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Station Post #16 "Missing You"

Posted on Mon Jan 8th, 2024 @ 11:21pm by Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Star base M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43}

Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone was finishing up a few things and needed to check on a couple of Patients before leaving for the day; Doctor Hiri had just finished her shift before Doctor Daniels took over for the Beta Shift. After everything was finished Heidi walked over to Daniels, more of a courtesy than anything else "Doctor unless you have something for me I'm going to call it a day. You have plenty of Nursing coverage for the next two shifts" Heidi stated. "No I'm fine Lieutenant, have yourself a pleasant evening" Daniels replied with a smile. Heidi gave a nod "You as well Doctor" and with that she left Sick Bay .

Walking to the nearest Lift she walked in and requested "Deck 32" and moments later she was off. Arriving at her Quarters Heidi keyed in her code and entered with the door closing behind her. Taking off her Comm Badge and placing it on her desk, she then headed straight for a nice relaxing hot shower to wash off all the yuk from working; it had been a long day. After showering Heidi dressed in a comfortable set of sweats ready for a relaxing evening.

Stone had been so busy during her shift she had skipped lunch and now was starving; it had been a long time since breakfast. Approaching the replicator "Computer one large bowl of Beef Stew with two slices of crusty bread on the side" came the order. Moments later she grabbed her food and a bottle of water to go sit on the couch and enjoy her meal.

After finishing her meal, and feeling much better now, Heidi got up and disposed of her dinner dishes and utensils through the reclaimer then grabbed a nice glass of wine, returned to the couch and put her feet up "Oh this feels so good to finally relax" she thought as her mind drifted to the days activities. Heidi had an Ensign from Engineering come in with a rather nasty cut on his arm which needed attending, a Lieutenant from the Shuttle Bay came in with a sprained wrist from having something heavy dropped on his hand, a couple of female Crew members were in for their Pregnancy checkups, and oh yes a couple of Physicals Heidi helped one of the Doctors with. All in all it had been a very tiring day.

As she sat sipping her wine her thoughts went to Ramvek. He had only been gone a couple of days but oh how she missed him being around; not that Doctor Hiri wasn't doing a fine job, but it just wasn't the same. She missed his smile, his occasional teasing, the smell of his aftershave, but more than that she missed their off duty time together. Heidi was starting to realize just how important he was becoming to her, and she knew she was becoming important to him as well just by his actions and his comments. Ramvek was even starting to navigate his way through his perception of duty when it came to their down time together; that put a smile on her face.

The more she thought about him the more she was missing him hoping their relationship would elevate to the next level sooner than later. The one thing she wanted, when he was ready, was for him to make love to her knowing it would be something very special.

Heidi decided that perhaps she should get her mind on something other than Ramvek; it certainly wasn't helping with her missing him "Computer play Earth's twentieth century Smooth Jazz" she called out as the room was filled with relaxing music. She finished the last of her wine and leaned her head back against the couch enjoying the soothing sounds as she whispered "You better come back to me safe and sound Ramvek" then she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Medical Department
Head Nurse
Star Base M-69


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