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Station Post #1 " Puppy Love "

Posted on Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 3:36pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Kahveq

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Current

Shauna stepped out onto the station promenade wearing her off duty clothing for a change, Kahvek had offered to buy her a drink to celebrate her promotion and she had no doubt he’d choose the inn that was regularly frequented by Klingon visitors to the station.

Walking in she looked around nodding politely to some of the Klingon crew from Waroq’s ship. She’d already proven herself to them, she had nothing more to prove.

Kahvek pretended to be in a deep joke and then joined Shauna.

" Come join us for a round of blood wine Captain. To celebrate your...bravery." Kahvek gestured.

Shauna wondered whether the joke was on her, but she gave Kahveq the benefit of the doubt. “Thank you Kahveq, and please it’s Shauna.”

" To Shauna..a true warrior." Kahveq yelled with the cheers of his fellow Klingons. " Captain Shauna Callaghan are you married or happy?"

Shauna shook her head. “I’m not Married, and as for happy, I am happy with my life such as it is.”

" Good then you can join me for some hunting. I understand this station has a holodeck. Since our last battle was with mere humanoids perhaps our imaginations could come up with something more challenging?" Kahveq implied.

“Hunting?” Shauna gave it some thought. “Why not? There are several holodecks here aboard the station, there should be one free.”

== Holodeck 4==

After Kahveq crudely described what he wanted the holodeck was transformed into a mirror of Qonos after the planet Praxis exploded.
" My ancestors survived here for generations Captain. They even begat children under these conditions. Would you like to forgo the hunt and procreate or do you savor the kill of the wild target first." Kahveq trash talked.

“Procreate?” Shauna gave Kahvek a shake of the head. “I’m not here to procreate Kahvek, you invited me to hunt so let’s hunt. Computer...Bat’leth Shauna 1.” A bat’leth set for Shauna’s specific size materialised.

Kahveq brought his own as he was in training for the championship before Waroq left the Empire.
" Very well human it is a good day to die. "

Three large targh could be seen nuzzling through rubble. In the distant a child's cry rang out as one of the large beasts attacked it.
" Once a targh tastes blood it will not stop until its prey is dead." Kahveq schooled Shauna.

“Then it will die at my hand” Shauna gave Kahvek a serious look. This was no doubt a competition, and she was aiming to show she could handle a bat’leth and a hunt as well as Kahvek could.

A large targh stood between them and rushed towards Shauna but then pivoted and jumped on Kahveq throwing blood everywhere as both went behind a giant mound of dirt. But then the beast returned, with blood drooling from its fangs as it set its eyes on Shauna. Then the second and third encircled her and closely closed in.

Arising from the mound a bloodied Kahveq staggered down the hill and caught the attention of one of the creatures.

" Do you wish this to become real Captain?" asked Kahveq.

“The holodecks have safeties for a reason Kahvek, i cannot justify the risk in turning them off.” She swung her bat’leth taking a slice out of one Targ, and striking another. “Let us fight together and take out these beasts!”

Kahveq joined her stance and helped look for largest one. In the back a small pup could be heard crying as the large female circled around it.
" The goal is to capture the pup before the mother kills us."

Shauna nodded. “Then I think we need a distraction, one of us must distract the mother while the other goes after the pup.” She looked around for cover. “You go for the mother, I’ll go for the pup. Is that agreeable?”

" Agreed." Kahveq answered as he approached the mother making great noise. The pup remained crying for it's mother.

Shauna moved around, this was going to be tricky. Moving in quietly she cornered the young pup, the idea of the game being to capture it she would soon have her hands on it.

The mother attacked Kahveq but soon felt the sharp tips of his bat’leth. Kahveq then watched as Shauna attempted to secure the pup. Feeling her approach the pup itself launched into attack mode, with its own puppy sharp teeth.

" If you kill it you have failed the test Captain. Only young targhs can be made into pets." Kahveq yelled.

“So I have to catch it, or tame it?” Shauna dodged the attack whilst trying to survey what food a Targ liked. Seeing some stores kill nearby she dived past, then grabbed some and offered it to the Targ pup.

Kahveq stood back behind Shauna and watched as she slowly fed the pup. Closer and closer it got to her as the nourishment was a lure to her. The last bite came and then the room returned to the familiar holodeck forum.

" You accomplished the goal Captain. You could become a targh rangler if you ever wish to give up your command." Kahveq joked.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Shauna smiled. “So we never did fight, how’s about...” she called up a Klingon sparring programme she sometimes used. Raising her bat’leth she stood ready to fight. “Let’s see just who is the better.”

Kahveq brushed the blood from his nose and assumed an on guard stance. " There is no contest. You are a...woman." Kahvek replied.

“Is that so?” Shauna gave him a concerned look. “Do you require medical attention first?”

" No..." Kahveq said as they locked blades. " If you survive I hope we can do this again?"

“Ohh I will survive!” Shauna grinned as she made her first move, she had sparred with Klingon opponents with this program before. “I’m not so easily beaten!”

Kahveq sparred as he would any opponent, receiving blow for blow and turn for turn. The two whirled around like two dancers on ice with metal killing swords. The rules of engagement were not fair as Kahveq did not wish to kill this beautiful woman he could no longer consider weak. But his pride,his Klingon male ego had to end this with victory.

As Shauna landed her last blow Kahveq dropped and seemingly landed on his own blade.

Shauna looked in shock as she quickly rushed to Kahvek’s side. “Kahvek!? Are you alright!?”

Kahveq then rolled Shauna over on her back and flung her bat’leth away. He then kissed her on the lips and then bit her lip to draw blood.
" tlingon jIh" he yelled.

Shauna was surprised in more ways than one, she found she didn’t want resist Kahvek’s advances. Instead she returned his advances as he would expect a female Klingon to do. Returning his kiss with one of her own marking him with the blood from her own lip.

" You fight like a Klingon but your lips are soft. On the Chus'ugh you are my superior but one day that ship will be mine. Let us return there and finish this." Kahveq stated with an motive in mind.

Shauna was lost in the moment, and in Kahvek. Standing up she nodded and tapped her comm badge. “Transporter room, 2 to transport to the Chus'ugh.”

~ Chus’ugh ~

Fade to Black



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