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Station Post # 18 - Unexpected Stop

Posted on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 3:19pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Promenade Deck 198}

Lieutenant Maria SanChez had finished her breakfast at one of the many fine Eateries here on the Station. As she was leisurely walking around, seeing what was here, Maria suddenly didn't feel like herself. Thinking she could go back to the Ship for medical attention, then realizing Lieutenant Aloran was probably off Ship enjoying herself, and she really didn't want to be bothered with an EMH. "I guess there's only one thing left to do" she told herself and decided to make a stop at Sick Bay. Grabbing a nearby lift she entered "Computer Deck 41"; moments later Maria was on her way.

{Deck 41}

Walking into Sick Bay, and not feeling at all well, she saw a young cute Nurse standing a little ways off. Going up to her "Good morning, I'm Lieutenant Maria SanChez from the USS Peel. I was wondering if I could get a Doctor to take a look at me" she stated with a smile.

Nurse Stone looked up "You most certainly can Lieutenant, if you'd like to take a seat on the Bio-bed over here I'll take a look at you before calling a Doctor." Heidi replied with a smile. After Maria sat "I'm Nurse Stone by the way but you can call me Heidi if you like; so what seems to be the problem with your health."

"Thank you Heidi and please call me Maria. I'm not sure I ate breakfast here on the Station and was walking around the Promenade when I started feeling off, not quite myself" she explained.

"That's not good. Here lie back and let me scan you and see if we can't figure this out. Maria did as requested as Heidi took a scanning device out of her pocket and proceeded to scan her from head to toe while watching the Bio-screen at the head of the bed. After several minutes "Well Maria, everything looks normal, although your blood pressure is slightly elevated but nothing to be of any real concern. Let me have the Doctor take a look at you." Tapping her Comm "Doctor Daniels please report to Sick Bay."

"So what is it then" Maria inquired. "I think I know what the cause is but let's have the Doctor take a look at you to be certain" Heidi commented.

Moments later the Doctor walked into Sick Bay when Heidi walked up to him and explained Maria's symptoms then to two walked over to their Patient "Hi there Lieutenant SanChez, I'm Doctor Daniels. Nurse Stone says you're not feeling well."

"That's right Doctor I just feel off for some reason" Maria replied wondering what was going on.

Daniels checked over the Nurse's findings and checked a couple more things himself "You can relax Lieutenant, it's nothing serious; at least not yet" then glancing over at Heidi "Nurse Stone was correct in her diagnosis, your feeling off as you put it is from stress. Now I could give you some medication for it but I think it would be better if you learned how to manage your stress instead" he explained.

A sense of relief came over Maria hearing it was nothing serious "That's good but how do you propose I manage my stress. I'm the Chief Tactical Officer and Chief of Security aboard the USS Peel" she explained.

Daniels thought for a moment "I couldn't even imagine the stress that your duties must entail, but if you plan on staying in that position then you really have to learn how to manage your stress before it gets the best of you and starts causing you real problems. After you duties are finished for the day you need to find a way to relax somewhere on the Ship. Read a good book, listen to music, or learn how to meditate; anything to relieve the stress" he explained with a smile.

Maria sat up and swung her legs over now sitting on the edge of the bed "Thank you Doctor for your advice. I'll give it a shot and see what happens" she replied.

"That's all we can ask for. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to Rounds. Any other questions our Head Nurse here can answer them for you I'm sure" he replied then left the area.

"So Maria do you have any questions or concerns for me or any advice I can give you" Heidi inquired ready to help Maria.

Maria thought for a moment "Well what would you suggest to relieve stress, besides what the Doctor mentioned" she asked with a smile.

Heidi grinned as she lowered her voice so only Maria could hear "Well from personal experience I find a nice sexual release goes a log way in relieving stress" she stated still grinning.

Maria was a little surprised at Heidi's suggestion but then again it was something she would have said after a couple of drinks "Well I appreciate your bluntness" she replied then gave a smirk "It sure would be more fun than reading a book."

Heidi couldn't help but laugh at Maria's last remark "Yes it definitely would be more fun than reading a book. So is there any other questions you have."

"No I think I'm good" as she stood "Thank you so much for your help and advice; I'll really try and manage my stress levels from now on" Maria commented.

"Good but if there is anything else we can help you with please just stop by and let us know when your at the Station" Heidi replied with a smile.

"I will thank you Heidi" Maria replied then left Sick Bay while thinking she knew the perfect person to help he manage her stress levels.

Heidi went over to the computer and wrote up a quick Medical Report and sent it off to Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran since she was the Peel's Doctor and should be aware of Ms. SanChez's medical concerns.



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