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Station Post # 3 " Captain for a Day "

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 1:11am by Kahveq & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Chus’ugh

~ A few hours after ‘Puppy Love’ ~

Shauna awoke her aching body bringing the realisation of just what had happened between herself and Kahvek. It hadn’t been planned, or intended, but it had happened.

Klingons weren’t known for being gentle, and their lovemaking had been a very rough and tumble. She was covered in marks and bruises, something she’d need to drop into Sickbay to sort out before starting her next shift.

Kahveq stood looking out the door of his quarters when he realized she was awake.
" I dressed but if you want to hunt more targhs I am game." he smiled.

Shauna couldn’t help but smile as she sat up pulling the covers around her. “Exactly where are we supposed to go from here Kahvek? This wasn’t what Humans call a one night stand for you, is it?”

" If it was I suppose you would be dead. KLINGONS do not take prisoners. I am not going anywhere for now."

Shauna nodded. “Of all the women Kahvek, why choose me? I’m not Klingon, which is, of course, obvious!”

The infamous Klingon walked back to her and knelt down. Stroking her hair with his left gloved hand he smiled.
" You are more than a human. You should be commanding a starship or a warship. We have no word in Klingon to describe you Shauna Callahan."

Shauna couldn’t believe this, one minute she was fussing over Deke and now here she was seriously considering a relationship with Kahvek. “Wouldn’t I be considered a weakness by other Klingons? Plus you’d have half breed children.”

" Do we have to call this something? You are my hunting partner. Only after a hunt we..." Kahveq about said before being interrupted from a voice over head in Klingon.

" You have to leave. We are moving out. " Kahveq told Shauna.

Shauna practically sprung out of bed, it seemed this wasn’t as complicated as she first thought. “In that case I’ll see you around Kahvek.”

" I am afraid you have to go to the bridge too. " Kahveq shoved Shauna to hurry.

The run through the corridors made both their hearts pound as they had back on the station. Entering the bridge Kahveq nodded to Waroq and took his gunners slot.

" Captain Callaghan have you come to take my ship? A blip on the screen shows three fighters on the way back from the nebula. The description matches reports of pirates in this system. We are going to investigate as your fleet seems disposed." Waroq joked.

Shauna looked at Waroq. “I hadn’t planned on taking over Commander, I was err...already here.” She couldn’t help but look embarrassed. “I would like to depart back to my station before you leave.”

" Too late we have cloaked and already engaged. This one is real Captain that last encounter had my hands tied." Waroq replied.

“Great” Shauna sighed. “No one on the station knows where I am, I have to notify Commodore Sureth.”

" Relax Captain. I told him you and Kahveq were aboard." Waroq replied.

" My lord the ships are evading. They apparently can detect our presence." tactical reported.

" Then uncloak us and prepare for battle. Target all ships." Waroq yelled.

“You knew I was onboard?” Shauna frowned, she had no idea her presence onboard with Kahvek was common knowledge. She gave Kahvek a curious look.

" Everyone knew Captain. " Waroq laughed. " Kahvek, Kahvek" he mused also.

Disruptor began firing when they were in range as the pirate vessels started their strike.
" Shields down to 80%"

Shauna hung on to the nearest console. “They fired first so that opens up my options” She looked at Kahvek. “Lieutenant Target that thing’s propulsion systems and open fire!”

Kahveq complied and blasted through its shield.
" Too easy. Permission to finish," but as he said that a large blast rocked the Chus'ugh. A large vessel emerged from the nebula and fired its main gun into the Chus'ugh's hull.

" " Emergency Power!" Waroq yelled as he had been knocked out of his seat to the floor.

The two other fighters hid behind the now large battle cruiser.

" We are being hailed to surrender." another officer yelled.

“They baited us” Shauna looked surprised. “Can we withstand another attack?”

" Shields at 50%. Hull at full." replied Helm.

" Callaghan take the bridge." Waroq gasped.

“Commander?” Shauna looked at Waroq in surprise. “Aye Sir.” She looked around the other bridge crew. Right now she was wishing they had backup. “Try to send a signal to Starbase 69, let them know we need backup!”

The large vessel fired again spinning the D-7 kneeling on it side. Throwing Callaghan also to the floor onto Waroq who had not moved.

" I am flattered Commander but Kahveq is right over there." joked Waroq.

Regaining inertial power the old D-7 righted itself and diverted into the nebula.

" If they use sensors they should be dead to them in here. " The helm officer boasted.

" So am I. I will switch to manual targeting. " Kahveq added to the conversation.

" Nobody will hail the starbase . Klingons don't cry for help. " Waroq told Shauna.

“Great!” Shauna sighed as she got to her feet. “Someone help the Commander to the medical bay!” She had little choice but to take Waroq’s seat. “Can we navigate this nebula? Is there a way we can exit another point of this nebula, and come out with the advantage on our side?”

Helm listened and soon the D -7 went into a spiral descent at full impulse as the other ship passed over them. Helm then made a port turn and brought their main disruptor and torpedo back to the enemies aft. Kahveq had to be precision close or else lose the advantage but the gamble worked.

" Manual weapons locked...Captain Callahan, " he guttorially called for the word to fire.

Shauna nodded, as much as she hated taking the action she had no choice. “Open fire!”

Wretched hell expelled from the D-7 as it opened up fire into the alien ships rear hitting two key areas apparently as explosions rang out all over.

All the Klingons shouted as the ship vanished into the nebulas mired cloud.

Waroq entered the bridge on the arm of a middleaged female Klingon as he stood beside Shauna.
" What did I miss?"

“Ohh just Kahvek blowing the hell out of the enemy” Shauna offered a nod of respect to Kahvek. “Helm get us the hell out of here and back to Starbase Mercury.”




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