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Peel Post # 7 "Something Special"

Posted on Fri Jan 5th, 2024 @ 4:36pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current



{Deck 2}

For the past few weeks Johan had been cohabitating with Sarissa in her Quarters and was very much enjoying their time together whenever they were off duty. He felt it was time to start sharing more of himself with this gorgeous woman and since a very special Regalian Holiday was fast approaching Johan felt this was a great opportunity to do just that.

Johan had the day off, and with Sarissa having to see a few patients, this gave him the chance to leave their quarters undetected to shop for a nice surprise to give her later on. Gabbing his comm badge he was out the door on a Mission.


{Deck 199}

Arriving at the other Promenade Deck, Johan made his way to a Jewelry Shoppe to find a very special item for his love. Walking in he started looking for that perfect necklace to give Sarissa for a very special holiday. It had to be the right size and length incorporating a few beautiful gems that would fall lovingly between her breasts thereby complimenting her natural beauty.

After looking for almost an hour nonstop Johan finally found the perfect necklace with the perfect gem arrangement at the prefect length for her gorgeous body. The necklace's gems were arranged with three blue diamonds in a triangle with a red ruby on each side at the outside center. Looking at the necklace for a few minutes he knew this was the one as he approached the Clerk "Excuse me, I was wondering if I could get a closer look at a particular necklace over there; the length and weight has to be a certain way" he explained.

"Certainly Sir" as the Clerk came out from behind the counter and followed Johan "Which piece would you like to look at" he inquired.

"That one right there" Johan replied pointing to the necklace. The Clerk dropped the forcefield around the case and handed it to Johan.

Looking it all over and hefting the item Johan decided this would be perfect "How much for this necklace" he asked knowing it would be pricey. The Clerk told him the price which would be about a month's wages for Johan "I'll take it and I would like it wrapped in plain white paper with a blue bow attached."

"Very good Sir, I can do that for you if you'd come with me" the Clerk replied as Johan followed. When the item was wrapped Johan paid for the necklace and grabbed the box then exited the Shoppe wanting to get back to their quarters before Sarissa returned home.


{Deck 2}

Johan hustled back to their quarters and called out "Sarissa I'm back" with the box behind his back; no answer so he went straight into their bedroom and hid the necklace in his one drawer under some clothing. Now he would wait for her to get off duty and return.

[Later That Day]

Johan sat anxiously waiting for Sarisa when he heard the door open; getting off the couch he greeted her "Hi gorgeous" then gave her a hello kiss.

“Hi yourself!” Sarissa smiled warmly as she greeted Johan, happily returning his kiss. “I couldn’t wait to get off duty and spend time with you. Give me a minute to change into something else and we can sit down and cuddle up together.”

Grinning she headed for the bedroom, she had a nice lingerie nightdress that she liked to wear which showed off her assets nicely. Quickly changing and freshening up she combined it with a matching Kimono and headed back into the living area.

“That’s so much where were we?” She grinned as she walked over and sat gently down on Johan’s knee.

Johan smiled having this beautiful woman sitting so close "I would say we were right about here" he commented with his arm around her waist enjoying her closeness and the wonderful smell of her perfume "I missed you while you were gone attending to your Patients."

“I missed you too, I always do.” Sarissa smiled as she draped her arm around his neck. “I look forward to coming home to you every evening.”

The couple sat for the next couple of hours talking, kissing, and cuddling just enjoying being with one another. Johan thought this was as a good a time as any to share a little of his Regailan culture with her "If you want to come with me to the bedroom I have a surprise for you" he commented before teasing her a little "I mean besides myself."

Sarissa couldn’t help but grin. “I love surprises, you know I do.” She nodded. “Let’s go and see what you have in store for me.”

The couple got up off the couch and walked into the bedroom "Have a seat on the end of the bed" Johan directed as he stepped to the drawer and grabbed her gift. Sitting beside Sarissa with a smile "I very much want to share a Regalian custom with you since we seem to be getting further along in our relationship" he commented then continued "There is a holiday known as 'Recognition Day' where one person buys a special gift for the one person he, or she, loves the most and means the most in their lives. On Regalia this is taken very seriously and is not to be trifled with." With that Johan handed Sarissa the wrapped box to open waiting for her reaction.

Sarissa looked at Johan in shocked surprise. Smiling she carefully unwrapped his gift. Opening the box she gasped as she looked at the beautiful necklace within. “Johan, it’s...beautiful!!”

"A beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman" he replied "Here let's see what it looks like on you" as he took the necklace from her and placed it around her neck "Oh, nice fit" as he could see it fell exactly where it was supposed to.

Sarissa smiled as she ran her fingers gently over the necklace. “I will treasure this Imzadi. I didn’t know about this special day or I’d have brought something for you.”

"Don't be concerned about it.....I have all the present I need right here" Johan stated with a grin as he brushed his hand on the side of her cheek lovingly then leaned in and gave Sarissa a very special kiss "I love you Sarissa Aloran."

Sarissa returned Johan’s kiss, with love and passion. “I love you too Johan, I don’t see my life without you in it anymore.”

"That makes two of us" he whispered then gave her another kiss content with being lost in the moment.

Sarissa was enjoying it way too much, She was happy to let them fall back onto the bed and enjoy their time getting lost in each other.

Johan lay back on the bed and with a grin "Care to join me, you gorgeous creature" he commented as he removed his shirt.

“I would love to” Sarissa smiled as she slipped out of her clothing leaving just her lingerie and her necklace.

Looking into her beautiful eyes "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more gorgeous you go and surprise me" while noticing her other lovely assets.

“Well I, and my body, are for your eyes only.” Sarissa smiled. “Plus I was thinking you’d like to remove what’s left yourself.” She grinned as she lay on the bed beside him.

"With pleasure" he replied with a smile and proceeded to lovingly, and with lots of kissing, removed the rest of her clothing. Looking at her naked body he whispered "You really are a vision of beauty."

For the next few hours the couple were lost in each other. It was as if the rest of the universe didn't matter; the only thing that mattered was being together.

Sarissa lay happily cuddling Johan, she could quite willingly stay like it forever more. Nothing mattered but the two of them being together. “I could quite willingly stay like this forever, you know that right?”

With his arms around this woman he loves so much the idea of being with her forever was sounding better all the time as he commented jokingly "Yes I know; although the Captain might just send Security looking for us when we don't show up for duty. I doubt making love all the time is a viable excuse for not showing up for work."

Sarissa grinned. “That’s very true, but there’s nothing to say we can’t be cuddled up in here the rest of the time. It would be my idea of heaven!”

"You certainly won't get any argument out of me; I rather enjoy our time together" Johan replied with a smile before continuing "Besides who needs a gym when you can just make love instead."

Sarissa nodded enthusiastically. “I wholeheartedly agree with that! Anytime exercise is needed there’s always plenty to be had here!” She leant in for a romantic kiss. “Just promise me you’ll never leave. I’d be lost without you.”

Looking into her gorgeous eyes with a smile "Sweetheart I'm not going anywhere, you are way to important to me" he replied before returning her kiss in kind.

“Good, because if you did I’d have to go right along with you.” Sarissa gave him a look that said she was serious.

Seeing Sarissa was in no way playing games, which was a welcome change from his past so called romances, he grinned "Baby I'm yours as long as you want me to be."

“Would for life sound too forward?” Sarissa grinned.

Johan thought for a moment not wanting to hurt Sarissa's feelings but didn't want things to move too fast just yet "Too forward? maybe a little but that isn't to say the thought hasn't crossed my mind on a few occasions" he replied with a grin.

“I was just saying what I feel.” Sarissa offered a smile, and tried not to let a niggling worry in the back of her mind trouble her. “I don’t plan on rushing you.”

Johan smiled "I know you don't and I appreciate your honesty my love" then he paused a moment "This type of relationship is new to me, I have never felt about a woman the way I feel about you and I guess it just scares me a little" he explained with honesty.

Sarissa nodded. “To be honest I’ve never had a relationship with anyone like this, I guess that’s why the thought of losing you scares me. I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything, I won’t do that to you.”

"I know you wouldn't and right now I'm rather fond of the way things are between us" Johan replied with a smile as he stroked her beautiful hair lovingly.

“I know you are” Sarissa smiled. “We are more or less living together too, so I guess we’re heading in the right direction with our relationship.”

"Yes we are and I know it's only going to get better as time goes on" then he paused "There is one thing you should be aware of concerning my physical limitation" he replied figuring he may as well tell Sarissa before they went any further.

Sarissa gave Johan a worried look, “Are you ill? No matter, whatever it is we can work through it.” She gave him a look that said she meant what she was saying.

"No I'm not ill or anything like that" he replied then proceeded to fill her in "When I was in my early teens I caught a really bad case of the Regalian Flu; so bad in fact the Doctors wasn't sure I would even live. Well obviously I did but unfortunately one of the side effects of being so left me......rather sterile I'm afraid. I've been checked over the years but to no avail and not knowing what you planned on for the future as far as a family goes I just thought you should know before this goes any further."

Sarissa was taken somewhat by surprise, she lay for a moment taking it in before answering. "As long as I have you that's what matters to me." she offered a gentle smile as she looked into his eyes. "If we want children in the future there's always the option of adopting."

Johan let out a sigh then a rather big smile came across his face "You don't know how relieved I am to hear that" then he paused a moment "I had visions of you never wanting to see me again and that would just break my heart into tiny little pieces" he replied.

Sarissa shook her head. "I'd never do that to you Imzadi" she smiled warmly. "It's not your fault you can't have children, who knows there maybe a way I could still carry a child of yours in the future. medical intervention is an amazing thing these days, it's not something we need to worry about in the near future."

"That's true.....I just didn't want to keep any personal things from you; I want our relationship to be open with nothing hidden" Johan explained with a smile.

"There's nothing I'd ever hide from you Johan" Sarissa smiled. "I am as you see me, my mind is open for you to share whenever you want to share it."

"And what I see is a very beautiful, kind, and loving woman that I am desperately in love with and I don't ever want that to change" Johan replied then gave her a very affectionate kiss being quite content to be with her.

"It doesn't even matter to you that I'm part..." She motioned to what was left of her Borg implants. "I never thought I'd ever find a man who see me as a normal woman with these."

Johan smiled "What implants" he inquired with a grin then became serious "When we first met in your Office, I told you those do not define who or what you are. As far as I'm concerned they are no different than a freckle or a scar.....they are just part of your physical appearance.....just part of a very gorgeous women" as he leaned in and gave Sarissa a very nice kiss.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
ACMO/Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Operations/Science Officer
USS Peel


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