Station Post # 21 Lost in Space
Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova
Character Development 2023
Location: Messier 8
Timeline: Concurrent
Space the final Frontier, but there are places beyond imagination .
Having made repairs to the dark cloaked being and then escaping in a shuttle Odac and Shep were able to find a way back to Sheps ship the Currency.
Revealing that he had lied about the engines being messed up on the Currency once again resumed a course back to the starbase.
" You lied to me Shep." Odac yelled.
" I never lied exactly. I misled you. I truly intended to help my friend and make a profit. I didn't know he thought I sold you to be his engineer. I am sorry Lieutenant." Shep replied
One of his minion turned around and frantically screeched.
" He is following us."
" Impossible I disabled his star drive." Odac replied.
" Well he is right. That is his ship. Evasive manuvers." Shep replied.
Despite the other ships size it matched the Currency's every turn.
" Taken us into that dark meteorite sector there. We will let him pass."
The Currency went behind one of the larger meteors only to discover a drag on the engines.
" This isn't good It's a gravitation current. We are bring pulled deeper into that field. " Odac observed from the rudimentary tactical computer.
" Well, do something. I am too young to die. " whined Shep.
" Trying to compensate. The more power I use the more powerful the pull. Cutting power." Yova replied.
The Currency paused only to turned keel and face the gravimetrics head on.
" The pull has paused. You did it." Shep applauded.
" No I bought us some time. Now where are we?" Odac replied.
The system they were in was know to have very strange anomalies with gravity. Their luck had run out as the Currency had fallen into a gravitic time dilation.
" Radio systems are out Daimon."
" I can give us 1 minute of maximum speed or convert that power to life support. Your call Daimon?" Odac then told Shep.
" Do the life support. I don't want to die." Shep whimpered.
" Send a message of our last location. It should reach someone in a hundred years." Odac replied.
Shep nodded and then looked back to Odac.
" Lieutenant I'm sorry. "
Odac nodded and then returned tobthe engine room to make the changes.
Taking out a small stone Odac prayed to his Prophets in the hopes this would all work out.