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Station Post# 12 " Holy Water "

Posted on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 9:31pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Lt junior grade Sayvek had only rested a while and he dove deep into the collected data of the planet inside the nebula which was Class L. In all the hustle and bustlen no mention of a planets name was uttered. This was a problem for Sayvek who abhored unanswered questions.

Ellie arrived at the lab smiling as she saw Sayvek pouring over the files. “Good Morning Sayvek, I see you’re busy already. Anything of particular interest?”

" AFFIRMATIVE. However we did not clarify the name of the planet? Commodore Sureth is personally coming to get a science report and I have very little to tell him. Lt Myar made a very interesting find. He collected a sample of their quote " holy water." Sayvek reported.

“Ohh? Has the sample been tested?” Ellie was curious what the holy water might reveal. “I found this...” She held out the talisman that Hadah had told her to keep with her. “Hadah told me to keep it with me.”

The water vibrated in the clear container as she held out talisman.
" Fascinating. I do not believe in dieties but you clearly do. No I have not made any studies of this water. It appears to be H2O but I am sure it is more than that." Sayvek replied.

“I believe because Hadah spoke to me, she wants the Federation to protect her people.” Ellie smiled. “Besides if Yova is correct I’m carrying a future emissary of Bajor, not that I’ve seen the prophets.”

" Intriguing. You believe this stuff and it is true to you? I however need a more logical answer. I shall begin with a normal study of tests." Sayvek replied. Having arranged several beakers to study the water Sayvek slowly syringed drops into different beakers. Only to watch all the drops reverse suction and fill back into the syringe.

" This is not natural. Computer are the gravity systems off line?"

Ellie watched in amazement, “That’s incredible, but I don’t understand it one little bit. I’ve never seen water act like that before. What if we try putting a drop of water on a living surface?” She held out her hand. “Try putting a drop on my hand and see if it’ll stay there.”

" That is too dangerous Ellie and against protocol. We are dealing with many unknowns here. Before we put this on a living being we should run it through the standard battery of tests." Sayvek replied. Looking past Ellie he saw the approach of Commodore Sureth.

(( I will refresh your thirst and heal your soul )) a voice said in Ellie's mind.

“Sayvek...” Ellie sat looking at the sample, there was just something about it that she didn’t understand. Sayvek was right it needed to be thoroughly tested.

Sayvek greeted the Commodore at the door and stalled him. Meanwhile the inner voice continued to fill Ellie's mind like a song stuck in your head often does.

(( All who bath in the water of life will be healed.))

Ellie looked towards the pair as they started talking, wanting to get their attention without being rude. *water doesn’t talk* she thought to herself. *yet it’s talking to me*

Sureth joined Ellie and sort of smiled.
" Hello Lieutenant. It would seem you and the away team were very busy?"

Ellie nodded. “Yes Sir, we were certainly kept on our toes that’s for sure.” She looked towards the water. “ odd as this will sound, the water...” she pointed to the sample. “It’s talking to says all who bath in the water of life will be healed.”

Sureth looked at the item and raised an eye brow.
" Fascinating. How often do you hear this voice Lieutenant?"

“It’s only just started talking to me Sir” Ellie gave the water another look. “It’s very strange.”

" Lieutenant water does not talk. Therefore something else must be the case. Did anyone else hear this voice? I want a full report from all involved tomorrow morning." Sureth replied.

Ellie nodded. “Of course Sir” She couldn’t help but wonder if Hadah had something to do with it, or if this was a new form of life that lived in a water like state.

Sureth exited and Sayvek joined Ellie near the experiment table.
" We're you losing it Lieutenant? The Commodore does not joke around?" Sayvek asked." We need to finish the experiments on the water and move on."

“I am not losing anything Lieutenant!” Ellie snot Sayvek an annoyed look. “There was a voice in my head, it spoke to me! I’m not going crazy! I know what I heard.”

As Ellie yelled the doors to the lab opened again and it was Dr Hiri entering.
" What is all of the yelling about? I came to check on Momma and the babies?" Hiri asked.

" My colleague appears to think the water is speaking to her." Sayvek replied without any empathy.

" I see. Ellie do you care to explain? " Hiri asked.

Ellie sighed and nodded. “I heard a voice it said All who bath in the water of life will be healed.” She gave Hiri a confused look. “I can’t explain it, I guess you think I’m crazy too?”

" Lieutenant I believe you. If you heard this there has to be a reason why. Where did you hear this phrase?" Hiri asked,her tail swishing as she looked over at Sayvek.

“Just a minute ago, the water was acting oddly in its sample container. It scans as just water, but I think there must be more to it. I suggested putting a sample on my hand, I know it’s risky but as scientists we take risks, it’s not scanning as anything dangerous.”

" Do it." Hiri replied.

The water flowed over Ellie's hand and evaporated into her hand as if she was dehydrated.
(( Your faith has healed you)) the still voice told her mentally
Hiri observed but neither she nor Sayvek heard the voice.

Ellie smiled. “It faith has healed me)) she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not quite sure what that means.”

Running a tricorder over Ellie's hand Hiri couldn't help but notice some subtle changes in Ellie's complection, hair colour and lack of prenatal pimples.

" How do you feel?" Hiri asked.

“I feel...fine” Ellie smiled. “Actually better than fine. Has there been any changes?”

" Only your completion. You look Radiant." replied Hiri.
Sayvek also had a slight smile.

" You have a certain glow Lieutenant, Fascinating!"

Ellie smiled. “Then I guess we’ve proved the water works.”

" Perhaps but theoretically it should work on males as well and it didn't. I just tried and it oozed back into the vile" Sayvek replied.

" Maybe it doesn't like Vulcans?" joked Hiri.

“No, it’s got something to do with females.” Ellie smiled. “This whole area seems to work around females, I don’t know why.”

" The whole reshielding issue initially was because of the pheromones you produced. If I recall correctly their deity, Hadah, is said to be the mother of their society. No pun intended but Mother Nature if you will. Capable of renewal and rebirth of all natural things. " Sayvek replied.

Ellie nodded. “Very true, hence why this place might react to female pheromones.”

" I would welcome a future visit sometime. Ellie come to sickbay when you are finished analysing this water. I want to see if it has affected the pregnancy." Hiri replied.

“I will join you now Hiri” Ellie looked at Hiri worriedly. “The twins come first, Sayvek can continue without me for a few minutes.”

Nodding his head Sayvek agreed.

Hiri walked with Ellie over to Sickbay very curious about the waters effects on Ellie's body.


" Hop up on the bed. Let's take a look at them babies." Hiri said. Dual heart beats sounding like a drum line patted along with Ellie's.
" Wow the murmur is gone. Baby 2 had a slight murmur but it is non existant." Hiri told her.

“Really?” Ellie was astounded. “That’s incredible. Just imagine what this could mean for patients here on the station.”

" Wait a minute. That could have been a natural effect. Many years ago placebo pills were used to make people think they were beautiful. Turned out to be nothing more than gelatinous gummies someone used. Just be careful, as a scientist you know to trust but verify." Hiri warned.

“Of course” Ellie nodded. “Better to be safe than sorry Hiri.” She smiled warmly.

Hiri had not seen Ellie so enthusiastic about anything except her babies. " So what was it like down there? How did the population act?"

“Like Doctor Williams is their god!” Ellie grinned. “We all have an open invitation to return whenever we like.”

" Wait what? Williams a God? Are they daft. Everyone knows Caitians we're once worshipped as Gods. Sounds like they are very superstitious?" Hiri joked.

Ellie nodded. “Very, very, superstitious Hiri. Though having kind of met Hadah I can see why they are so religious.”

< Science Lab>
Sayvek was getting nowhere fast with his experiments. Everytime he attempted to study a portion of the water it wouldn't mold itself back and slide into the syringe.

" This is most illogical. COMPUTER?"

A chirp rang out. " Based on analyzed data what is your conjecture of the material being scanned?"


“Having problems?” Ellie smiled as she entered the lab, “Maybe I can help?” She gently placed a sample of the water for scanning, only this time it remained in place.

" It is as if it has its own agenda. What did you do?" as the water easily flowed into the beakers.

“Nothing” Ellie gave a smile. “I’m a woman, it seems women effect this area somehow. I don’t quite understand it.”

Hiri returned and witnessed the miraculous change to the water.
" There is a pheromoneal transference going on here. We need to involve Doctor Williams and the Commodore also." Hiri replied.

Ellie nodded. “Agreed, this needs more investigation.”

Hiri returned to sickbay to fill Ramvek in on this discovery.


Doctor Williams was just finishing up with a Patient when Hiri walked into Sick Bay "Ensign take two of these every twelve hours for three days; if by that time your rash has not cleared up please come back and see me" he explained. "Thank you Doctor, I will" the Ensign replied, stood up, and left Sick Bay to go back to his duties.

Seeing Hiri Ramvek walked over "Doctor Hiri, I saw you with Lieutenant Kees-Odac earlier; is everything all right with her pregnancy" he inquired with some concern.

" Actually there's an ironically issue. Lt Myar brought back a water sample for the science team to study. Apparently even the water is only effective under females. Ellie touched the water, he pregnancy achne cleared up and one of the babies murmur shows no sign of being there?" Hiri reported.

"That is an interesting development" Ramvek stated before continuing "It is not unheard of for certain waters to have healing properties; be it chemical, biological, or even spiritual. Although being a man of Science I tend to lean more towards what can be proven in a Lab but that is not to say the Spiritual does not exist."

" My curiosity has me wanting to go back to that planet. To see it for myself." Hiri replied.

"The people of that place did tell us we were welcome back there any time" Williams replied.

Hiri smiled.
" I passed the Commodore, what's up with him?"

Ramvek grinned "I am glad you asked. The Commodore is making a trip back to Vulcan for two weeks and has asked me to accompany him. So I am going to need you and the rest of the Staff to cover Medical in my absence" he explained "I have not been back to Vulcan in years and would very much like to see my family."

" Vulcan? There is a lot going on here but we can managed sir. Keep a good eye on the Commodore. He is acting peculiar, he says it was the dehydration but I am not so sure." Hiri urged.

"I did give him a once over and about the only thing of any concern was his blood pressure was a little high which makes sense given his position here at the Base" Ramvek commented trying to put Hiri's concerns at ease "Except for a few days I will be seeing my Parents, the rest of the time I will be close to him that way I can keep an eye on him. Hopefully his return to Vulcan will be good medicine for him."

" You are probably right sir. Don't worry we can keep this place in check while you are away." Hiri promised.

== Science Lab ==

While Ellie was present Sayvek was able to run numerous scans and when he was done he made a final conclusion of his own. " This is quite remarkable. There is one interesting sect of what looks to be amoeba in this water. This being is so simple but it possesses an ability to defend itself and to strike opponents. One of these amoeba could possibly kill the strain of the common cold."

“Fascinating” Ellie smiled. “We’ve certainly made some wonderful discoveries here.”

Sayvek smiled uncharacteristically but he couldn't contain his excitement at discovering a new life form.

" I am curious as to why this only works when you are present? Is it you or would any female do? When Lieutenant Yova gets back we need to go back to that planet." Sayvek questioned.

“Good idea” Ellie nodded. “Next time I’ll stay out of the way and see what happens.”

" I am finished. I will compose my data and present it to you. Thank you Ellie." Sayvek replied.

Ellie smiled and nodded. “My pleasure.”



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