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Station Post 11. Awkward situations

Posted on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 12:25am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.
Edited on on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 12:25am

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Infirmary

Returning from the Chus’ugh Shauna gingerly made her way to the Infirmary. She needed to get her injuries from her rough and tumble night with Kahvek sorted before starting her shift.

Walking in through the doors she smiled politely as she greeted the medical staff. “Good Morning, I’d like to speak with Doctor Ramvek, in private please.”

Williams was going over some of the Crew's medical records seeing who was due for their yearly physicals when he heard Shauna's voice in Sick Bay proper. Walking out of his Office "Captain Callaghan this is a nice surprise; how may I be of assistance" he inquired with a smile.

“I was err...hoping you could treat me in private” Shauna smiled an embarrassed smile as she favoured her side.

Ramvek couldn't help but notice Shauna favoring her one side "Sure, whatever makes you comfortable" he replied with a smile "If you will come me we can use one of the isolation cubicles" as he extended his hand towards the cubicle.

“I appreciate that, thank you” Shauna headed into the cubicle and hopped up onto the biobed, removing her jacket as she did so. “I err...” she cursed herself. “Why am I being so embarrassed in-front of you?” She smiled. “I had an unexpected night with a Klingon last night, you could say we were pretty rough with each other.”

The Doctor had to grin "Relax Shauna, it's quite normal for women, as well as men, to be somewhat embarrassed when it comes to talking about their sexual experiences" he assured her then he went on "So let me guess, lots of bruises. I see you are favoring your one side."

“Yes, we were hunting Targ prior, and I think it’s a combination of that, sparring, and our rough and tumble last night.” Shauna blushed. “I have no idea what happened, I’m not normally one for falling into bed with anyone on the spur of the moment.” She sighed. “I just got totally carried away.”

The Doctor had to chuckle at what she had just explained "Shauna you are not the first person that sort of sexual encounter has happened to" then he paused a moment " If my Oaths did not prevent me from sharing, I could tell you stories of much worse aftermath than yours."

Shauna couldn’t help but grin. “I’m just not used to letting myself go I guess. The main problem is I’ve been chasing after...someone else, and now this has happened, and I’m...confused.”

"Now I am certainly by no means a Counselor....but take some time to sort things out and if all else fails you could talk to the Base's Counselor; I am sure she could help point you in the right direction" Ramvek commented.

Shauna nodded. “Of course. Oh while I’m here I need my lip sorted too, I’m not one to complain but it’s sore and I’m cranky when something hurts.” She offered a wry grin trying not to wince at the pain it caused to her bitten lip.

"Let me have a look at your sore lip" Ramvek stated pulling a small light from his pocket and examining the lip; clearly he could see teeth marks but decided not to embarrass Shauna by saying anything. Going to the Medical cabinet he grabbed a small tube of medicine. Returning to the bed "Here is some ointment that you can apply when your lip hurts; it contains a mild sedative to take away the pain. After a few days your lip should be healed; providing it doesn't get irritated again" as he just grinned.

Shauna tried not to grin but she couldn’t help herself. “Let’s just say I don’t plan on doing anymore Targ hunting for now. I’m battered and bruised enough I think.”

Ramvek couldn't help but laugh "That is probably a good course of action" he replied "However if you do want to continue this sort of activity I would highly suggest working out to strengthen your muscles; then they will not get bruised so badly" he concluded with a big grin.

Shauna grinned. “Any particular exercises or holodeck programs you can recommend? Just incase.”

"Any exercises that would help strengthen your mid section....lots of sit-ups or free weights comes to mind" he answered.

Shauna nodded. “I’ll bear that in mind, thank you Ramvek I appreciate your advice.”

"Anytime Captain Callaghan" the Doctor replied with a grin "And rest assured your privacy in this situation is paramount as far as I am concerned."

“Of course Doctor” Shauna nodded. “Am I good to go?”

"Yes Shauna you are all set and we'll be here if you don't feel better in a few days" the Doctor stated as he open the door of the cubicle for Shauna to exit.

“I will thank you Ramvek” Shauna smiled and headed on her way, she had a report to write.


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