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Station Post #22. Family time

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 6:45pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Location: Quarters

Isabelle sat on the floor in her quarters playing with her son Connor, his happy demeanour made her smile as she played peek-a-boo with him from behind one of his soft toys. The nightmare of losing him was long gone, and she made sure he was safe at the station nursery when she was working.

Now the station was moved to its new location, the old threats they faced were long gone, but as usual there were always new ones but at least she had husband John to come home to, and their baby was due in seven or so months time.

She smiled as she noticed Connor yawning, it wouldn’t be long before he was asleep and that would give her some time to go over the files she needed to catch up on. Right now she was more worried about her half sister being onboard the station, she hadn’t long begun to get to know Sureth after years apart, she wasn’t ready to lose her father to Vulcan just yet. Though if it was Sureth’s decision then she would abide by it.

Picking up her empty plate off of the floor, she placed it back in the replicator for disposal. She was going to have to speak with Sureth alone, let him know how she felt about him, and that she’d miss him if he left the station. At least he’d know her feelings that way.

Turning back to Connor she gently lifted him from his playmat and took him to his cot, gently putting her sleeping son down she covered him with a warm blanket before she turned down the lights and stepped out of the room.

Walking across to the sofa she made herself comfortable and picked up the first PADD on the pile from the coffee table.



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