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Peel Post # 13 - Something Different

Posted on Tue Nov 21st, 2023 @ 5:15pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Tue Nov 21st, 2023 @ 5:59pm

Location: Various
Timeline: Current



{Deck 2}

Johan finished his shower and dressed thinking what he and Sarissa might do this evening; it needed to be something different and preferably off the Ship. After some more contemplation he came up with a great idea. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Aloran, Albo here, how would you like to go out to dinner and dancing on the Base this evening" he inquired really wanting to spend time with his Lady.

Sarissa was sitting feet up resting when Johan’s voice came over the comms. “I would love to Johan! What time do I need to be ready for?”

"How about eighteen hundred, if that works for you, and dress sort of fancy; I have reservations at Che Pierres for dinner and dancing. Nothing's too good for my Lady" he replied really looking forward being with Sarissa again.

“Fancy it is! I’ll see you then.” Hopping up off the sofa she headed to get a shower and to choose her dress for the evening.

Being very happy, as well as excited, to be spending an evening with his favorite girl Johan went to his closet to pick something appropriate for the occasion. Looking over his choices "Hmm....let me see" as he pushed clothes aside looking for that right something "Ahh....that'll work" as he pulled out a pair of black pants, a light blue dress shirt, and a dark grey sports coat. After dressing Johan looked in the bottom of the closet and resurrected his black dancing shoes and dusted them off since he couldn't remember the last time he had worn them. Looking in the mirror he did a final hair check, splashed on some aftershave and headed for the living area.

Johan walked over to his desk and placed his Comm Badge in his pocket set to vibrate just in case something came up. Looking at the time he decided to check a couple of reports so he wouldn't arrive early giving Sarissa time to get ready; although he knew she would look as gorgeous as ever which made him smile.

When the moment was right he walked out his door and to Sarissa's arriving right on time. Palming the door chime he stood waiting for an answer.

Sarissa had practically spent the last half hour choosing the right dress, her choice finally made she stood looking at herself in the mirror with a smile. The figure hugging, low neckline red & black dress she’d chosen was complemented by a pair of red stiletto heeled shoes. Her hair left long and flowing.

Hearing the chime she headed for the door smiling as she answered it and greeted Johan. “Good evening handsome.”

Johan entered seeing this beautiful women before him then walked right up to Sarissa "Hi gorgeous" then leaned in and gave her a very tender kiss "I've been wanting t do that all day" he stated with a big grin.

Sarissa smiled and returned the kiss with a loving one of her own. “Hmm me too.”

Realizing the time Johan commented "We should be going if we're going to make our dinner reservation" as the couple left Sarissa secured her quarters.


{Promenade Deck 198}

Walking onto the Promenade they walked directly into the restaurant being greeted by the Host "Welcome to Che Pierres, do you have a reservation with us" the Host inquired with a smile.

"Yes we do, it'll be under Johan Albo for eighteen thirty hours" Johan replied with his arm around Sarissa's waist.

After checking his list of reservations "Ah yes....Mr. and Mrs. Albo if you'd follow me please" as the trio made their way into the establishment to a table for two in a corner of the dining room "Here you are" as he placed the menus on the table "I will have a waitress over to take your orders soon and please enjoy your time at Che Pierres."

While the Host was talking, Johan pulled the chair back for Sarissa to sit "Here you go gorgeous" he whispered with a grin as she sat and he adjusted her chair for her.Then Johan sat taking a sip of his water "Did you happen to catch how the host addressed us" he inquired with a smirk.

“I most certainly did” Sarissa smiled. “I have to admit Mr and Mrs Albo has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think?”

Johan was careful how he answered not wanting to get her hopes up; not yet anyways "Yes but I think we're a quite aways from that scenario; I want us to be very good friends first then the other will follow" he replied not wanting to hurt her feelings. Then he decided to change the subject to a brighter note "You had asked me some time ago if I would like to share your quarters with you" then he paused "I would but I'll keep mine as well since they are so small; I don't want to fill up your quarters with my stuff."

“I guess I can understand that” Sarissa nodded offering a warm smile. “I thought it would save us having to keep going back and forth between each other’s quarters, even though it is fun.”

The waitress walked over with a smile "Good evening, what can I get for you tonight" she inquired."

Johan looked at Sarissa "Go ahead, you first whatever you'd like" he commented really not overly concerned about prices.

Sarissa gave it some thought before choosing. “I’d like the steak please, cooked medium to well.” She smiled. “And a Risan sunset as well please.”

The waitress turned towards Johan "I'll have the chicken cordon bleau and a glass of red wine as well" he stated with a smile. The Waitress grabbed their menus "Your dinners will be up shortly" then she turned and went to the Kitchen.

After a moment of silence "So, can I start calling you my 'roommate' then" he inquired with a big grin.

Sarissa couldn’t help but smile. “I’d rather you call me your girlfriend.” She gently reached across the table and took his hand. “I can’t wait to come home to spending time with you every night.”

Johan had thought his intentions were clear but decided to put her mind at ease so with a grin "Yes Sarissa, you are most definitely my girlfriend" as he placed his other hand on top of hers "And I am very much looking forward to being with you when we're off duty" then he decided to lighten the mood as he whispered "I hope you don't mind but I do sleep naked every night; just so much more relaxing that way" as he snickered.

Sarissa lowered her voice. “You go to bed naked at night and you won’t be getting much sleep!” She gave him a playful smile.

Johan snickered "That's fine with me" he replied just before their meals arrived. Smelling the delicious looking food Johan picked up his fork and started enjoying his meal "This is so good" he commented "So much better than replicator food."

“Mmmm” Sarissa nodded as she politely started eating her food as well before speaking. “Replicators are all very well, but real meat is something that can’t be beaten!”

Johan grinned "You said a mouthful" he replied with a chuckle hoping she would pickup on his pun.

“Haha very funny!” Sarissa grinned as she pulled a funny face. “This is a nice place, I’ve never been here before.”

"I thought you might like a classy place since you are a very classy lady" Johan replied with a smile. The couple finished their meals and continued talking and enjoying one another's company. Shortly Johan heard music starting to play as some of the Patrons proceeded to the dance floor. Looking at Sarissa "Would you care to dance?"

Sarissa watched as others stood to go to the dance floor. “I would love to.”

Walking to the dance floor Johan led holding Sarissa's hand. He turned taking her in his arms and gently pulled her towards himself as they started dancing slowly to the music. Johan thought he was in heaven, the smell of her hair and the sweet smell of perfume filling his senses; life couldn't get any better than this. Looking at this gorgeous creature a smile came across his face as he said in a low voice "I am so falling in love with you."

Sarissa held onto Johan as she looked into his eyes. “That’s good because I’m already head over heels in love with you.” She smiled as she enjoyed the closeness they shared as they danced, she would be happy just to spend all of her time with Johan.

The couple danced on and off for the next few hours until it getting rather late "Shall we call it an evening and go back to your quarters after I stop and pick up a few things from mine" he inquired looking forward to sharing Sarissa's home with her.

Sarissa nodded. “I’d like that very much. I’ll make you some room in my wardrobe and cupboards so you can keep some of your things at mine.” She smiled excited at the thought of sharing quarters with Johan.

"Ok, but I won't need much room" Johan replied as the couple left the Restaurant on their way to Johan's then home to Sarissa's.


{Deck 2}

Arriving at Sarissa's, with a few things of his own, Johan commented "Please let me unlock your door" as he punched in her security code that she had given him some time go. Opening the door he turned with a smile "After you gorgeous".

“Why thank you handsome” Sarissa smiled as she looked into Johan’s eyes. Walking in she headed across to the sofa motioning for Johan to join her.

He put his things down on a nearby chair and answered Sarissa's invitation as he sat next to her looking into her gorgeous eyes "So what can I do for you" he asked teasingly with a smile.

“Hmm well, I’m sure I can think of something” Sarissa smiled as she leant in for a passionate kiss.

After the kiss Johan grinned "Off the top of my head I can think of a few different somethings" then he returned her kiss as he began caressing her.

Sarissa sighed enjoying every touch. “I suggest we carry on with this in the bedroom...”

Johan stood with a smile offering her his hand "Works for me" he replied with a smile.

Sarissa willingly took his hand, she’d been looking forward to more time with Johan all evening. “I’ve been looking forward to this all night.”

Soon the couple were nestled in bed with Johan's arm around Sarissa relaxing "Now this is the life....laying in bed with my favorite girl....I'll have no problem getting used to this" he commented with a grin just before giving her a passionate kiss.

Sarissa returned his kiss with just as much passion. “I’m already used to this, and I never want it to change.”

Grinning he replied "Well since both of us are quite content with our current situation it looks like we're stuck with each other, and that's fine with me."

Sarissa smiled. “Good, because I don’t plan on losing you to anyone else.” She leant in for a romantic kiss.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Chief Counselor/ACMO

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Operations/Science Officer
USS Peel


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