own ranks. If not a sympathizer, then possibly someone who is related to Essary who are in service. Accessing the command offices and Operations for M-69 is classified, except for station personnel, or invited guests." She gave a quick tilting of her head before it went back to normal. "I ran Security for a station of similar size back in my Lieutenant days." She then looked to Callaghan briefly. "Congratulations, Shauna, on your promotion. I did not have an opportunity to say so before."

" Captain Taavis please comprise a list and begin with this one." Sureth said as he handed Taavis a padd. " Captain Callaghan despite your personal issues I want you to communicate with Captain Rivers. I need to know what he doesn't tell us officially. Can you do that for me?" Sureth asked.

Taking the PADD, Taavis waited for Callaghan to respond before speaking again.

Shauna offered Taavis a polite smile. “Thank you Taavis.” She then looked at Sureth. “You want me to spy on Captain Rivers Sir? Aren’t we supposed to be on the same side?”

This time Taavis gave a slight hint of a grin. "I have a query, as well, Sir. What would you like me to make a list of?"

" No Deke trusts you. I need you to show him we are on his side. He might have heard or observed something while with the Essary. I believe they have occupied us for a while and I believe it happened once we moved to this sector. Logic tells me to consider all avenues therefore I deduce this." Sureth replied.

As they spoke a hail for Captain Shauna Callaghan came from Captain Rivers.

Shauna nodded. “Very well Sir, I’ll take that call.” With that she went to answer Deke’s call.

Captain Taavis decided to offer an idea. "Being Fleet Captain, it would be to my advantage to have someone to aid me in this investigation. Lieutenant Lasso is a Tactical officer, and the highest rank within the Security department. Would you approve if I were to make him acting Security Chief, to assist? If you and Captain Callaghan agree, Sir."

" I trust your opinion Taavis. The name on that list is my prime suspect. Tell no one not even Lt Lasso." Sureth replied.

Shauna returned from her call with Deke. “Are you sure if you think Lasso is our spy Commodore?”

" No not Lasso. It is most unVulcan of me but my reason for suspecting this person leaps beyond logic. It borders on treasonous suspicion which is why I asked you to meet me here." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “Who would this person be?”

" It is best to keep that between myself and Captain Taavis. We need to return to the station before we are missed." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “We can transport you straight back Sir, though saying that maybe it’s best to avoid anything that could spontaneously malfunction.” She gave Sureth a look that said she was worried for his welfare.

Waroq arrived as if he was called.
" Time is up Commodore unless you have latinum."

" Show us to your transporter room Commander Waroq." Sureth replied.

Taavis walked along with them when they got moving. "I had an exploration mission slotted for the USS Nazgul, Commodore. I will change that and make sure the Nazgul stays close by on patrols. Should you need a place to lie low, one that is secure, I'm sure Captain Bjorgo would find that agreeable, Sir." She was still confused over who he had on the PADD he had handed her, that denoted who he found to be a prime suspect. It had been some time since Taavis had been familiar with the station and its goings-on.

" By all means go to the Nazgul Captain. This will not be resolved for a while. When you return we will meet again on this subject." Sureth replied.

Shauna followed on, she had to get back to the station to resume her duties as First Officer. She was no longer needed aboard Waroq’s ship.

Lt Kahvek spotted Shauna’s exit and called out.
" I see you have been promoted. Allow me to buy you a blood wine later to honor your promotion?"

Shauna smiled. “Who am I to refuse such a kind gesture Lieutenant, thank you.”

Kahvek smiled and watched the Captain exit the airlock. It was a good day to live.



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