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Station Post # 15 " Holiday Part 1

Posted on Fri Jan 5th, 2024 @ 2:24pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Captain's Yacht Oppenheimer/ Vulcan
Timeline: Concurrent


< Minshara, Vulcan II, Vulcanis A II, T'Khasi, Ti'Valka'ain, 40 Eridani A II, >

It was the best of times and the worst of times for Sureth to be leaving his command at this time for a two week visit to Vulcan. But taking Isabella and her husband John Dallas with would be good and availed him back up should his son verbally attack him or worse. Not let him see his grand children.

" Course plotted and laid in sir. We are heading at warp 2 presently to the 40 Eridani A system" Warrant Officer Dallas reported.

" Excellent. I took the time to arrange a traditional song for this trip. Lt Bob Covenant taught this to me on the Neil's Bohr. NINETY NINE BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL,NINETY NINE BOTTLES OF BEER..."

A pause filled the cabin.

Isabelle couldn’t help but grin, Bob Covenant had obviously managed to impress her father with his so-called knowledge of traditional songs. “If you’ll excuse me” She smiled as she rose from her seat. “I’m going to go and lie down while I’ve got the chance.” She kissed John on the cheek before heading for the rear of the yacht.

Meanwhile Doctor Williams sat resting his hand on his Medical case, listening to the traveling song, to get the lyrics down before even attempting to join in. Even though Ramvek was not on duty per se, the Doctor was still very much a doctor. In do so he made sure he had the necessary items given the current health of Sureth before departing from the Base.

Passing by Ramvek, Isabelle offered a warm smile. “Forgive me Ramvek, but I didn’t even realise you were half Vulcan.” She tucked her hair out of the way behind her pointed ears as she spoke.

"That's quite alright Isabelle. Most people would not know my heritage by looking at my physical appearance; I seem to have gravitated to the human side from my Mother" he explained with a smile "Although I do seem to have the Vulcan strength as well as the logic."

Isabelle smiled. “I’m afraid the logic part has so far eluded me, but I’m hoping to learn from my father.”

Sureth stopped singing and followed suit as he rested his eyes and paid back. John was very fine with the quiet but he knew the trip would be a long one.


Two large ancient Vulcan ships greeted the Oppenheimer as it dropped out of warp.
" What's this Mister Dallas?" Sureth asked.

Isabelle sat cradling her son as she looked at the ships through the Oppenheimer’s windows. “I’m not sensing anything untoward father, I’d say from how well controlled their emotions are, the crews are definitely Vulcan.”

" She is right sir. They are definately border patrol vessels . I hailed them but was told to maintain my position." Dallas replied.

" Then by all means, maintain. Dr Williams it would seem we are to be delayed." Sureth added.

"These things happen; I hope our presence here does not should I put it.....complicated" Ramvek replied wondering why a Federation ship was being delayed in the first place.

Isabelle frowned. “This seems very odd, perhaps we should find out what is going on. Find out why they’re holding us up.”

" This is Commodore Sureth of Vulcan. We are here on holiday." the Commodore hailed.
[ Oppenheimer you are recognized but we have been ordered to hold you in place. All traffic to and from Vulcan has been suspended until the Federation Council leaves Vulcan.] a voice replied.

“The Federation Council?” Isabelle looked at Sureth. “I’m not sure whether that’s a good sign or a bad one.” She smiled as she pulled funny faces at her son, keeping her little man amused. Not that he was old enough to understand what was going on around them anyway.

Hearing the response to Sureth's hail seemed quite illogical given his rank in Star Fleet; although Ramvek had seen some strange things happen especially when the Council was involved as he looked to Sureth "Commodore, any insight to why the Federation Council would be meeting on Vulcan?"

Sureth moved to navigation and scanned for anything out of the ordinary. They had flown many light years and he was not about to turn around because of bureaucracy.
" Doctor it would seem something of a medical emergency has occurred. The USS Nightingale is in low orbit of Vulcan. If memory serves me well that is the Federation premier medical starship." Sureth replied.

The Doctor thought for a moment "Yes you are correct Commodore, the Nightingale possess the most advanced, up to date Medical technology and equipment Star Fleet possesses. Logically it must be serious to have called upon that particular Ship" Ramvek replied wondering just how bad the situation really was; or if he should volunteer to lend a helping hand.

"Ramvek and I are both medical Professionals father, perhaps we should see if they'd let us through to assist?"

Sureth raised an eyebrow and hailed the Nightingale.

[ Thank you Commodore. Please dock aboard and send your medical staff to our sickbay.] replied the Captain of the Nightingale.

" Doctor you are needed. Isabella go with him." Sureth ordered as Dallas landed the Oppenheimer.

Isabelle nodded as she handed over her son to John before giving him a kiss. "I'll see you later." with that she nodded to Ramvek. "Ready when you are Ramvek."

Grabbing his Medical Kit Ramvek stood "I am as ready as I ever will be; let us see if we can be of assistance" he replied then looking at Sureth "Not quite the vacation we were planning on." The two Officers walked to the aft part of the Shuttle and exited onto the Docking Bay.


Looking around Ramvek saw an Officer standing a little ways away "Isabelle I can ask that Officer for directions" he stated as the two walked over to him "Excuse me Lieutenant, I am Doctor Ramvek Williams and this is my associate Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas. We are here to lend a hand if you would be so kind as to point us in the right direction for the Primary Sick Bay."

The Lieutenant looked up "Welcome aboard, I think they can use all the help they can get. Now which Sick Bay did you want directions for; most of this Ship is one big Sick Bay" he replied with a grin.

"Which ever one the Chief Medical Officer would be at" Ramvek replied.

"In that case you want to go to Deck 42; there's a Lift right over there" he answered pointing in the general direction"

"Thank you" Williams commented as he and Isabelle made their way onto the nearby Lift "Deck 42" Ramvek called out before looking at Isabelle "You ready for this?"

“Ready as I’ll ever be” Isabelle nodded. “I wonder what’s happened to require this level of help? It must be serious.”

White coats and even blue ones rushed towards sickbay with hover gourneys with various beings on them as the entire triage area was busy. A single Vulcan of some age motioned for Isabella to come to him.
" They can use you here." he told her as a young middle aged lady was brought in. Her face bloody on one side and numerous burns on her arms.

" Her injuries were the result of an explosion on the bridge of the council ship. " stated the old man

Without asking anyone, Ramvek rushed over to the burn victim "Hello, I am Doctor Williams and I'm here to help you" he stated with compassion as he opened his Med case grabbing a pair of blunt nose scissors and a Transdermal Emitter "I am going to remove the burnt clothing from your arms then I will treat your burns" as he carefully started the procedure "So what shall I call you."

"I'm Commander Vorez" she replied then winced in pain.

Seeing her pain Ramvek grabbed a hypo and administered a mild anesthetic "There that should help with the pain while I continue" he explained as he finally had all the burnt clothing removed. Grabbing the Emitter he slowly and carefully went over the burnt areas on her arms and face repairing the damaged skin "That should start feeling much better" he commented "Now I am going to give you some antibiotics so an infection doesn't set in" as he administered another hypo.

"Thank you Doctor I'm starting to feel much better" the lady stated with a smile.

Moments later a Nurse walked over to Williams "Your skills are quite impressive, you must be a Doctor" she commented with a smile "We can use all the help we can get I'm afraid."

Ramvek returned the smile "Yes, I am Doctor Williams the CMO of Star Base M-69; I traveled here for a vacation but that will have to wait. Can I be assistance anywhere else" he inquired.

"Very nice to meet you Doctor Williams, I'm Nurse Salazar and yes you can please follow me" she commented as Ramvek followed her to the next Patient.

Isabelle remained with Vorez for a few minutes, making sure she was alright before looking around at the various patients. She had to admit the medical facilities here were second to none.

Following the Nurse, Ramvek walked to a large quarantine room as Salazar stopped "Doctor there are clean protective suits over there, please put one on before we proceed any further. Seeing the area Ramvek did as requested as both officers suited up. Entering the room Williams noticed most of the Patients with what appeared to be blotches all over their skin as he asked "So what are these folks infected with that requires quarantine." "That's the problem we're not sure; every test we've run has come back negative so we're at a loss" the Nurse replied. Ramvek walked over to one of the Patients "Hello I am Doctor Williams, how do you feel." "Like a shuttle just ran me over; I'm so tired I feel like I've been up for days" came the reply. Ramvek thought for a moment "Did everyone get sick at once or was one person sick first" he inquired. "No everyone seemed to get sick almost at the same time" was the answer.

Turning to the Nurse "I am going to need an Ultra Scanner if you have one handy" Ramvek commented. Salazar turned, opened a drawer grabbing the device then handing it to the Doctor "Here you go Sir." Carefully scanning the person and watching the Bio-bed Screen Ramvek realized these people were exposed to some sort of biomedical toxin; although more extensive tests would need to be performed before an accurate diagnosis could be formulated. Turning to Salazar "Nurse from my scans these people seem to have been exposed to some sort of Bio-weapon; more extensive tests will have to be performed before a cure can be formulated. We need to know if any Vulcans are having the same symptoms" he stated with much concern. " There is a Specialist in route as we speak; someone with extensive knowledge of this type of weaponry" Salazar replied. "I guess we'll have to make these folks as comfortable as possible until the Specialist arrives" he answered.

==Vulcan Ship==

Sureth was aboard the Oppenheimer with Dallas but they had to leave the Nightingale due to the ambulance traffic landing. Sureth then decided to dock the yacht inside one of the looming Vulcan ships.
Greeted by the ships Commander Sureth and Dallas watched from their observation deck the heroic deeds of all involved.

" Commodore Sureth, I am Commander Skiff of the Vulcan perimeter ship T'Ping. I understand that you are here on holiday? There are no records of your itinerary. "

" My duties on Starbase M-69 did not avail me to make one. It was spontaneous to come here. My children still reside on Vulcan." Sureth replied. " What has happened?"

" The Federation Council was targeted with an explosive. It is believed the culprit was one of the members. They were heading to Babel to negotiate a treaty with the Essary but it would seem someone or a group of someone's had other plans." Skiff replied.

" Our stations Chief Medical Officer and our Counselor are aboard the Nightingale. If you allow us to do so we will wait here until they are no longer needed."

" That is acceptable." replied Skiff.

Aboard ship Isabelle smiled as she milled about between patients, offering kind words and comfort. She paused outside of the quarantine area where a handful of patients were being treated. "Excuse me Doctor, what are these people being treated for?"

" We await the arrival of a specialist. The weapon used was biomedical in nature. The worst of these patients are being held in transporter confinement."

Isabelle nodded. "Biomedical? A contagion of some description?" now she was worried. "Doctor Williams maybe able to help, he's Chief...

What she was about to say was interrupted as a shout went up from nearby. She and the doctor she was standing close to were suddenly man handled by a wounded patient who'd escaped from medical confinement enroute to quarantine. Desperate to find his mate he'd made a break for freedom.

Isabelle could only watch as the biohazard teams dealt with their escaped patient. One of the team turned to Isabelle. "I'm sorry Counsellor, but we're going to have to ask you to accompany us to quarantine."

Isabelle stood for a moment before she nodded, there was little else she could do but hope the patient wasn't contagious.



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