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Station Post # 22 " Inquisition "

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 9:02pm by Brigadier General Monroe Thirman & Captain Deke Rivers & Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Location: Starbase M-69



General Thirman received his orders despite his personal objections. An inquisition show trial of Captain Deke Rivers would happen on Starbase M-69.

==Deke's Quarters==

Deke Rivers was only back a hour when word reached him of impending charges against him. Leveled from Josef Biggs, the Essary skipper, on grounds of plotting to take the station by force.

Of course the this wasn't the truth but in the hymns of preserving peace and diplomacy with the Essary the JAG officer considered to honor the charge.

Having missed the staff meeting Deke slumped around and poured a goblet of family wine to sip down. Lisa, the Essary girl, had stayed the night and her old clothes lay on the floor in his bathroom. Deke snickered as he waited for her to finish up.

Tapping his comms badge Deke then walked back to his bed and called Shauna.
" Deke Rivers to Commander Shauna Callaghan!"

Shauna was suitably upset with Deke given they’d started spending romantic time together prior to disappearing from the station without so much as a goodbye.

“Captain Callaghan here Captain Rivers, How may I help you?”

" Captain? Hell I leave for a while and they gave you my pip. I need to see you. Are you busy?" Deke reacted.

“I am currently available, I’ll be there shortly.” Shauna responded.

~ Deke’s Quarters, a few mins later ~

Arriving at Deke’s Quarters Shauna was just in time to run into an Essary girl who was just dashing out of Deke’s Quarters. She shook her head as she stepped inside.

“Captain Rivers?” She paused just inside the door.

Deke reached to hug Shauna but the awkward feeling showed its face.

" I'm sorry I thought we were closer than that. Hey you made Captain. Old Sureth has good taste. My rooms a wreck want to go get a drink or coffee?" Deke mused.

Shauna nodded. “Perhaps, but we need to clear the air first.” She paused. “You left the station without so much as a goodbye Deke, you know how I... feel.”

" That is why I called you. You are my only friend I trust on this station. I am being framed for following orders. I need you... to defend me . "

“Me!?” Shauna looked at Deke in surprise. “I err...I guess I can do that, but I’ll need to know everything that’s happened.”

Deke guided her in and told Shauna of the plan he and Sureth had to make it look like Deke had gone rogue in order to infiltrate the Essary. How he had been drugged and used to try and attack the base with the Essary Frigate and how he was now being shape goated.

" I am innocent Shauna. Sureth better not throw me under the bus."

Shauna shook her head. “Sureth wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t betray you.” She paused. “Deke I’m sorry, I thought you just up and left.”

" Shauna I wanted to tell you but I wasn't able to. We had to make it convincing. " Deke added.

“It was too convincing” Shauna nodded. “I don’t see that they have any case against you, you were kidnapped whilst on assignment. Not your fault.”

" I think there is. I think we have a mole on the station Shauna. One very close to Commodore Sureth." Deke replied.

“A mole!?” Shauna looked shocked at that thought. “Who? How do you know?”

" Intuition. I won't say just yet but I plan to stick my ass just as close to Sureth. If this goes to court I want you to represent me though." Deke replied..

Shauna nodded. “I’m no lawyer Deke, but I’ll do my best that I promise you.”

" This is a witch hunt anyway. A well orchestrated Witch Hunt. Let’s have dinner tonight to discuss my case?" Deke replied.

“Very well” Shauna nodded. “But just to discuss the case, your Essary companion may want to spend time with you again this evening.” She tried not to sound hurt, but the emotion came across nonetheless.

" aren't jealous of her are you? She is a friend of my son. She helped me escape. Nothing happened I promise." Deke replied.

Shauna let out a relieved sigh. “I was hoping you’d prove my suspicions wrong Deke.” She smiled warmly.

Deke did what he thought was appropriate and kissed her slowly.
" I have wanted to do that since I first met you."

Shauna smiled. “I’ve been wanting you to do that too Deke. Perhaps dinner can serve a double purpose, to discuss your case and our first date?”

" I would love that Darlin." Deke smiled cheshirely.

Shauna smiled the biggest smile yet. “Wonderful.”

Deke kissed her again and concluded this was not the time. Taking Shauna’s hand they prepared to exit his room but was stopped by two Security officers.

" I am sorry Captain Rivers you are under house arrest. Signed by the Judge Advocate General."

Deke looked to Shauna.
" Believe me now?"

Shauna frowned. “I’d like to see a copy of that order right now.”

Handing Shauna his small PADD the orders clearly read House Arrest and was signed by General Thirmon the station JAG officer.

" It also comes with a search warrant Captain Rivers. All of your computer correspondence is being searched." the marine sergeant reported.

“It will be searched under my direct supervision as First Officer of this station, and representative of Captain Rivers” Shauna handed back the PADD. “I’d also like to speak with the General.”

The Sergeant tapped his comms badge.
" Sir General Thirmon says he will see you in his office along with Commodore Sureth."

“Excellent” Shauna turned to Deke. “Don’t worry Captain, I’ll get to the bottom of this.” She offered a warm smile then headed for Thirmon’s Office.


The General was fair but by the book so when the charges were filed against a line officer he had to act in accordance with the UCMJ.

Commodore Sureth joined Shauna as they both arrived at the same time.

" Come in, come in . I hate to call you two in here but this is getting out of control. " Thirmon stated.

“Indeed it is General” Shauna nodded. “I have been asked to represent Captain Rivers, we were planning dinner to talk about his case, but my client is now locked up in his quarters!”

" Locked up? Is that necessicary General?" Sureth asked.

" It is Commodore. The charges are legitimate to hold an inquiry. Evidence will be presented and Captain Rivers can be questioned. As for you standing as his defence raise your right hand." Thirmon replied.

Shauna did as requested and raised her right hand.

" I am in the Frontier so this is necessary. Captain Shauna Callaghan you are hearby deputised as an officer in the Judge Advocate General's Office until relieved of that duty." the General replied.

Shauna hadn’t been expecting that. She nodded as she accepted the oath. “I will endeavour to see justice done for my client.”

As Shauna replied the Sergeant called Thirmon.
[ Sir we searched Rivers room. We collected several items of interest.]

" It would seem we will be proceeding with the inquiry. Captain Callaghan all of the evidence will be available to you to look over. " Thirmon replied. " Sergeant take Captain Rivers into custody."
[ Sir yes sir.]

Shauna hated that Deke was being treated like this, but showing personal feelings wouldn’t help. “What was it they were looking for in Captain Rivers Quarters Sir?”

" A smoking gun, if you will. I will forward the evidence to you Captain." the General replied.

Shauna nodded wondering just what it was they’d found in Deke’s Quarters. “Thank you General I appreciate that.”



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