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Station Post # 17 " A Hero's Welcome "

Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 4:33pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Thr triad of ships with umbilical holds on the Essary ship slowly arrived back to Port prompting a station wide rally to future.

As work bees and tugs secured the craft and it placed in a holding slip the other ships then snuggly nestled into their docks.

Sureth, now rested , quickly ordered for all Senior Staff to assemble in the ready room.

Captain Taavis, sitting at her desk in her office, was going through the maintenance reports for both the Nazgul and the Peel, seeing that both vessels were in top form. She had no concerns when it came to both ships, having met the Captains and seeing that both men were exceptional commanders for the ships under their charge. Her computer gave a light bleep and Taavis turned her eyes to the message corner, reaching out and tapping the blinking key. The message from the Commodore was read, prompting Taavis to pick up her palm PADD, her personal device for her position, sliding it into her thigh pocket as she stood. She left her office and made her way through the station, arriving at the Ready Room. The door slid open and she strode inside and upon seeing Sureth gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Greetings, Commodore," she said as she found a seat. "I hope the day finds you well."

" I suppose my health scare was reportable. I am well. I am glad you arrived first as it will avail me some prep time. Captain Rivers does not want a fuss however I would like to acknowledge his volunteering. I also sent him an invitation to become group commander of the fighter wing being added. Do you have any objections as Fleet Captain ?" Sureth replied.

"Not at all, Commodore." Taavis said. "Any assistance in keeping all of our assets in good order is always welcome."

Shauna entered the room, nodding politely to both Sureth and Taavis as she took a seat to await further arrivals.

" Shauna I am glad you arrived early. Here is something I am privileged to give you. Because of my recent health scare I have agreed to take a slight vacation. In order to do so and not worry about this station I called in a favor. Congratulations Shauna you have been promoted full Captain, which in the TO&E of this base is the limit of a base First Officer ." Sureth stated as he recoiled his hand.

Shauna’s eyes fell on what Sureth had given her. “I...Thank you Sir! I truly don’t know what to say! I won’t let you down.” She smiled proudly.

A single tear dripped from Sureth's left eye as he replied " You never have Shauna."

David arrived, the last few days a blur and mass of confusion fueled by caffeination and near constant stress he was looking forward to some down time for a few days.

Sureth composed and acknowledged the Commanders arrival to the meeting..

" Welcome back Commander Wallace . I look forward to your assessment and report. Shall we begin?" Sureth added as he took his seat. " Clarify for us what happened out there. "

David sat down and began, "It didn't make sense really, even after we backed off then resumed the pursuit they didn't make any attempts too fight us off, plus the captured ship isn't exactly anything close too top of the line, its more like something from a museum it was quite unusual."

" The skipper is Josef Biggs. He us in custody and demands extradition back to an Essary world. He claims the Klingons assaulted him and states Captain Rivers orchestrated everything. The JAG officer will be inquiring in the weeks to come. Do you have anything to add?" Sureth asked.

"Officially he does have the right to deportation, far as assault," David paused for effect "No, if he got roughed up resisting arrest to damn bad, we're impounding that ship on the grounds of 'safety concerns' the Essary can take a leap into a black hole before I'll let that happen."

“JAG will be looking at both sides of the story, Captain Rivers will have to answer some difficult questions. If they uphold the complaint he’ll lose his commission in Starfleet.”

" Captain Rivers was following my direct orders and I will be sure to include that in my report to the Judge Advocate General," Sureth replied.

David sat back, "That fits inline with the back channel communication I've had, it was politely hinted that Captain Rivers will loose any field assignments should he be cleared, possibly a desk assignment out of the sector, that brings me too the next topic." David said switching topics "Starfleet command has added four ships full time too the sector, two Cali class will pull double duty as convoy escort and logistical supports, engineering ships will be here on a rotating basis, and the Furious will be considered a full time scout and garrison ship, and depending on the situation there will be three additional starships within a days travel until reserve units can be repositioned." David reported setting the pad on the desk, "That's the good news, the bad news is the medical ship that was supposed to be part of these additional ships has to travel from Earth, so they're close too a week away at best."

Sureth looked to Captain Taavis.
" I speak for what comes and goes in this system Commander. Not Starfleet Intel. Captain Taavis and myself were never told of these changes." Sureth replied with disapproval.

David smiled, "This will change at least two more times before it is rolled out, The CO of the San Jose is a former classmate of mine, they were ordered to depart only to get told to stand down and return to some convoy assignment, give me a day to get the real facts and get them formally directed to you so we can make sense of what the higher ups are thinking."

" Thank you for your report Commander Wallace you are dismissed. Captain's Taavis and Callaghan please remain as we have some internal issues to discuss." Sureth replied.

Taavis gave a nod to the directive from Sureth. She too was taken aback by Intel suddenly making changes to the fleet dispersion without informing herself, and more importantly, the Commodore.

Shauna nodded as she looked towards Sureth. Remaining in her seat she waited for everyone else to leave the three of them alone.



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