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#8 Lost Probes, New Arrivals

Posted on Thu Jan 18th, 2024 @ 7:56pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara"

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current


Captain Bjorgo stepped from the port lift and onto the Bridge. "Good morning, everyone," he said as he stepped down into the center Bridge area, then a step up to the dais for his chair before he took a seat. Those present all returned a good morning to him as he took up the duty PADD from its slot on the side of his chair, laying it on his lap where he had crossed his legs at the thigh, glancing around. "Anything to report?"

Ensign Jazmin Al-Sahir, Billi's protege' and now the main helm officer for Alpha shift, spoke up. "Cruising along at warp one, Captain. Skirting the Unre Expanse and following the course entered to take us around to the Unre star system."

"Thank you, Jazmin," Bjorgo said, grinning.

Billi also grinned as she came to stand to the Captain's right. "Yes, Captain, we're on course and still cruising. Every probe we have launched into the Expanse has given us limited data before it becomes lost. No signals, transmissions, or any clue what may have happened to it."

Bjorgo's chair turned slightly, as his head did, looking to the science station. "Ainkara? Any idea as to why our probes are being summarily shut down, or lost?"

The Lieutenant looked his way. The irritation in Ainkara's expression was subtle, but noticeable. "None, Captain. Nothing in our sensor scans from here show anything more than just another nebula, not too different from a Mutara class nebula. Sure, there is more ionic activity and flux particles, but nothing that should be able to shut down a probe."

"Hmm," Bjorgo contemplated. "Well, I would order us to go in and get them but our directives have been made clear to us. Continue as normal, Lieutenant Ainkara. Gather what data you can from the Nazgul."

"Aye, Sir." Ainkara turned back to her station as the Captain put his chair back to facing forward, glancing up at Billi. "I don't like this Number One. I can't help but think that the Expanse is nothing more than another area in the galaxy that has nothing to offer and no hidden secrets. Just a ball of particle energy that never developed into anything."

Billi gave a shrug. "Could be, Tore." She had decided to see if, on occasion, she addressed the Captain common he would be accepting of it. "Either way, we have orders to NOT enter it unless absolutely necessary. I say we focus on studying the Unre star system and finishing this patrol run."

Tore had caught the use of his first name. Billi was a good officer and an outstanding XO. They were co-workers, but also dear friends as of late. Plus, she had done so in a casual, business oriented way, not in any way 'familiar' that may cause others to think there was more between them. He decided he liked it and would let it slide. "I agree, Billi. Alright, let's keep course and speed..." He was interrupted from Science.

"Captain," Ainkara said, interrupting the Captain and Number One as they chatted. "Sensors indicate a comet, heading into the Unre star system. The tail is just beginning to form due to solar temperature rise, and it is quite sizeable."

Giving Billi a nod that they would continue this conversation another time, again turned chair and head to look at his Science Chief. "Anything of interest, Miss Ainkara, or are you just excited to see something other than the Expanse."

Ainkara gave him a psuedo-perturbed sidelong look. "I am always excited at the prospect of scientific discovery, Captain."

Bjorgo smiled and chuckled. "What I like to hear. Number One, how long has it been since you've studied a comet?" He looked over at her.

Smiling herself, Billi answered. "It's been a while, Sir. Most are just uninteresting clumps of ice, rock, and other unremarkable things."

"Too true," Tore responded. "But, this one is gracious enough to be where we're going. Miss Jaz, maintain course and speed to the Unre star system."

Miss Jaz?, thought Jazmin. She grinned inwardly, a sudden pulse of joyous energy in her core. The Captain had singled her out, gave her his own nickname, which meant that he had come to trust her as an officer and pilot. Her father had told her that when a captain does that you know you've made an impression. "Aye, Sir. Course is still locked in."

Bjorgo faced forward again and arranged his PADD for reading. "Steady as she goes. Carry on, Number One."

The Bridge crew went back to their duties, with the Captain catching up on the daily departmental reports.



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