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Peel Post #1 "Dinner Guest"

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 8:30pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1}

The Ship had been docked at the Base for a couple of days giving the Crew a chance for a much needed change of pace. Captain O'Connell and Lt. Commander Devroe were just finishing up their shifts on the Bridge getting ready to turn the reigns over to their replacements. Being docked the Bridge Crew was minimal to keep an eye on the Ship's systems as well as Ship's security in case they had to depart from the Base.

The two Officers walked onto the Lift "Deck 2" Jamie called out then turning to Angel "Would you like to drop by for a home cooked meal, say about eighteen hundred."

Angel smiled "Thank you, I'd like that" she replied when the Lift doors opened as Jamie smiled and each Officer went in opposite directions to their quarters.

{Deck 2}

After a nice relaxing shower, and more comfortable attire, Jamie went out into his kitchen and set to making dinner for his First Officer and himself. Jamie had a new pizza crust recipe he wanted to try out so he went to the pantry and grabbed flour, envelope of yeast, eggs, and a large bowl with a cover. Next he stepped to the sink to measure out a cup of hot water before returning to his prep area where he placed the envelope of yeast into the water. Then the flour was measured out while the yeast and hot water had a chance to work. Once completed the ingredients were combined in the bowl, along with an egg, and worked into a sticky dough. This was covered and shoved into a proofing drawer until it doubled in size; meanwhile Jamie poured himself a glass of wine and sat sipping said wine until the dough was ready.

Jamie went and grabbed the dough seeing it had doubled in size then proceeded to put down a handful of flour on the breadboard and began kneading the dough to breakdown the gluten to make the dough stretch without breaking or tearing. He divided the ball of dough into two separate entities and began to stretch out the dough not too worried about making it round but rather into an oval to give the pizza a more rustic look. He turned and preheated the oven to four-fifty then waited for Angel arrive before actually placing the pizza in the oven since it would only require about ten minutes to cook once placed on the pizza stone. Next Jamie grabbed a jar of sauce, mozzarella balls, sliced pepperoni, and a handful of fresh basil leaves to garnish the top.

A few minutes later Jamie heard his door chime go off as he started assembling the meal "Come in" he said in a loud voice as Angel opened the door and walked in "Hey, watcha making" she inquired as she walked up to the island/prep area "Oh that looks so good."

Jamie looked up seeing this gorgeous women standing before him in a pair of nice fitting jeans along with a mint green top with a good amount of cleavage showing, and a big smile. It took him a moment to collect himself so he wouldn't stumble over his words sounding like a complete idiot "I'm trying out a new pizza dough recipe; hope you don't mind" he replied with a grin.

"If it tastes half as good as it looks then you'll have a very happy dinner guest" Angel commented as she sat down at the island slowly wondering if Jamie was seeing what she intended him to see.

Jamie put the two pizzas in the oven on the stone then turned to Angel "Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes or so; would you like a glass of wine while we wait" he inquired with a smile trying not to stare at her top.

Angel smiled "Yes thank you, that would be nice." Jamie poured another glass of wine and placed it on the island in front of her "There you go." The two friends talked while dinner was finishing up in the oven. When the timer went off Jamie gabbed the pizza paddle and checked the bottom for the right amount of browning. Satisfied with the results, Jamie placed each pizza on the cutting board and giving each one a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil before cutting them into slices; sort of.

Gabbing two plates and napkins, Jamie set one of each before her "Go ahead dig in....careful it may be hot" he instructed as he grabbed a couple of slices for himself.

Angel smiled as she tried the pizza...after chewing "Oh....this is so good....I think you've outdone yourself this time" she commented eager to have another bite of this delicious dinner.

Swallowing his food then taking a sip of wine "Glad you like it" he replied "It did turn out pretty well even if I do say so myself" Jamie replied with a grin.

"Jamie you are way to modest, your culinary skills are very impressive" Angel replied being quite sincere. The two friends ate and talked while finishing their dinner. Afterwards Jamie cleaned up and poured each of them another glass of wine "I think we'd be more comfortable on the couch unless you have other plans" Jamie commented.

Angel smiled "No other plans and I agree the couch would be much more comfortable" as she stood and made her way to the couch with Jamie following. They sat talking about different things when Jamie stated "You know Angel I really don't know much about your life before Star Fleet other than you're from Betazed; I'd like to know what your life was growing up if I'm not being too nosey."

"There really isn't a lot to tell but sure I don't mind sharing" Angel replied as she slid over a little closer towards Jamie "I was born in 2363 in a town called Botan which was considered a small community on Betazed. My Father taught Political Science at the University and my Mother stayed at home taking care of the family and also taught Betazed women how to control their powers" Angel explained.

"Sounds like a nice family" he replied with a smile.

"Yes it was" she commented "Two years later my sister was born, Jennifer, and we grew up close until I left for the Academy that is....but now we barely ever speak. I guess she thinks I left her there on purpose" as her voice trailed off.

Seeing Angel's face Jamie quickly spoke up "Sometimes a sibling has a hard time accepting when someone their close to up and leaves" he commented "But unfortunately you can't be in Star Fleet by staying home" as he grinned trying to make her feel better.

"Well that's on her....I've contacted Jennifer a few times over the years but our conversations have always been short and pointed" she replied "So there you have it, my life pre Star Fleet in a nut shell. I've told you mine so what's your story Mr. O'Connell" as her smiled returned.

"Oddly enough not that much different than yours really. I was born in 2360 on a farm in Cork County, Ireland on Earth. My Dad was a farmer and my Mum stayed home and took care of the family as well as helping out on the farm when she could. I have an older Brother, Adam and a younger Sister, Caroline" Jamie commented.

Angel grinned "I never figured you for a farm boy; you seem too polished for that sort of life" she replied sort of teasingly "But please go on."

"We were expected to help out on the farm when we weren't in school, which my Brother fell right into....he would have been just as happy to work and skip school all together. My work time usually consisted of trying to keep Dad's aging equipment up and running; I guess that's where I discovered my love for fixing things. Knowing that the Farm would naturally fall to my Brother made it easier to leave for Star Fleet. Matter of fact I believe my Brother has totally taken over the farm since my Dad passed a few years ago" Jamie concluded.

"What about your Sister... what happened to her" Angel inquired with a smile.

Jamie couldn't help but smile since Caroline had always held a special place in his heart "She went to University, and last I knew, now works for an advertising firm in Dublin; a rather large city" then he chuckled "And she does rather like the ladies, if you get my drift."

"Yes she likes relationships with another women and there's nothing wrong with that if that's your thing" she replied with a light chuckle.

"No I suppose not" then he paused and laughed thinking about his teen years "You should have seen the look on my parent's and brother's faces when she came was priceless. I on the other hand told her whatever made her happy I was fine with and I would never judge her" Jamie concluded.

"And I would expect no less from you Jamie O'Connell knowing you the way I do" Angel replied while getting even closer to him....looking into his eyes "You know I wouldn't mind getting to know you even on a more personal level" she commented with a sultry voice while grinning.

Jamie sat not knowing quite what to say at that point. All he knew was every Star Fleet instinct told him to spring off the couch and remind his Number One about certain protocols......but he couldn't hurt her feelings.....he really didn't want to get up either.



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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