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Station Post# 13 " Not a Threat but a Promise"

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 6:08pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Kahveq & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Deke Rivers made his rounds around the station Greetings friends he had made this past few months and smiling at the ladies he hadn't. But he especially waited for Captain Shauna Callaghan to join him. House arrest and all that occurred before had given him real thoughts about his future here and Starfleet.

“Hello Captain” Shauna smiled as she joined Deke for his rounds. “How goes the walk around?”

" Mind blowing actually. One minute in a brig the next cleared for duty. Alas but what is that duty supposed to be is the question? Before all of this I got the impression we had something growing. Am I wrong?" Deke asked.

Shauna offered Deke a warm smile. “We did, and to be totally honest I’m...confused. Very confused.” She knew she wasn’t making much sense.

" Look I am a complex man. I came here through weird circumstances and I will probably leave the same way. What is so confusing though? I'm a man you're a woman and we have feelings for one another. Let's explore that and grow something?" Deke replied.

Shauna paused, Kahvek was someone she found interesting on certain levels but he had said it himself, they could not be together. “Alright, but honesty first above all else. If we are to be together I owe you that.” She paused. “The Klingon warrior you saw, Kahvek. He and I, well we...did more than fight in the holodeck. My feelings for him are...complicated, I don’t know if it’s love or just fascination, but as he’s already said we cannot be together.”

Deke paused as the words she said stabbed his soul. Part of his attraction to her was her purity. Now that vision was shattered as he recalled the gall of the Klingon Officer.

" Oh yes, Waroq's discomendation. Well if you think it is love then I won't stand in the way of love. I will see you around the station, Captain." Deke said backing up.

“Deke...wait...” Shauna didn’t let Deke get away that easy. “My...fascination with Kahvek is just that, I would rather get to know you better. That is, if you are still interested now I’ve spoilt your view of me.”

" Lil Darling I have lived them and left them more decades than you've been alive. I get it. The shiny bat'leth is cute but it's tip is deadly. I loved a Klingon woman and even fathered a child with her. They don't know what love is they only have their precious family honor. Once one has you you are theirs for life, your life.
If you will excuse me Captain Callighan I am being summoned by the Commodore," Deke replied as his antique arm watch buzzed.

"Captain...wait.." Shauna sighed. She had never wanted this. What had she gotten herself into.

== Observation Deck==

Kahveq had stormed off a while ago with anger after his trist with Shauna. Pacing the observation decks he actually hoped to find Nic Covenant, the boy he had bumped, to fight. But he found was better as Deke stopped in front of him.

" So you're Kahveq. Meet me tonight at 11 pm in the recreation deck. "

" Why would I do this Captain?2

" Because Shauna Callahan is my girl and when I am done with you you will be tucking your Klingon tail between your legs and crying all the way back home to Qo'nos." Deke answered.

" You have just signed your death warrant human."

" We will see." Deke replied.



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