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Peel Post # 12 - Unwinding

Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 5:24pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Edited on on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 5:34pm

Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent to Station Post # 18



{Deck 5}

After her unexpected trip to Sick Bay on the Station, Maria SanChez decided to make a stop to Marine Country and see if Private Anderson would like to hit up the Club later to let off some steam.

Walking into the Marine Area of the Ship Maria suddenly heard "Officer on Deck" as all the Marines stood and snapped to attention. "As you were Marines" Maria ordered as she walked over to Sarah Anderson "Private a word please" she stated as the two walked a ways away from the rest of the group. "Hi Sarah, I was wondering if you'd like to join me later at the Club for a few drinks and some fun" Maria inquired with a smile.

"Yes I'd like that, I could use some real booze to help me unwind" Sarah replied "What time and where do you want to meet up."

"I thought about eighteen hundred and I'll swing by your place then we can head to the Club for some fun and relaxation, if that's good for you" Maria commented.

A grin came across Sarah's face "Yup that'll work just fine, so I'll see you later then" as she winked at Maria then returned to the other Marines while a quite happy Maria left for her quarters. Returning to her fellow Marines Jones called out "What did you do Anderson, get that little sweet ass of yours in trouble again" as she could hear the others making cat calls. "That is none of your damn business Jones and you wish you could have some of this sweet little ass" Sarah replied as only a Marine could. Jones just stood there not knowing how to respond as the other's were making all kinds of cat calls signifying Anderson had just bested Jones.

{Deck 2}

Arriving back at her quarters Maria thought she might have a warm beverage to help her relax as she stepped to the replicator "Computer, one cup of hot cocoa sweet" she instructed ready to grab her hot cocoa when it was ready. Once retrieved Maria went and sat on the couch putting her feet up on the coffee table to get comfortable. While drinking her cocoa she started imagining how her time with Sarah might play out making her grin.

After Maria finished her cocoa she was starting to feel sleepy so she went to her bedroom and laid on the bed "Computer wake me up at fifteen hundred" she stated then rolled over and fell asleep for apparently some much needed rest.

= Later =

At about fifteen hundred Maria woke and immediately made her way to the shower; more to wake her up than for hygiene purposes. After her shower Maria dried off and brushed out her short black hair. Going to her closet she decided to wear her usual clubbing attire of low rider jeans, a denim vest, and a pair of black work type boots; a splash of perfume and she would be ready to go. Since she had a couple of hours to waste Maria sat and listened to some music feeling quite rested after her nap.

As sixteen hundred rolled around Sarah was finished with her shift walking into her quarters and straight for a nice hot shower to wash off all the marine stuff. When finished Sarah dried herself off and dressed in a pair of form fitting black leather pants, a rose colored shirt, and a pair of black flats. Going to her living area Sarah sat waiting for Maris to arrive.

= Shortly =

Maria arrived at Sarah's on Deck 3 right on time as the two friends left for the Club for a fun evening off the Ship; making their way down the gangway and into a nearby Lift.


{Deck 198}

The two friends exited the Lift and walked straight to the Club and right up to there Bar "I'd like a whiskey on the rocks" Maria requested from the Bartender "And I'll have the same" Sarah chimed in. Looking towards Sarah "I've got this" as Maria payed the tab. "Ok but I have the next round" she replied with a smile. Soon they had their drinks as Maria asked "Want to get a table." "Yes that would be nice" Sarah replied with a smile. They found a table for two in an out of the way place in the Club as they sat and started to talk.

After they talked for awhile Maria inquired with interest "So what did you do today Marine wise."

"We ran some more ground tactical scenarios for a few hours than the C.O. explained some new Security protocols that some bone headed Chief thought up" she replied teasingly.

"I'm glad to hear you guys are staying sharp with the scenarios, you never know when we'll need your expertise on a Mission. And for the record those new bone headed protocols came directly from Star Fleet and not the Chief; I'm just trying to keep the jarheads and Security people working well together and on the same page" Maria replied figuring two can play that game.

Sarah laughed at Maria's last comments "Sorry Maria but I couldn't resist having a little fun at your expense" she answered still laughing.

Then Maria started to laugh as well "That's fine, I haven't laughed like this in awhile and it feels good. So what was alll the commotion with your fellow Marines when I left."

Sarah proceeded to explain the exchange between Jones and herself. "So what was his answer to that" Maria asked being very interested.

"Nothing not one word. I know he'd shag me in a heartbeat if I agreed" then she paused as she placed her hand on top of Maria's "He's not exactly my type, if you get my meaning" Sarah replied with a big grin "So what was your day like."

Maria knew exactly what Sarah meant which made her happy when she answered her question "I had a late breakfast here on the Station then started exploring the Promenade Deck when I suddenly started feeling off and not quite myself, so I stopped by Sick bay to get looked at."

Sarah's face became real serious "Are you alright; nothing serious I hope" she inquired with concern.

Maria smiled "Long story short, stress was the reason I didn't feel like myself and was told I would have to learn to manage it if I'm to keep my position on the Peel" she explained seeing Sarah relax at her explanation.

"That's certainly good news" Sarah commented while she was thinking "Maria I have something that can help relieve stress; it's something my Mother taught me if you'd care to try it."

"I'm game for almost anything if it helps" Maria replied hoping for something that would help.

"Tell you what, if you want to come back to my quarters I can show you what I mean" Sarah suggested with a grin.

"Sounds good and I think I've had enough to drink for one night" Maria replied as the two ladies left the Club.


{Deck 3}

Once inside Sarah's quarters Maria was looking around noticing several Marine mementoes and one in particular caught her eye; a photo of a rather nice looking older gentleman in a Major's uniform "Sarah who's this" she inquired pointing to the photo that was sitting on an end table.

"That's my Pops, it was taken shortly before he was killed in the line of duty" Sarah explained as Maria noticed it still bothered her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, he looks like he was a great guy" Maria stated wanting to change the subject was soon as possible.

Sarah sighed "He was; that was one of the reasons this Marine Brat joined the Corp" she replied while looking at the photo.

"I'm sure he would be very proud of his daughter following in his footsteps" Maria replied then decided to change the subject "So what's this stress reliever you mentioned at the Club.

Sarah began to smile again taking Maria's hand "Follow me and I'll show you" as the ladies walked into her bedroom. "I thought a back rub would help relieve your stress. If you want to take your vest off and lay on your stomach, I'll work my magic."

Maria smiled as she unbuttoned her vest "I'll try anything to make me feel better" she replied then laid on the bed as instructed.

Sarah went to the warmer sitting on her dresser, opened it and grabbed a bottle of warm scented oil then kneeled on the bed over Maria placing a small amount in her hand and rubbing her hands together " This should make you feel a whole lot better."

She started at Maria's neck massaging her firmly and slowly when Maria asked "Your not going to try and seduce me are you Private" she inquired wanting to have a little verbal fun.

Sarah smiled as she said in a low voice bending down by Maria's ear "Only if you want me to Lieutenant." Maria just smiled enjoying Sarah's touch and the sweet smell of the warm oil. Working her way down Maria's back she asked "Would you mind if a unhooked your bra, I wouldn't want to get any of this oil on it."

"No go ahead" Maria responded not sure if that was necessary or if it was a ploy to get her partially naked; she hoped for the latter.

With permission Sarah unhooked Maria's bra and started to rub her back with the warm oil when Maria commented "Stop a minute" then she raised herself up slightly and pulled the bra free from her body tossing it on the floor "Much better." Sarah resumed the back rub again being pleased that Maria removed her bra altogether.

After several minutes of having her hands Maria's back, and the smell of the oil, Sarah was starting to become rather aroused despite her best efforts not too when she stopped for a moment to try and collect herself; little did she know this situation was having the very same effect on Maria as well. Starting the message once again Sarah decided to just go for it as she bent down and began kissing Maria's neck while rubbing her back.

Maria couldn't help but grin "That's nice; do you include this treatment with all your back rubs" she inquired very much approving of the situation.

"No, just for special people" she replied as she allowed her hands to brush against the sides of Maria's breasts.

Maria rolled onto her back seeing Sarah grinning knowing perfectly well what she was doing "If you wanted to play all you had to do was say something" Maria commented as Sarah just nodded yes. Maria sat up and gave Sarah a very seductive kiss then pulling her over onto the bed beside her. Soon any thoughts of a massage were long gone as the two friends continued enjoying being with one another.


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Peel


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