Post #21 " Bloody Hell"
Posted on Sat Oct 16th, 2021 @ 10:22pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Vice versa of Post 22
Taavis couldn't help herself when Callaghan said thank you so joyously. She gave a tilting nod of 'your welcome', and a quick wink and grin before her face went back to stoic. "We need to deploy teams to hunt this thing down. Weapons on stun, electrostaffs, stun batons, no one goes unarmed. Corner it and gas it to oblivion. Whatever it takes it needs to be done. Are we all in agreement?"
Arriving at Ops at that opportune moment Isabelle had heard every word Taavis said, as had the creature through his new, stronger link with Isabelle. “I can’t say I am” She walked over to Taavis. “Commander, this creature obviously has a link with those he feeds on, as it did with me until my father helped me. What if that link works both ways? It could kill those who are now linked with it.”
Shauna nodded in agreement as she looked at the station’s Chief Counsellor. “I concur. Any harm that befalls the creature could indeed backfire on its victims. Perhaps we should research this link, it could prove fruitful in our efforts to find the creature.” She looked to Isabelle. “I take it your link to the creature is no longer functioning?”
A voice echoed in Isabelle’s mind Bring them to me...
Isabelle shook her head. “No I’m afraid not, at least...not as strong as it used to be.” She paused for added effect. “I still feel it a little....I can try leading a team to it if that helps?” She stood looking at Taavis.
The Brol entered behind her and went over to the second officers side of the room. Nobody had been down to the arboretum in days and it decided to see why.
[ I sensed anxiety ] the artificial voice told Callaghan.
Shauna offered a smile. “We have a creature loose on the station, it’s hurting and killing crew. It has the ability to take over the minds of its victims.” She sighed. “Be grateful you aren’t like us Brol, right now you’re the safest one here.”
Knowing Brol could sense her Isabelle slowly and quietly backed away, making her way out of the door before Brol could get a good sense of her. I’m sorry master! Brol is dangerous, he could sense my deception.
Brol moved ever closer and then noticed Isabella's leaving but stayed with the Commander.
[ I needs to speak to you but not this way.] the voice of Brol told Callaghan.
Shauna studied Brol for a moment before nodding. “I understand Brol” she nodded.
((( Isabella is in danger ))) it said telepathically to Shauna causing her to experience a head ache. ((( I sense an evil voice aboard )))
Shauna winced massaging her temples. “I know Brol this...creature is a danger to all of us. The sooner we find it the safer we’ll all be.”
Brol shrugged and then went after Isabella. As the lift door opened Captain Sureth exited the lift.
" Number One I need a report." Sureth said as he passed Brol in the lift.
Shauna looked to Taavis, she was the new number one now. “Commander?”
Sureth looked to Shauna but immediately realized she was looking to Taavis.
" Commander Taavis it is agreeable to see you. I see you arrived earlier than I expected. Are you aware of this situation?" Sureth replied and greeted.
"This is not you, Sureth." Taavis stated confidently. "I have complete control over my faculties. But, you, alien, know this. You dealt with Taavis the Vulcan, I am now Taavis the Romulan."
" I see that was not on your resume. Number One ... Shauna what is our status?" Sureth replied as he was surprised to see Taavis .
After a few moments of confiding with the computer. "We are in," said Taavis, looking up.
Shauna smiled and looked at Sureth. “Looks like we have computer access to the life support systems Sir, the creature somehow managed to access our systems and shut it all down. Commander Taavis arrived mid way through our attempts to regain control, as station XO She now has command access and will assume her position.” Shauna nodded politely to Taavis.
Sureth nodded and then turned to his former colleague.
" It would be premature to welcome you to the station given this situation. We have to secure this base and get rid of this entity. Our security teams are depleated and AI components are not as assertive due to the Isomov protocols. Taavis I need you to head up security for now and assist Master Sergeant Dallas . Once this is under control I will fully install you to be Executive Officer." Sureth ordered.
Shauna looked at Sureth in surprise, she’d already stepped aside into her role as Second Officer for Taavis to assume her duties as Executive Officer, now Sureth was putting her back in control again. She looked at Taavis waiting to see what she would say.
"Commander Callaghan, I now relinquish command to you, as acting XO. I will head up security. We will try and capture this being, not kill it, unless absolutely necessary." Taavis glanced at all the eyes she could see, showing her conviction. Taavis began to tap away on a console.
Shauna looked around. “Has anyone seen the Counsellor? She was here a few moments ago.”
" Where is my daughter?" Sureth also asked.
Shauna frowned. “Computer locate Lieutenant Veran”
“Lieutenant Veran is not on the station” came the computerised response.
“What!? That can’t be right!” Shauna looked at Sureth then had an idea. She checked the sensors in the bay where the alien ship was docked. “Captain...I have two lifeforms registering aboard the alien ship, it must be Isabelle!” She frowned. “Readings are...” She paused. “Readings are fluctuating wildly, I can’t tell you what species the lifeforms are...”
The Captains voice became more intense. " The ship is comprised of some alien metals." Sureth looked now to Taavis.
" Commander Taavis it would seem I need to alter our plans. Ops hail the Bohr and tell them to prepare for immediate departure for pursuit. " Sureth replied.
"I'll follow, Captain." Said Taavis, looking up as she stopped tapping. "My Romulan runabout is fast, maneuverable and has a cloaking device. As an officer under your command, Sir, I cannot sit back and do nothing." Her eyes danced around at the others before coming back to Sureth's, the slightest hint of a grin in the right corner of her mouth. "I'm sure your crew--our crew, would agree."
Taavis waited patiently (on the exterior) but was impatient with her internal being. There had to be a way to communicate with the creature. If all it wanted was a bloody death she would gladly acquiesce. But, until that was known for sure she would do all in her power to keep the crew from further harm, and to capturing the creature.
" Has the enemy left dock yet?" Sureth then asked..
" No sir but Master Sergeant Dallas isn't responding," communications replied.
" Taavis you have the con I am going over to that alien ship." Sureth then declared. " Number.... I mean Commander Callaghan grab a phaser rifle and come with me."
Shauna nodded and headed over to the weapons locker grabbing a phaser rifle.
As the two of them began to depart Taavis turned her attention to the main monitor screens and returned to getiing caught up.
Ensign Nic Covenant at Ops turned to Taavis.
" Commander I have the full scoop if you need it?" the younger officer greeted. " Ensign Nic Covenant Operations Officer."
"A pleasure to meet you, Covenant," Taavis responded, still tapping keys on holo screens. "Send over to me all you have. If it's good enough then I owe you a mug of Romulan ale." She glanced over from the corner of her eye, a smarmy grin barely noticeable. "I'm ready when you are."
Nic sent the data in segments as requested and looked forward to the ale. Up until this point Captain Sureth was the only Vulcan he had ever known. Taavis looked Vulcan but that was as far as it went.
" In a nutshell Commander this creature is every night mare you would ever have as a kid. It sucks all the red and white blood cells out of a person. And it can even shape shift to look like its victims." Nic added.
"Curious," responded Taavis. Still in her combat leatheris (synthetic leather) outfit. "I am Vulcanoid, and there are no red and white blood cells. Give me a deck and I will end this beast if it won't reconcile."
Nic exhaled as all of this was way over his head.
OOC: after Taavis we will post