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Station Post # 2 "Some calm at last"

Posted on Sat Dec 2nd, 2023 @ 9:12pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Edited on on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 1:13am

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: David's quarters
Timeline: Current


David had been on the go for too many days, then the relative calm came without warning. His initial plans were to sneak off an catch up with Maria who was a few hours away again at outpost 337 helping with the recommissioning and upgrades following the increasing tensions with the Essary. David also had to get himself acquainted with the new ship the Furious, which had been at the station for a couple of days now.

But for everything, David wound up asleep on his couch.

His deep sleep was interrupted by the comm system =^="Ops to Mr Wallace."=^=

Half groggy David turned over, "Yes!"

=^="Sorry to wake you sir, but Captain Blumenberg is on subspace."=^=

"Route it too my room." David stumbled too his feet attempting to collect himself.

David sat at his desk and opened the comm channel, "Hi Maria, how's the outpost work going?"

"This place didn't seem to get much use, then again it's just a supply outpost so I wasn't expecting it be that run down, but it's been in mothballs since twenty-three seventy something." Maria said with a partial smile

"Is something wrong?" David said wondering what was going on.

"After we finish here in the next few days we're off too Bajor for three months to help with the upgrades on the aqueduct networks, so I won't be able too meet up with you as we talked about." She said with some sadness.

David felt his heart sink "I see, that's a long haul from here too, so I guess I'll see you after that?"

"I'm not sure." Maria said, "I think it's better if we end whatever this is before we get any deeper, our careers are going in drastically different directions right now and I don't want to be the wrong kind of anchor that holds you back, and to be honest you are certainly not like your father."

David felt slightly crushed, "I get it, I think." He didn't in reality, "So I guess this is I'll see you when I see you."

Maria gave a broken smile, she was clearly trying to not cry at this exact moment, "Yeah. bye David."

The screen went blank and so did David in that moment. David turned in his chair looking at the wall he felt hurt for the first time in days. He turned back to his desk, sliding open the top drawer, inside was a small black box that he took it out of the drawer and opened it, the ring was still there, but now it was going too not have a finger to go on. David closed the box and set it back in the drawer and pulled out the bottle of whiskey he kept in the drawer below it and a glass, he poured himself a half full glass and closed the bottle.

He knew that life would hand you one random thing after another, this was just one of those things. He'd debated some form of outburst but found himself doing nothing, he finished the drink and felt the need to go back to sleep over take him so he did.


Lt Cmdr Jason Elliot


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