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Station Post# 14 " Drama in the Family "

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 6:50pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


== Sureths Office ==

Sureth left sickbay and hastily planned his itinerary to go to Vulcan. Securing his pilot, the Commodore, called his general cadre to his office.

Shauna arrived at Sureth’s office first, smiling politely as she stepped inside. She was about to speak when the door opened again.

Isabelle received her father’s call, as she arrived at his office she smiled warmly as she greeted both Sureth and Shauna.

Deke enter next trying to hold his distemper after his prior meeting with Shauna on the observation deck and run in with Kahvek after.

" Sureth don't you have better things to do with your time than call meetings?"

" I do . That is what this is about. Take a seat please. I am taking some time off station. Myself and Dr Ramvek Williams are going to Vulcan for two weeks. In my absence Shauna you are in charge. Captain Rivers will act as XO." Sureth told them

Shauna gave Deke an uncertain look, before nodding to Sureth. "We'll look after the place Sir."

" Are you out of your Vulcan mind again? I am.playing with the idea of retirement like you should be, sir. I can't be her XO." Deke replied.

" Why not?" Sureth asked.

"'s personal." Deke answered.

Shauna hung her head before looking up at Sureth. "Commodore I hereby submit my resignation as First Officer, I'll request a transfer as soon as we're finished here. I will remain until after your holiday after which I will be departing the station."

Sureth and Deke paused.
" Clear the room, CLEAR THE ROOM!" Sureth yelled to Deke.
Deke exited but Isabella remained

" Shauna what has happened?"

Shauna sighed. "It is a...personal matter Sir. It is my own fault, I had a...fling, if you can call it that, with Kahvek. Call it a fascination, but Deke...he was interested in a relationship with me until I told him the truth."

Isabelle offered an understanding nod and some support. "I'm guessing from the hurt I'm sensing from you, that you have feelings for Captain Rivers?"

Shauna nodded. "As I said it's my own fault, I thought he wasn't interested in me that way. Now I can't change that."

" Deke Rivers Ass. " Sureth emotionally replied before composing himself. He then walked to the door and called for Deke to come back in

Shauna gave Sureth a surprised look as he called Deke back in.

" Deke stop being an Ass." Sureth added.

Surprisingly Deke came back in.
" Look.I was wrong. I got my feelings hurt but I pulled up my big boy britches. Said and did some dumb stuff. Shauna I am sorry and I forgive you for being with that Klingon."

Shauna nodded but she still wasn't sure what to do for the best. "This isn't a discussion for on duty time, we will talk later." she looked at Sureth. "I put my resignation on hold for now Sir."

" Good because I have grand children I wish to meet. I need you two to hold this place together Administratively until I return. Besides unless you accept the command of a starship I don't want to lose you." Sureth replied.

Shauna smiled. "Thank you Sir, we'll take good care of the place until you return."

" Don't worry Sureth I will water your cactus." Deke joked.

"Is this a family trip home? will Isabelle and your grandson be travelling with you?"

" Actually it is. Isabella I want you and Cal to join us. John is piloting my yacht." Sureth replied.

Isabelle gave her father a surprised look. "I'd love to! Thank you father" she gave Shauna and Deke a polite nod. "If you'll excuse me I'll go and get some things packed."

Sureth waited for Isabella to leave then added.

" I asked John to fly because I knew she would go then. Now you two had better work this out before I get back. We have to be on our best everyday with all the exterior and interior threats out there. Science is investigating water samples from that planet in the nebula. Shauna send a probe to scan that planet before we return. With the Assul threat looming there we need to stay clear. Also I have requested a Wallace Craft vessel to arrive. Should it come send it to R&D to add the additional components we need. Any questions?"

Shauna shook her head. "No questions Sir"

Sureth looked to Deke next.
" Why are you looking at me? I'm sweet and innocent. Shauna and I will be good." Deke replied.

Shauna couldn't help but grin at that. Perhaps things would work out after all.



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