Station Post # 19 Holy Trek 2
Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 2:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Lieutenant Myar
Location: Lagoon Nebula Sag A
Timeline: Concurrent
The Runabout Ocoee briskly glided through the mystic hydrogen filled nebula thanks to the engineering skills of Lieutenant's Yova and Myar.
Resting but now sitting upright the visitor Harus smiled at Ramvek Williams, who he called Doctor Williams.
" My home world is not too far inside the great myst. I am the first of my kind to leave my world. Hadah forbid us to dream of such. But when the pirates stole the great bath I jumped aboard one of their machines and hoped to recover the great bath."
Ramvek sat listening to his new friend, and Patient, trying to decipher his terminology since there was a bit of a language barrier despite using the universal translator "Harus some of your terms are unfamiliar to me; what is the great bath" he inquired with interest.
" The Great Bath of Healing Doctor Williams. Hadah blessed the great bath and all true souls who believe in Hadah are healed of sickness and even death. I have seen the dead raised again Doctor William. But the raiders stile the great bath and now the sick are dying." Harus replied.
Ellie sat in her seat chewing on some ginger biscuits she’d brought along with her, it was true that ginger helped with morning sickness, fortunately she was almost at the point in time where her morning sickness would be a thing of the past. She was almost 4 months pregnant now with hers and Yova’s twins.
" Are you going to make it wife?" Odac asked as he separated from Myar for a few minutes.
“Of course” Ellie nodded wondering why it was Yova’s always called her wife instead of by her name. They were married nothing was going to change that.
"I just worry about you and the babies. I wish you would have stayed back on the station." Odac added.
“I’m a scientist Yova, being pregnant doesn’t stop me from doing my work.” Ellie smiled. “Once I reach the third trimester then I’ll rest and put my feet up, but for now I have time to do what I do best.”
The new shielding harmonics allowed the OCOEE to go through the alien myst like a knife through hot butter and surprisingly allowed the sensors to detect the planet.
" We have a contact. A planetoid registering class L." Sayvek reported.
“Class L, sounds like it’s either rebreathers or tri-ox to prevent Carbon Dioxide poisoning for us.” Ellie offered. “Given my condition I’m going to air on the side of caution and go for a rebreather, I’d rather not be taking tri-ox inoculations whilst pregnant.”
After overhearing their conversation about the atmosphere Ramvek felt compelled to add his opinion since he was the only Doctor on board "Lieutenant Kees-Odak has a valid point. Try-ox is effective but can accumulate in the body over time and certainly not to be used while pregnant. If I might suggest, rebreathers might be the most prudent means of breathing in that atmosphere for everyone aboard" he concluded having the Crew's health in mind.
Ellie nodded to Ramvek. “Rebreathers it is Doctor, I’ll make sure they’re all ready for use.”
The crew of the OCOEE had gone where no starfleet ship had gone before as the near the planet.
Harus smile changed instantly as he saw the gray world for the first time from space.
" Is that my home world? It looks dead." Harus asked.
The Doctor could see the consternation on Harus' face as he placed his hand gently on his arm "Harus looks can be quite deceiving; I'm sure our Science Officer will be initiating some scans to see what the problem is, if any" Ramvek commented trying to put Harus at ease.
" The result of those who stole the great bath and shrine of HADAH. Please take me to my home I have to find my family." Harus cried.
Sayvek flew into the world and immediately scanned for inhabitants. A cluster of life by the north Sea prompted his landing there.
" Commander Williams as senior officer you are the ranking officer here. I am detecting two settlements and a very large ship orbiting this planet." Sayvek reported.
Ramvek had not been thrown into a Command position for a very long time as his mind started processing what he had been told "First things first, scan that Ship and see if it is friend or foe" he suggested then continued looking to Harus "Which one of those settlements is your home."
Harus pointed to the right one and thus Sayvek flew closer to it.
" Sensors show an energy pattern around that village Doctor. A dome."
" The dome is not of us it is a weapon of the pirates to prevent us from escape " Harus added.
Sayvek then added " There is no dome over the other settlement, also no life signs."
" Doctor Williams they are called the ASSUL. They are thieves and robbers of life and cultures. Our sacred text tell of the return of the ASSUL but I thought they were myth until they came and stole the great bath."
“So it looks like these pirates have been busy, that dome is obviously where they’re keeping people. Question is what can we do about it? We’re not a starship.”
" Myar and I can study its composition. Find out what powers it." Odac stated.
Sayvek then added " Ellie perhaps are skills can be best used to help Doctor Williams with any sick or wounded."
Ramvek listened to the conversation very closely allowing his Vulcan side to prevail "If, and this is a big if, we can somehow penetrate that dome then yes I can do what I can to help the sick and wounded; that logically should be our first endeavor since we are already here" then he paused for a moment thinking of alternatives to their current situation "If we are unsuccessful, then my advice would be to go back to M-69, inform Command then perhaps they could dispatch a Starship to better handle the situation. Let's not forget that rather large Ship in orbit around the Planet; unless any of you have an alternative idea" he concluded while going over in his mind what their success might actually be.
Ellie shook her head. “No alternative ideas here. If we can help any of these people then we should.”
Harus then added " I have to return. You can just leave me here and return to safety. Perhaps my fate is to die with my people. The prophecy is clear."
" I do not believe in prophecy. You make your own path. We will find a way to lower that dome." MYar yowled.
Ramvek walked over to Harus and placed is hand on his shoulder with a smile "We will find a way my Friend" he stated with resolve.
Harus half heartedly smiled and some hope filled his mind.
" I have found an area to land and near a possible power source of the dome." Sayvek pipped in.
Hearing that Ramvek walked up and stood behind but to the right of Sayvek "Good, set us down. I am not a proponent of violence but in this case we can not take a chance. Are there phasers aboard so we can arm ourselves just in case" he commented not wanting to fail at this attempt.
Odac reached and opened up the rear armoury door.
" We are as armed as a Bajoran scout. 6 phaser rifles and 6 hand phasers."
"Excellent" Ramvek commented "We are going to need something pretty hefty to disrupt the power source so we can help these people."
Groups of huddled people resembling Harus gathered the few drops of food they had and carried it to a great urn where it seemed a large soup or broth was being made. While outside that dome Odac Yova and MYar used their tricorders to trace the power source.
" Odac to Dr Williams. We found the power generator to the dome. It is a 6 system unit. It appears to be like a energised rainbow of energy. MYar thinks we can disrupt a section to free the people."
Tapping his Comm "Well done Lieutenant Yova, let me know when you have succeeded; Harus and I will join you. I will have my medical bag to attend to any of those who may need medial attention" Ramvek commented wondering what to do with these people after they had been freed.
" Roger that Doctor Odac out."
Sayvek looked to Ellie and smiled.
" This is quite fascinating. A first contact with life inside the nebula. I am intrigued by this HADAH. Vulcan has no deities."
“First contact is a delicate situation, one wrong move and you make enemies instead of friends.” Ellie looked towards Ramvek. “We’re taking a pretty big risk here, I know the people have to be saved but we could end up causing an incident.”
Ramvek thought for a moment "Logically you are correct Lieutenant, but humanely if these people need our help I for one can not turn a blind eye. Having Harus as our friend should go a long way of preventing such a situation" he replied realizing Ellie's concerns.
Ellie nodded. “Of course Sir, we can’t just abandon people.”
Harus smiled but clearly feared what was beyond.
A few minutes later the dome shimmered and then a fourth of it collapsed.
" It's open Doctor," Odac signalled.
Harus was first to run in and immediately go to his people and after a heated exchange with some he them he returned.
" I am cursed. They do not want our help. They blame me for the arrival of the invaders. They would rather die than accept our help." Harus stated as he then left the camp.
" Tricorder shows three being heading this way from the other site. They appear to be using all terrain vehicles ." Sayvek warned.
Myar stepped up from behind the power box.
" They must have detected the collapsed shield. I can reverse the current sir if you want me to?"
"Yes, go ahead Lieutenant" Ramvek ordered.
Harus rushed back shouting, " It is the ASSUL . You have to run back to your ship."
Ellie was listening to the exchange over the comms, she was worried for Yova’s safety. “Do we have a transporter lock on our people?” She looked at Sayvek.
"Yes COMPUTER beam Lt Ellie Kees-Odak back to the Runabout." Sayvek commanded into his comms badge.
The transporter quickly beamed her away.
Harus watched as she beamed away followed by all the others leaving only Dr Williams awaiting his turn.
" You are a God Doctor Williams." Harus told him. Inside the dome the others also watched as Williams also was transported away.
Harus fell to his knees and was soon set upon by the ASSUL arrivals.
All the staff safely arrived and quickly addressed what had happened.
" Three beings are near the source. Harus is still alive but surrounded. We can easily destroy that dome Doc with our phasers. " Odac told Williams.
After a brief moment of thought "Make it happen Lieutenant, perhaps that will distract the Assail long enough to get a lock on Harus and get him out of there" Ramvek stated.
Sayvek lifted off and positioned the runabout directly over the dome with a direct pitch to the power source. Firing two bolts the shield went down and collapsed the entire dome. The three Assul bikers rode off toward the other dome availing him then to land.
Harus stood up and saw as the others joined them.
" Doctor Williams, Doctor Williams!" they began to chant.
" Doctor we would appear to have a problem." Sayvek commented.
"Enlighten me Mr. Sayvek, what seems to be the problem" Ramvek commented wondering what else could go wrong.
" They appear to be chanting your name as one might a deity."
Ramvek knew exactly what he had to do "I'll go out among them and prove to them that I am an ordinary man made of flesh and blood" he stated as he picked up a scalpel and proceeded to walk off the Shuttle. Walking up to the group he noticed the chanting had ceased "Friends you flatter me with your actions but I can assure you I am nothing more than a man made up of flesh and blood" then he took the instrument and cut his hand; holding it up so they could see the blood dripping off his hand. Not what he wanted to do but at least his action would hopefully make them see reason.
Ellie watched waiting to see what the reaction of the crowd would be to Ramvek’s show of blood. She just hoped they didn’t see it as weakness.
" Doctor Williams will lead us to victory over the Assul. My his shed blood we are assured victory." Harus told the crowd.
To the rear near the other camp the roar of the Assul ship taking off could be seen by all as they left the planet.
" Scanning...they have left orbit and appear to have gone to warp. The other dome is still in tact. Perhaps we should seal your wound and then explore that site?" Sayvek suggested.
"Way ahead of you Lieutenant" as Ramvek reached into his pocket and grabbed a small Dermal Regenerator and passed it over his wound a few times "There good as new" he stated "Logically we should see what the other dome has to offer; maybe it will give us some insight into the Assul beings."
Leaving the camp the natives watched with inquisition as the runabout craft flew over the hills to the other in tact dome compound.
" This one is highly shielded and appears to be their camp. Do you wish me to blast the emitters?" Sayvek asked.
"Since the Assul ship has left the area, logically the camp should be devoid of life" then Ramvek paused a moment "Go ahead Lieutenant, let us see what they are hiding" came the order.
Following the order Sayvek fired on the emitters and the entire bubble collapsed. However sensors detected a series of mortar and booby trapped devices around the great bath which was inside the compound.
The great bath was very keen to the religion of these people.
" It will be almost impossible to detonate these without damaging that bath sir," Odac informed as he and Myar had studied the situation.
That really wasn't what Williams wanted to hear considering the events of the last few hours as a thought occurred to him "Is there any way we could propel a comms badge into the Bath then lock onto it and get it out of there" he inquired from the experts.
Odac smiled and spoke up " Just beam onto it and I will drop signal amplifiers to get a better lock on it."
Sayvek looked to William's for approval.
“Are you sure this isn’t just something to keep us busy?” Ellie interjected. “They might return with reinforcements.”
" It is curious they left so quickly and gave us no fight." Sayvek agreed.
“I take it there’s no...” Ellie’s words faded out as she was suddenly enveloped in a transporter beam similar to their own.