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Station Post # 23 " Time To Relax?"

Posted on Wed Nov 29th, 2023 @ 8:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43}

After checking in with Sick Bay, both to let his Staff know he was back abroad the Station and also to see how things were going in his absence, Doctor Williams entered his quarters more than eager for some relaxation. The first order of business was a nice hot shower and a clean change of clothes; preferably something comfortable. Concluding his shower Ramvek dried himself and dressed quite comfortably in a pair of sweat pants along with a sweatshirt then proceeded to make his way to the living area.

Walking to the replicator "Computer, one glass of Picard Rose wine" he ordered and moments later he gabbed his wine, went to the couch to sit down and reflect on what had happened over the course of the last several hours. One thing was for sure, he thankfully remembered what to do being thrust into a Command position; like he had a choice. Going over things in his mind, while sipping his wine, he was soon interrupted by the sound of his door chime going off.

Going to the door Ramvek was soon greeted by a friendly face "Heidi, please come in and make yourself comfortable" Williams commented with a smile while standing back to let his guest in.

"Hi, so you are back safe and sound. You'll have to fill me in on all the details" Heidi replied with a smile.

"Sure....would you like something to drink then we can sit and I will tell you all about it" Ramvek answered.

"I'll have whatever you're having is fine" she commented as she sat on the couch. Walking back over he handed her the wine and sat beside her taking a sip before gong into his experience. Ramvek told Heidi pretty much everything that had happened while he was off Base.

"Sounds like you had your hands full being both Doctor and Captain of a Shuttle" she stated deciding to have some fun "And to think you actually have a sacred valley named after you.....I don't know whether to bow or kneel in your presence" as Heidi broke out into a giggle.

Ramvek gave a light chuckle at her last statement " ass" he replied as Heidi broke out into a full blown laugh "Oh Ramvek you are just too easy to tease and I so enjoy teasing you."

Before Ramvek could counter with something witty to say his desk comm went off. Setting down his wine he looked at Heidi "Excuse me" then rose from the couch and walked over to his desk tapping the comm "Doctor Williams here, go ahead." Doctor sorry to bother you but I have a young Ensign down here that I thought had a flu but things just don't add up. I hate to ask but could you take a look at him" Daniels stated.

"No problem Doctor, I will be right there" he replied while looking at Heidi. Putting her wine on the coffee table she rose "I'll come with" she commented.

"You do not have too; you are off duty" he replied.

"And so are you not to mention you just got back from an away mission. The sooner we get this Ensign figured out the sooner we can come back here and relax" she commented not taking no for an answer as the two Officers made their way to the sick Ensign.

{Deck 41}

They walked into Sick Bay being greeted by the Doctor on duty "Doctor Williams thanks for coming to take a look at our Patient" as he noticed Heidi standing along side Ramvek "Nurse Stone thank you as well" Dr. Daniels commented "He's over here" as the trio walked over to his bedside.

"I've run some tests and thought he had a flu but the symptoms don't add up" Daniels explained as he brought up his Bio-bed readings.

Looking at the data Ramvek pretty much knew what the Ensign's problem might be "Ensign what is your name" he inquired with a smile.

"It's Ensign Ted Jameson Doctor. So why do I feel so crappy" he asked feeling like crap at the moment.

Looking at this fair skinned young officer Ramvek had to ask "Son do you have any ancestors who are or were Orion."

Jameson thought for a moment before answering "Yes my Grandmother was Orion....why does that make any difference" he inquired a little confused at the question.

"That is because there is a variety of a flu that only Orions are susceptible to. Even though you don't look Orion, the genes are in your DNA none the less" he explained with a smile "And that Ensign is why you feel so badly. I am going to give you some medication to make you feel better" as he turned to Daniels "Give the Ensign a hypo of 50 milligrams of Prylocsis and pills as well" then looking back at his Patient " Take the pills once a day until gone and you should be cured. If not then please come back and let us know."

The young Ensign almost had a smile on his face "Thank you Doctor, I will take all my medication; anything to stop feeling like this" Ted replied relieved it wasn't anything too serious.

Ramvek smiled as Daniels took him aside and he said in a low voice "Doctor Williams I'm sorry I missed the correct diagnosis."

"Do not beat yourself up over this it was an easy one to miss. The only reason I figured it out is due to the fact I have seen this before. After practicing medicine for many years you tend to remember these types of symptoms" Ramvek concluded with a smile.

"Thank you for being so understanding. I have taken up enough of your free time Sir and thank you again" Daniels replied with sincerity in his voice.

Ramvek nodded then turned and walked back over to Heidi "I do not know about you but I am rather hungry if you would care to join me at my place for dinner" Williams commented.

"Sounds good to me" Heidi replied with a smile as the two Officers left Sick Bay heading back to Ramvek's quarters to finally relax and enjoy a meal together.



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