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Station Post #22. "Reminiscing"

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 7:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 11:17pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Vulcan
Timeline: Concurrent to Station Post #18


{Parents Home}

There was a knock at the door, someone Ramvek hadn't seen in a long time had heard of his arrival and had decided to drop by. Walking into his home Elana smiled. "Ramvek! it is you!" she smiled as she rushed over giving him a hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek. "It's been so long! How are you?"

Ramvek stood a few moments stunned seeing his long time friend, and briefly a lover before his Academy days, then smiled "Elana it has been a long time and I am doing well. Tell me, are you still living on Vulcan; the years have agreed with you" he replied being glad to see her.

"Thank you" Elana blushed. "You're looking pretty good yourself." She offered a warm smile. "I'm just here on shore leave, I took your advice to carry on with my medical studies I'm serving as an Assistant Chief Medical Officer these days."

A smile came across his face "That is good news; I knew you were more than capable of becoming a Doctor and pursuing a Medical career" he stated happy that he had a positive influence on her.

"There were times I had my doubts" Elana smiled. "Actually I was just about to go for a walk, would you like to join me? That's if I'm not taking up important time with your family."

Ramvek looked over at his Mother as she nodded and smiled "Not at all, I would enjoy taking a walk with you it will give us a chance to catch up" he replied with a smile.

The two long time friends left the house and started leisurely walking up the road "I had forgotten just how quiet and peaceful it is out here" he commented as they walked along.

“This is an unspoilt paradise here on Vulcan, there are other areas you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near.” Elana offered a wry smile. “Vulcan isn’t the same place you grew up on anymore Ramvek.”

Ramvek paused walking looking at Elana "Enlighten me" he replied wanting to know what prompted her to say that.

Elana paused walking and turned to look at Ramvek. "It's just...not the safe place it used to be. There's been dangers out there for years, but now things seem to be coming home to Vulcan. Maybe I'm just being negative, I don't know."

"Society's tend to change over time; that is a given. The fact Vulcan is changing, and not for the better, is quite disconcerting to say the least. Having been away for many years I will have to take your word for it and no I do not think you are being negative" he commented with some concern.

"It's not all bad, just like any other planet really" Elana smiled. "Anyway tell me more about you, your adventures out there!" she took hold of his arm as they started walking again. "I've missed you!"

"I have missed you as well.....I miss our conversations like we are having now" Ramvek replied with a grin before continuing "I was transferred from the Saratoga as a Chief Medical Officer, rank of Lieutenant, to Star Base M-69. It is a pretty big Medical Department with Primary and Secondary Sick Bays besides a host of First Aid Stations scattered around the Base. There is a great Staff of Nurses, Doctors, and Medics aboard as well as an EMH which takes care of the Secondary Sick Bay. Also did I mention I was promoted to Lieutenant Commander some months ago."

"That's wonderful, Congratulations!!" Elana gave Ramvek an excited hug. "Sorry! you know me I always was the touchy feely type." she grinned. "I'm glad you're doing so well, I really am."

"Thank you. What about your adventure.....I assume your on a Ship; what one if you don't mind my asking" he replied be quite curious.

Elana smiled. "I am indeed, the USS Avenger. She's an Akira class, it's quite the ship. The medical facilities are impressive and with the crew compliment we have there are quite a few medical staff onboard. We're on shore leave now until next week, just got back from ferrying some colonists."

"Sounds like you are doing well for yourself; I always knew you had the potential, you just needed to tap into it" Ramvek replied then gave a light chuckle "I know what it is like dealing with Civilians; especially in the confines of a Ship. One nice thing about a Star Base there are over 200 decks so even though we deal with Civilians on a daily basis pretty much, at least the place is large enough to get away from them at the end of the day."

"Lucky you!" Elana grinned. "So is there a special lady in your life right now?" she gave him a curious look. "I haven't really found anyone who's right for me yet."

Ramvek looked at Elana for a moment figuring this topic would come up eventually, knowing her as he does, before answering with a grin "That would be a yes and a no currently."

Elana gave Ramvek a quizzical look. "A yes, and a no? Let me guess you like a woman, but you haven't had chance to let her know that yet?" she smiled a knowing smile.

Ramvek smiled "It is a little more complicated than that" he replied then continued "She knows how I feel about her, but she also is my Head Nurse. My quandary is with me being the CMO, I struggle with my personal life verses my duty life where she is concerned" he explained hoping for a woman's perspective.

"Ahh I see" Elana nodded. "The age old work vs real life ethics. It's not easy, they expect you to have a clear cut perspective where separating your career and love life are concerned. The main problem being is that if your relationship causes you to lose perspective when working, chances are one of you will end up being reassigned. Either that or your career will suffer for it. Have the two of you talked about it? or can you talk to your ship's Counsellor about it?"

"Yes we've discussed it at length" then he paused a moment "It is not her having the is me who is having the indecision" Ramvek explained.

Elana nodded. "You're worried that if something was to happen you wouldn't be able to function as CMO because you'd be worrying about her?"

"Not exactly. I am more concerned if we get too involved and break up then it would be awkward for the both of us working together" He explained "Or maybe I am just afraid of letting someone in my life and getting too close to her."

Elana smiled and nodded. "Ramvek you need to let someone get close, and if you feel like this for her then go with it. If things don't work out for any reason then the two of you could work together as friends. Don't let worries about the what if's ruin what could be a wonderful relationship."

Ramvek let out a long sigh, his human side showing through, then smiled at Elana "You are correct in your analysis of the situation" then he paused a moment before continuing "And yes I think logically Heidi, that is her name, is worth taking the chance on" he replied knowing his long time friend was wiser than he was.

Elana smiled warmly. "I'm just looking at it from a woman's point of view, I've no doubt she's waiting for you to make that all important move that says you're ready, so don't disappoint her!" she couldn't help but think back to when they used to be together. "She's a lucky woman."

"Thank you for saying so.....but I am the lucky one. After spending years putting duty first it is only logical I start thinking about myself" Ramvek replied with a grin "Thank you Elana for your counsel; it means a lot coming from a long time friend."

After walking and talking for another hour or so Ramvek realized it was time "Elana it has been so good to see you after all these years. Unfortunately it is time for me to return to my Parents house, pack my belongings and return to the Shuttle that brought me to Vulcan; I would not want to be left behind."

"Of course" Elana nodded before giving Ramvek a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It's been so nice seeing you again, keep in touch okay?"

Ramvek smiled "Yes I will most definitely keep in touch" he replied as he watched Elana walk away "She really is a dear friend" he thought before entering the house to pack and say his good-byes.

After everything was ready Ramvek walked out into the Kitchen "Mother thank you for your hospitality; it was nice to see you" he commented before giving her a hug.

"It was so nice to see you my Son and please return when you're able" Ramona replied as she received a nod from Ramvek.

Turning to to T'Vek "It was pleasant to see you Father" then he gave the customery hand gesture "Live long and prosper."

"You as well my Son and do not be a stranger" T'Vek replied in his usual manner.

"I will not be a stranger" and with that Ramvek grabbed his duffle and made his way to the Shuttle. After doing a preflight systems check, Ramvek took one more look at the home he had grown up in seeing his Parents standing on the porch "This was a good trip" he thought then the Shuttle raised off the ground and the Doctor was on his way back to his companions.



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