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Peel Post # 6 " Exploring"

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 9:04pm by Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 9:16pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Various
Timeline: Current



{Deck 2}

Yesrin Jen had spoken to Commander Devroe and received permission to leave the Peel in order to explore the Promenade Decks before they set out either on patrol or on a Mission. She decided to wear her black Star Fleet uniform to wart off any would be adversaries; a lone women on a Base of this size couldn't be too careful.

After dressing Yesrin grabbed a Samurai knife and placed it in her boot sheath under her pant leg; just in case as she sensed Jen [ Good I'm glad to see your going prepared ] he commented. Yesrin grinned "A girl can't be too careful when on a Base" she replied always wanting to be ready for anything; that was part of her training. "Ok let's go see what's on the Promenade Decks" as she secured her Quarters walking out the door.


{Deck 198}

Walking onto the Promenade Deck Yesrin looked around for a moment "So which way old friend" she thought as she sensed Jen [ Your choice, I'm just along for the ride ] he replied with a chuckle. She nodded "I guess we'll go right then."

Yesrin walked around noticing all the various types of Shoppes amazed at the variety the Base had to offer; some she would like to visit and others not so much. After awhile she came across a nice little diner as she could smell some very delicious smells emulating from within which was making her hungry "I'm going to stop in here and get something to eat since I did have a rather light breakfast." [ Yes I could tell your stomach is rather empty from the noise it's making ].

Walking inside she was greeted by a young man "Welcome, table for one or are you expecting company" he inquired with a smile noticing how attractive this young Trill women was.

Yesrin returned the smile "No it's just me and my empty stomach" she replied with a grin.

The young man escorted her to a table then handed her a menu "Here you go. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order. Something to drink in the meantime."

"Yes I'll have a black coffee please" she replied as the man gave her a nod and left the table. [ Black coffee, that'll get your motor running ] Jen commented.

"I need something to get me going today. I think the past few days have worn me out with the traveling and new surroundings" she thought to herself as she looked over the menu "I think I'll have the breakfast special" she whispered out loud.

Moments later the young man returned "Ready to order Miss?" "Yes I'll have the ham and eggs, sunny side up, along with the home fries" she replied. "Good choice and I'll have your order here shortly" he replied then headed for the Kitchen.

She sat thinking about her new assignment eager to get back into the field when her food arrived "One breakfast special and if you require anything please let me know" the young man stated with a smile." "Thank you I will" she replied as the young man left. [ I think he has a thing for you ] Jen said teasingly. "Ya, ok he's just being nice so I'll leave him a nice big tip" she replied while starting to enjoy her breakfast.

As Yesrin was finishing her breakfast two guys walked in and took a seat at a booth. Moments later Jen could sense some trouble coming their way [ At your three o'clock are two men talking and they keep looking over this way and laughing; I think you need to be careful when you leave. ] Looking out the corner of her eye "Yes I see them and you may be right.....I guess we'll know soon enough" she replied while getting up and going to the counter to pay for her meal. "Was everything to your satisfaction" he inquired. "Yes, thank you the breakfast was delicious" as she handed him the money "And there's a tip for you for your fine service" Yesrin commented with a smile. "Thank you and please come back anytime" he stated as she nodded then turned to leave the diner.

Yesrin started walking around the area looking at the Shoppes when she sensed Jen [ Those two guys from the diner are walking toward you at a quick pace....looks like trouble's coming your way.] "I guess I'll be getting some exercise soon" she thought being more than ready.

Moments later "Hey cutie, want to have some fun" the guy commented with one being on each Side of her at this point.

Yesrin stopped looking at the guy on her right "Sorry but I'm not interested" she stated stone faced ready for what was coming next.

"Maybe I can change your mind" as her grabbed her arm tightly with a grin.

"You really want to do this" she inquired "It won't end well for you."

The guy laughed "And what the hell are you going to do about it." Without any sort of answer Yesrin broke free from is grip and started to grab his arm when she heard Jen [ On your left. ] Glancing over her shoulder she could see the other guy going for her when she leaned forward meeting the guy with a hard back kick to the groin sending him to the floor howling in pain. The first guy broke free from her grip and pulled a knife from his waist "Ok bitch let's see how brave you are now" as he lunged towards Yesrin. She side stepped him then grabbed the knife from her boot holding the blade downward, spun around, leaning back on her left foot with her right in front of her. As he came back towards her she turned missing his blade then sliced the back of his leg just below the knee in one smooth motion severing his tendon making his leg useless and unable to support his weight as he just stood looking at her "What the hell are you....I've never seen anyone move like that before."

She grinned "I'm someone you don't want to screw with....besides I gave you fair warning.....had enough or do you want to keep going" she stated sternly.

The guy realizing he was horribly out matched put up his hands in front of him "No I've had quite enough" he responded with his leg throbbing with pain and blood running down it.

"Fair enough" as she placed the knife back in it's home "Maybe next time you and your friend here will think twice before harassing a young women; next time you might get off so easily" Yesrin stated then proceeded on her way "Jen let me know if they approach me again." [ Will do boss.....I doubt they're that stupid] Jen replied with a chuckle.

They continued checking out the Promenade Deck for a couple more hours when Yesrin had enough "Let's go back to our feet aren't used to all this walking." [Right behind you ] Jen replied really not having any choice in the matter.

Yesrin grinned as she stepped onto a nearby Lift "Deck 58" she called out and they were on their way back home with another tale to tell someday.


Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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